No Binge January!



  • emilyc19
    emilyc19 Posts: 71 Member
    binged tonight.. but right back on track tomorrow for me! :)
  • MomBod81
    MomBod81 Posts: 47 Member
    I am so proud of myself because I have done really well this week! I have been under my calories every day! I am definitely an emotional eater, and it is usually when I am upset/stressed about something that I decide "oh screw it" and start eating crap non-stop. This week I have been trying REALLY hard to pay attention to when my body is actually hungry vs. just having the desire to eat. It definitely takes a conscious effort...I've had to stop and think quite a few times and find other things to do when I just wanted to eat. I'm still allowing myself to have treats and foods that I love, I'm just trying to do it in moderation, while staying under my calories, so I don't feel "deprived" and binge. Right now it really takes a lot of thought and effort, but I'm hoping that eventually it will become second nature.
  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member

    well, so far in the 7 days of january, I have only had 1 binge day (but it was pretty bad LOL)

    I am proud of myself for getting right back on track the next day though!!! We can do this!

    I am going to try not to for the rest of the month... but even if I have two or three binge days / month of january .. that's still an improvement and that's what we are here for - improving ourselves and our health !!
  • brindlechewy
    brindlechewy Posts: 84 Member
    I hope everyone is having a nice weekend. I'm thankful to say that I did well today. I had a cheeseburger and french fries for lunch, something that before would have led to my also having some chips, then some brownies, then some pizza, etc; however, this challenge motivated me to enjoy my lunch and to stop eating when I was satisfied. How nice to go an entire Saturday without getting bloated, gassy, greasy, and sick to my stomach. :sick:
  • JD92
    JD92 Posts: 253 Member
    when i binge, i binge HARD!! i need some accountability. today makes 2 whole binge-free days, and ive even got my 8 glasses in :) hopefully i can keep this up, because i have exams right now, and i want comfort food really bad :(
  • purple_punk
    purple_punk Posts: 174 Member
    Just found this, I'm going to try not to binge for the rest of month, I just had a binge fest luckily I burned over 1500 cals today so im still under my cals, its so hard not to binge esp when im studying or trying to :angry:
  • emilyc19
    emilyc19 Posts: 71 Member
    glad so many are finding this thread worthwhile! WE CAN DO THIS AND WE DESERVE TO BE HEALTHY :D

    i binged yesterday, but got right back on track today :) I am very happy about that! :) i hope you all are doing great! I have binged twice on January but i hereby promise i will not binge the rest of january and i am so excited to see our progress when February starts :) good luck to you all!

    :D also, feel free to add me if we are not already friends to keep each other accountable.
  • KristalDawnO
    KristalDawnO Posts: 154 Member
    I'm totally a binge eater as well. I was doing great. Doing so well. Then ate 30 cream filled cookies. WTH? I've been exercising my butt off since that indiscretion. It's just emotional eating for me. Anxiety. So. I'm paying for my sins. I have been working my butt off today, and I still have about 500 calories to burn before I lay my head down on my pillow tonight.
  • emilyc19
    emilyc19 Posts: 71 Member

    started our own group! i need to work on it but if i missed inviting you, sorry!! just go to the link and join :)
  • FitSix
    FitSix Posts: 17 Member
    Totally In!!!!