Anyone else on 1200 a day?



  • AmyImafidon
    AmyImafidon Posts: 3 Member
    You need vitamins and protein....If you aren't getting your protein, you will lose muscle and lower your metabolism setting you up for failure. I am new here and I have known that I've always had a metabolism problem. Although I'm overweight, I don't eat enough calories. So thanks to myfitnesspal, I'm now able to better track my calories and my main focus has been eating more (most days). It's been one week, I can't verify if I've lost any weight yet or not, but I feel much better, look healthier and feel like my clothes have a tiny bit more room. My hope is that I've figured it out...or they've figured it out for me. I've been on a very low calorie diet supervised by a physician before. 700 calories was the lowest they would let me go. And then, it was pure protein supplements to maintain my lean muscle mass. I lost weight, then started eating real food again and gained it back plus some.
  • Switch your setting to losing 1 pound per week. It's not a race, isn't it more about becoming healthy? Good luck!
  • Filletsteak
    Filletsteak Posts: 85 Member
    That's good to hear. Am on Day 3 and already freaked out about bread. It's great to see the food diary, although I'm finding it hard to accept exactly what I'm eating.
  • mandylooo
    mandylooo Posts: 456 Member
    no that's way too much for me. i am at about 500 cals a day right now so the thought of 1200 a day sounds very... filling. but at first yes it does seem like very little if you're used to eating alot. been there.

    the big thing about eating less calories, is yeah you'll be hungry and learn the hard way how to get more bang for your calorie buck. so you can be full eating less. you'll figure it out as you go.

    500 calories? Your BMR would burn more than that- what you would burn lying in bed all day, meaning you are essentially starving yourself and along with fat you will have muscle wastage. Even very low calorie diets are 700-850 cals but they have shakes to ensure they are still getting enough vits and minerals, you cannot get all the nutrients you need on 500 a day. Please be careful with such a drastic diet, it's not sustainable to eat so little. I have friends that have been as extreme and side effects such as depression and hair loss happended really quickly. The minimum of 1200 is there for a reason, because it's not healthy. Concerned for you x

    that's sweet of you to express concern. thank you. i've been doing this type of thing for yeeeears and i understand all the risks. i know it might not be the most responsible. but it works for me. my thing right now is i need drastic weight loss. im already taking steps and looking into resources to help me learn to maintain my weight loss properly after this and do the ~lifestyle change~ thing because i need to learn that. i try to think of it like people with gastric bypass surgery, they eat barely anything for drastic weightloss, and then learn to maintain it (yes i do realize that its a result of a major physical change and not a personal choice like in my case lol). but that comparison also makes me really consider another point you made about nutrients. people with gastric bypass often get malnourished. i never thought of that. i guess it's the same thing, i should look into vitamins.

    You say it works for you....yet you have been doing it for years ? so im guessing it doesnt work at all.

    If you upped your calorie intake and spread it across more meals like 4 to 6 meals a day, your metabolic rate would increase and you would actually lose more weight and maintain a quality weight loss, especially combined with exercise.

    Also lack of nutrients wont help either.

    500 is way too low to remain healthy and you need to be healthy to lose weight effectively without issues or possible issues in the future.


    I was going to say something very similar. If you have a lot to lose, then yes, you may be able eat fewer calories than the recommended 1200 minimum in the early stages (if monitored by a doctor), but 500 just doesn't seem to work for you in the long term from what you've said.
  • hayley0181
    hayley0181 Posts: 59 Member
    I only started a couple of days ago but I'm finding 1200 OK so far as long as I plan what I'm going to eat first
  • cjw6
    cjw6 Posts: 94 Member
    My goal is 1200 and that only gives me 1lb/week projected weight loss (just barely gives me a 500kcal deficit/day). Once I get back into good habits I don't find it too bad. I tend to have 250 kcal for breakfast, 250-300kcal for lunch and 600kcal for dinner, leaving me 50-100kcal for a snack (which I usually have mid-late afternoon). I don't exercise as much as I should though, so I know I need to up the exercise if I want to eat more.
  • Jessie544
    Jessie544 Posts: 127 Member
    I put in my weight loss at 2lbs/week with a minimum of 3 workouts/week and it gave me 1230 calories/day. I didn't find it too difficult to follow.

    I've had to manually go in an change my caloric intake now, becuase my nutritionist has put me on a diet with a higher caloric intake, and spread them throughout 6 meals/day with 3 workouts/week. This diet is to kickstart my metabolism, and will change in a few weeks, it's not long term.

    I suggest sticking to the calories it's alotted for you and trying to get in a few workouts. When you log your cardio it "rewards" you with the calories you burned. So you can either choose to use those extra calories to add another meal to your day, or just bank it toward your weight loss.

    I posted a forum not too long ago similar to this, when i got my diet from my nutritionist because it was more calories than MFP had given me.. and the replies from people sounded that it's typical for the MFP number to be significantly lower than the realistic expected daily intake because it's just a calculator typing in numbers... if possible see a nutritionist or your doctor to see what would be a good daily intake for you personally... it will vary depending on several facorts such as age, current weight/height, daily activity level, and and prior health conditions you might have.

    The best of luck to you in your weight loss journey!
  • I would gnaw my arm off. Lols.
  • 1200 is not alot of calories. If you set your goal for about 1 pound per week, then your results would probably be easier to maintain. But remember that the more you exercise, the more calories you can take it!
  • I agree, planning is key!
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Seems really low to me since anything less is starvation. This is what was recommended for 2lbs a week and for 1.5 lbs I only get 1300. I don't know seems low to me, anyone else out there working with this number too?
    Go to a half pound and in 2 years, you'll reach your goals.

    Try to starve yourself and you'll never reach your goals.
    I am on the 3200 calorie a day plan, and I lost 67 lbs eating well, exercising smart and taking my time.

    It's not a race.
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    i did it at first but then adjusted to 1400 a day. this was much better for me and i actually lost weight faster!
  • I like to mix things up by setting my goal to lose 1lb a week for a week, then half a lb a week the next week. I usually lose more than this anyway if I'm diligent about measuring and recording, and it makes it easier than sticking to a low amount of calories week in week out.
  • At first I found it hard but then I discovered I wasn't eating the most nutritious foods. Made some changes to my choice of foods to snack on and then had no problem keeping within the 1200 cals.
  • chedges9090
    chedges9090 Posts: 208 Member
    1200 seemed too low to me when I started a few months ago. Really, it can be done--and you can have enough to eat also. Find things that satisfy you, and that are good for snacking. I Love jello with whip cream, diet hot choc with a few marshmallows , Cutie Clementine tangerines, ... etc. I can stay at 1200 without excercise, but that does get old fast-- I have some favorite foods I would like to eat :)--- and I plan on eating those foods the days that I excercise !! Earning my calories--
    You can do it-- Plan ahead-- and shop ahead. Each day won't be perfect. But shoot for the 1200 , you will see good results.
  • Candy42adore
    Candy42adore Posts: 40 Member
    It is TOUGH! it took me 2 wks to really get used to it...............some days are easier than others. I have found eating more protien really helps also make sure to get a good workout so you can eat those calories too! You can do this! :flowerforyou:
    OH! Take 1 day off. I take sundays. I still check in but I dont log the food its kinda a cheat day just dont go too crazy ; )
  • jeankh
    jeankh Posts: 68
    Im on the 1200, and often I dont get to workout every day n/c of school and work. If you eat the right foods, youll still feel full and full of energy :)
    Ive lost 30 lbs so far and still healthy :)
  • thea0101
    thea0101 Posts: 54 Member
    I am, but I almost never reach 1200. I eat around 4times a day on average, and eat the same stuff I used to, but I lessened my portions. Plus - my cardio deducts the calories I burn. I don't really mind the numbers, I'm just controlling the amount of food I eat, the fats, carbo, quit the soda and try to do at least 30mins cardio and a little strength training daily to lose the flabs. MFP helps me monitor my plan, that's it.
  • Yes, I am on 1200 a day. I have met that goal for 2 weeks and lost nothing! I'm wondering if I should go down to 1100? Any advice?
  • thisonesforyou
    thisonesforyou Posts: 1 Member
    I'm glad you wrote this because I was thinking the same thing! And one thing to add- when your body goes into starvation mode your body will actually hold onto your body fat and you will lose less weight... So just make sure your getting in some kind of exercise and keep eating healthy! =)