anyone else wanna lose over 50 lbs



  • Count me in on losing 50 lbs in 2012.
  • Count me in to, I have over 70 to lose x
  • JumpShip2
    JumpShip2 Posts: 5 Member
    Wow theres so many potential friends generated from one single post and were all in the same boat, thats pretty amazing. Everyone feel free to add me if I havn't already added you, never enough friends to help each other through this journey!
  • Mia2891
    Mia2891 Posts: 54 Member
    hi, i would like to lose at least 70. you can add me! any and all welcome:)
  • oglp
    oglp Posts: 3
    Hello, my name is Tom. Currently I weigh 259lbs and I want to get under 200lbs by Oct this year. Looking for like minded friends for support. I think this just might be the right place. Shoot me an invite and keep me in line :) Especially looking for people that fail all the time, but keep getting up and moving forward.
  • cashqueen33
    cashqueen33 Posts: 7 Member
    I signed up yesterday, and was planning on starting my diet on on the scale this morning and had gained even more weight. Needless to say, I had a MAJOR breakdown. I am starting tomorrow, so I am hoping to a better me! I have about 40-50 lbs to lose and with some motivational people, I know we can ALL succeed.

    Feel free to add me....
  • I just found this site today and I would really like some new friends that are fighting the same battle. I really need to lose well over 50 lbs, pls feel free to add me! :-)
  • Dmarten
    Dmarten Posts: 19
    I want in, got about 60 more to go at least
  • My Goal is 100 lbs by December 21, 2013. Feel free to add me!
  • ShontellHarrell
    ShontellHarrell Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in a battle with myself to lose at least 50 pounds :)
  • mmd86
    mmd86 Posts: 1 Member
    Count me in, I want to lost 80 lbs.
  • BlueObsidian
    BlueObsidian Posts: 297 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I'm new to the site and need to lose about 110. I've always had extra weight to lose, but these last three years have been brutal (I've gained about 40 pounds). I went back to school and quit smoking, and the pounds just packed on. I've had a lot of success with WW in the past, but I can't really afford it now. I was thrilled to learn about this website today! It seems like just the motivation I need.

    Glad to meet you all!
  • kellykelz86
    kellykelz86 Posts: 23 Member
    ooh me too!! I can't wait to be the weight i was in high school again!!! ;)
  • verybusybee
    verybusybee Posts: 131 Member
    Im in. I have been on my fitnesspal for awhile but only in the last few months have I really been logging in my food and exercise. I am 11 pounds down and I am looking to lose at least 59 to reach my starting goal. So count my in.
  • suiteg
    suiteg Posts: 1
    I would love to also provide support and friendship as well as have some buddies to hold me accountable. I also have 50 lbs to lose. Count me in!!:happy:
  • I got about 60 more pounds to go. Anyone feel free to add me!
  • I am working on it. My first goal is 60 pounds... that will get me below the 200 mark. Then I will work on another 20 to 25 more! I am excited about this journey. I am down 4 so far! Please friend me to help support and I will help you!
  • :happy: I want to lose 50 all together but i am setting a smaller goal, thats 30 pounds.
  • kikina
    kikina Posts: 57 Member
    i am finally serious about my fitness pal loggin g in info i've got about 83lbs for my ideal weight but im looking realistically to hit about 40 lbs first .
    i've never lasted longer than 5 days working out or logging in food but this year it's all about me and gettin gbetter for my family/kids i've lost 5 lbs so far and befriend me and lets keep eachother motivated.
    i'm on the MFP biggest looser challenge and let me tell you i check this site more than FB now it's so nice to have other to share a vision and encouragement with you!
  • I need to lose 56lb to get back to my normal weight.
    I cant do much exercise due to medical problems so i need all the help i can get with food ideas.