

  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    It felt great to do the exercise challenge today. I had a killer headache when I woke up and I took some meds and then got to the gym. I worked out on a regular bike for my first ten minutes really pushing and then I did 30 minutes on a spinning bike. I was glad that I got through it...and my headache went away (glad the meds worked). I didn't wear my heart rate monitor today but I can't wait to see the difference to try it!
  • aerdna88
    aerdna88 Posts: 74 Member
    aerdna88 - which Jillian book are you reading? I saw that she has a new one out.

    I am reading Master Your Metabolism.....I dont think it's new...but it's my first one Ive read...never have been one to read a weight loss book or something....but my hubby pointed it out and I flipped through it while walking thru the store and decided I'd buy it. I love it!!!

  • aerdna88
    aerdna88 Posts: 74 Member
    This is the 4th day of the new year. How are you doing with your eating/exercise/water? Have you stayed in the green numbers? Have you been exercising? Have you done well with your water or trying to do better with it? If not, what are you going to do TODAY to line you up better with your weight/fitness goals? I am going to have all green numbers at the end of the day. I am going to do my exercise and I'm going to drink more water today than yesterday. That is my plan. What is yours?

    I am actually drinking MUCH more water than I was the last few weeks....thanks for the challenge...I am up to 8 or more a day now!!! Thanks :)
  • aerdna88
    aerdna88 Posts: 74 Member
    Options I guess I will do an intro. I have never done one on the main boards...but for my challenge friends I will.

    I am Andrea, 30 (I'll be 31 in March)...I danced for 13 years and was SO skinny -- yet always thought I was HUGE!! Then I joined the military and was in for 9 1/2 years and always was fairly fit then. I got out of the military in Jan 2010. I finally got out of control early this year. I seriously weighed about 162 when I delivered my daughter in Feb. Before that I I was on bed rest due to my pregnancy - very high risk - and then my daughter lived 3 1/2 months out of her first 5 in the hospital and had 3 surgeries (one in March, April, and May)...she had major airway obstruction and couldn't breathe when she was asleep. We were finally back home in mid June! While in the hospital I lived on hospital food. The hospital we were in the longest was an hour and 20 min from my house so my husband and my other daughter could not come up very much (once a week and then every Sat and Sun)....and the other hospital we were in we were 4 hours away from family or anyone. Anyway....I lived on hospital cafeteria food for many months, every hospital had free cappuccino for parents... and I lived on that to survive staying awake!! I never slept because she suffered when she slept and I had to stay up and make sure she would eventually take another breath...and I loved on her when she was that all added up! AND...FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE.....FOOD BECAME COMFORT FOR ME because I felt so alone (like I said my husband was home raising our 7 year old daughter taking her to and from school and working full time - Air Force - and we live 26 hours from our home, Ohio - we did have visitors here and there...but it was lonely)....and most of all...not knowing if she was going to live day to day....all I wanted was comforted!!! SOOOOO here I am.... I am VERY disgusted with myself...I never weighed this much in my life...and I am just so unhappy. My clothes that I used to sleep in (big baggy shirts) are tight on me!!! I am pretty miserable...and I HATE thinking "I gained this because I was stressed out about G" ...... so first I am doing this for myself to be happy with myself. I am hoping it will help with the arthritis I have...right now it's killing my feet)....and most of all...I NEVER EVER EVER want to blame my weight gain on G's first few months of's NOT her fault...I dont ever want to think that and more importantly I dont want to look in the mirror and be reminded every day about those horrible months early this year. I think about it enough already!

    Okay...I am sorry I rambled...and probably said WAY to much that doesnt matter....but it's the truth of why I am here. My join date shows it was in April of 2010...but I was super fit then...I just joined to see what it was all about on here!! Never ended up using it! SO this is really new for me.

    Oh and on a good note...G is doing REALLY well now. She has lung and airway risks and always will because of her surgeries...but she's a rock star. She will be 11 months in a few days...she's been walking for 6 weeks...and she is just amazing. The docs are shocked because she was on oxygen for over 6 months of her the hospital tied down for 3 1/2 months....and they said she would be really delayed....but SHE IS A ROCK STAR!! She doesnt let anything hold her back!! She, at 11 months" inspires me....

  • kristinkt
    kristinkt Posts: 921 Member

    kristinkt - I hadn't actually done the first challenge before yesterday. What I did was... for my intervals... ran in place as fast as I could for 20 seconds, rested for 20 seconds, and again and again for 5 minutes. Next, I rested for 5 minutes and then did my elliptical/treadmill (I alternate between the two, over and over) for 48 min and then a cool down for 5 minutes. What I noticed was I burned more calories than I usually do during that amount of time! For your intervals on the elliptical, I've seen a good site that said to do it as fast as you can for 10 seconds, slow for 10, and again and again for your interval time. The first challenge is from "The New Rules of Lifting for Women" and I don't remember it being more specific than that. That part stood out to me so I copied and pasted it into a jpg so I could remember it. :-) So, for the intervals, I think you can do it how you want as long as you are doing (whatever) as challenging as you can, alternating with slow, etc. for the amount of time that you're going to give for the interval part.

    kristinkt & thurberj - Woo hoo for incorporating the first challenge! (This whole site is worth looking into.)

    I looked up this link & it is amazing! I tried out the intervals like they showed & it didn't feel too hard, but now that I am sitting I can feel it a bit in my calves. Thanks for the tip!!
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member

    Oh and on a good note...G is doing REALLY well now. She has lung and airway risks and always will because of her surgeries...but she's a rock star. She will be 11 months in a few days...she's been walking for 6 weeks...and she is just amazing. The docs are shocked because she was on oxygen for over 6 months of her the hospital tied down for 3 1/2 months....and they said she would be really delayed....but SHE IS A ROCK STAR!! She doesnt let anything hold her back!! She, at 11 months" inspires me....


    so happy to hear that your daughter is so well....good luck to you we are here to help along the way....
    well off to the gym, spinning class then weights, missed my weights the other day due to roscoe being sick, will be so sore tomorrow for sure...have a great day all:flowerforyou:
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Thanks for all the get well wishes :love:

    Still not exercising, coughing a lot and no energy.

    Trying to watch calories even more because of the lack of exercise.

    Not a good way to start January. :tongue:
  • Vacationista
    Vacationista Posts: 42 Member
    Good luck today to everyone!! I'm thankful to be able to exercise this morning, and hope everyone has a good day. Hang in there!
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    workout done. Water intake up and I'm feeling better. Wishing everyone an awesome day Hugs
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    I had a great run on the treadmill today! I feel as if I'm finally getting my breathing & stamina back! Now, I just got to stay healthy!! You are all so motivating to me!! Thank you for being here & sharing this journey!
  • IamBrande
    IamBrande Posts: 237
    Hello Everyone!!

    My name is Brande, I am 36 years old, and I joined this Challenge, to help me to back to my goal weight!! I reached it in 2009, and due to life........I've gained 30 of it back.... grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....

    I work long shifts, and I can not get on here everyday!! But I am going to do my best to keep up with everyone,the best that I can.... I am a very motivated, determined, lady who WILL get back to 135!!!

    I do not see the spreadsheet anywhere, I see comments on how wonderful it is, but I can't find it, what am I missing? :(

    My work out today was AWESOME!!! 2 hrs at the gym this morning, 60min of that in a Zumba class.... Absolutely LOVE zumba, one day I will be able to wiggle these hips as sexy as our instructor does!! hahaha...

    Food and water, is ON TARGET................. I am going to go , search for this spreadsheet now, everyone KEEP UP the fantastic WORK!!!!
  • IamBrande
    IamBrande Posts: 237
    Found it, and that is ONE awesome Spreadsheet!! Thank you for putting that together!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    *Guess my kindle fire doesnt pick up spreadsheets, gotta get on the regular laptop!* lmfao
  • aerdna88
    aerdna88 Posts: 74 Member

    Oh and on a good note...G is doing REALLY well now. She has lung and airway risks and always will because of her surgeries...but she's a rock star. She will be 11 months in a few days...she's been walking for 6 weeks...and she is just amazing. The docs are shocked because she was on oxygen for over 6 months of her the hospital tied down for 3 1/2 months....and they said she would be really delayed....but SHE IS A ROCK STAR!! She doesnt let anything hold her back!! She, at 11 months" inspires me....


    so happy to hear that your daughter is so well....good luck to you we are here to help along the way....
    well off to the gym, spinning class then weights, missed my weights the other day due to roscoe being sick, will be so sore tomorrow for sure...have a great day all:flowerforyou:

    Thank you!!
    I hope your work out went well!!
  • aerdna88
    aerdna88 Posts: 74 Member
    Sanifrey and Brande -- great job on your work outs! I'm actually very bummed. I did the 30DS and pulled a muscle in my lower calf! And of all things it was on the butt kicks. So easy! I kept going but just really modified my butt kicks and everything else I did fine. I am so tired cuz my daughter didn't sleep last night so I'm going on 3 hours of sleep and maybe I was just sloppy! I'm laying down and icing it now as I am gonna nap. It's a sharp pain for than just uncomfortable. I'm bummed cuz I'm sure I should probably take a break from Zumba today...cuz my calves are always on fire with Zumba. We will see. Maybe I'll go for a long brisk walk instead today. Maybe a change up wouldn't be so bad? Ugh. Who am I kidding. I love Zumba. Anyway hopefully with ice and Motrin I'll be fine in an hour or so! Off to nap while I can!!
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Oh Andrea!! I hope it's nothing serious!! Icing & rest is probably best for now. I'd also recommend having some sort of shoe on, maybe wear sandals or something around the house, to take the pressure off your calf. I know what you mean about loving your workout though! It's so hard to rest when we have a goal & the energy to go! But, do try to heal yourself a bit!

    Brande, that's one great workout today!! You & I are in the same boat!! I too achieved my goals back in 09 & here I am, about 30lbs more then I need to be! I swore I wouldn't let it happen!! Life really does get in the way sometimes!! But, we're in the right place here at MFP & we can do it again!!

    I'm behind in my water... off to fill up again & chug, chug, chug!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    hey all, had a great spinning class(i have upped my resistance)so my miles will suffer some, my weight workout was awesome too...what i do to make sure that i get my water in is to carry around a water bottle(its 32oz, but i fill it to the top so its 35oz)even when i am really has help me....:flowerforyou:
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    I LOVE spinning! It's one of the things I miss most about not being at the gym anymore... :ohwell: Thanks for the water advice! I'm almost there!!
  • AmyByExample
    AmyByExample Posts: 422 Member
    Options I guess I will do an intro. I have never done one on the main boards...but for my challenge friends I will.

    I am Andrea, 30 (I'll be 31 in March)...I danced for 13 years and was SO skinny -- yet always thought I was HUGE!! Then I joined the military and was in for 9 1/2 years and always was fairly fit then. I got out of the military in Jan 2010. I finally got out of control early this year. I seriously weighed about 162 when I delivered my daughter in Feb. Before that I I was on bed rest due to my pregnancy - very high risk - and then my daughter lived 3 1/2 months out of her first 5 in the hospital and had 3 surgeries (one in March, April, and May)...she had major airway obstruction and couldn't breathe when she was asleep. We were finally back home in mid June! While in the hospital I lived on hospital food. The hospital we were in the longest was an hour and 20 min from my house so my husband and my other daughter could not come up very much (once a week and then every Sat and Sun)....and the other hospital we were in we were 4 hours away from family or anyone. Anyway....I lived on hospital cafeteria food for many months, every hospital had free cappuccino for parents... and I lived on that to survive staying awake!! I never slept because she suffered when she slept and I had to stay up and make sure she would eventually take another breath...and I loved on her when she was that all added up! AND...FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE.....FOOD BECAME COMFORT FOR ME because I felt so alone (like I said my husband was home raising our 7 year old daughter taking her to and from school and working full time - Air Force - and we live 26 hours from our home, Ohio - we did have visitors here and there...but it was lonely)....and most of all...not knowing if she was going to live day to day....all I wanted was comforted!!! SOOOOO here I am.... I am VERY disgusted with myself...I never weighed this much in my life...and I am just so unhappy. My clothes that I used to sleep in (big baggy shirts) are tight on me!!! I am pretty miserable...and I HATE thinking "I gained this because I was stressed out about G" ...... so first I am doing this for myself to be happy with myself. I am hoping it will help with the arthritis I have...right now it's killing my feet)....and most of all...I NEVER EVER EVER want to blame my weight gain on G's first few months of's NOT her fault...I dont ever want to think that and more importantly I dont want to look in the mirror and be reminded every day about those horrible months early this year. I think about it enough already!

    Okay...I am sorry I rambled...and probably said WAY to much that doesnt matter....but it's the truth of why I am here. My join date shows it was in April of 2010...but I was super fit then...I just joined to see what it was all about on here!! Never ended up using it! SO this is really new for me.

    Oh and on a good note...G is doing REALLY well now. She has lung and airway risks and always will because of her surgeries...but she's a rock star. She will be 11 months in a few days...she's been walking for 6 weeks...and she is just amazing. The docs are shocked because she was on oxygen for over 6 months of her the hospital tied down for 3 1/2 months....and they said she would be really delayed....but SHE IS A ROCK STAR!! She doesnt let anything hold her back!! She, at 11 months" inspires me....


    Wow! I am so so glad your baby girl is ok! Love that she's kicking some major milestone booty! It is truly no wonder something "gave" when you were under that much stress. Now that she's climbed her hurdles, it's your turn. I can't wait for you to once again be comfortable in your own skin - fit, healthy & confident once again! Thanks for sharing.
  • AmyByExample
    AmyByExample Posts: 422 Member
    Hello wondrous ones! Sorry I can't get many replies in tonight. I'm trying to get into bed a little earlier so I can be ready for a meeting with Jillian at 5:45am.... and somehow the magic dish fairy didn't come & clean my kitchen up after dinner, so I have to hop to it.

    Got in a cardio workout at the gym today (stair/elliptical thingy & treadmill).

    Food logged & finally - a day where I'm under my count! (I was over by "1" calorie yesterday lol)

    The weekend is coming up - anyone have any "danger zones" in their weekend? (going out, parties, etc?)

    We must plan ahead to successfully navigate these dangerous waters!

    (Now if someone could please stop bringing in cookies/candies/chocolate & putting them in our lunchroom, my life would be so much easier!)

    Hugs all,
    Amy :)
  • shannonaufman
    Amy -- great thought, bringing up the weekend. We have nothing planned this weekend... which is good and bad! I have no idea what to plan for. It also means there should be plenty of time for a nice long walk around the neighborhood. I'm always tempted to have a cocktail or two when we go to friends' houses on the weekend, but I'm hoping I can avoid that this weekend. I'm low on calories for the week, so it won't be the end of the world if I have a drink, but man I really need to cut that out. How about you??

    Andrea -- Thanks for sharing that story. I hate that it happened to you, but it sounds like things are going better now!

    I'm going to back to my local zumba class (there is a free class taught at a local church by a classically trained Brazilian dancer) this week. I burn almost 700 calories in an hour there, and I can tell you this -- I am sore sore sore!! I'm hoping these big burns will yield a big loss this week!!