Anyone else on 1200 a day?



  • Yes I am too. Sometimes I feel that it is very difficult to maintain, however, adding higher protiens, celery etc will keep you satiated. Also measuring and adding calories that count are important to keep you full and incorporating the necessary nutrients. Exercise will help alot too by giving you a few extra calories but remember that exercise is a bonus and will also help you shed the pounds. Once you are at your goal weight you will be able to increase your calorie intake to a maintenance level. Keep it up! :happy:
  • jennyjo79
    jennyjo79 Posts: 95 Member
    I am also on the 1200 calories a day plan.

    I successfully did Weight Watchers points plan for years and it seems as though I'm eating about the same amount allowed by the point system. The only difference is Weight Watchers gives you an alloted extra amount of points each week to splurge on things like dining out.
    Of course, not every day is easy on 1200 calories a day - Holiday's, dining out, etc - but most of the time it just takes some planning. I typically try to break my day up ... I know dinner is usually the biggest meal of the day for me, so I usually allow 400 for dinner and then 250 (or so) for both breakfast & lunch. This still leaves me plenty of calories for my coffee/snacks.

    Do most here eat their exercise calories back? This is the one thing I go back & forth on. I see quite a few of MFP friends that do (eat their cals back), but my thought has always been 'Exercising shouldn't give me a free pass to eat more.' ???
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    It sounds like you are too close to your goal to be expecting to lose 2lbs per day- MFP settings won't go below 1200 so even though you set it at 2 lbs per week that deficit would make your goal roughly 1050. 1.5 lbs is probably more realistic and healthy.

    1200 IS difficult to stick to- even 1300 is. But try using exercise your advantage- do a few sets of walking through out the day and soon enough you'll earn enough extra calories to feel satisfied and you'll be moving even on days when you don't have the time/energy to do a full workout!
  • Fit_Canuck
    Fit_Canuck Posts: 788 Member
    I am so tired of seeing threads on1200 calories, it's horrible to watch people starve themselves with this arbitrary number that someone has told them. Learn what is good for you, go see a doctor, a sports nutritionist, a personal trainer or a kinesiologist . Trust me if you tell them your on a 1200 calorie a day diet and exercising they will be tell you to stop immediately and eat more healthy food and bring those calories up! But with all there are exceptions you may be 4'5" and 1200 is TDEE/BMR that you can live with. Depriving your body of calories will cause your metabolism to crash, don't fool yourself into thinking any other way please. At the end of the day ask yourself this question.

    Do I want to by skinny but unhealthy or do I want to be fit and healthy. Dropping weight on a scale doesn't mean your getting healthier! It's part of the process yes but will happen naturally as your body exchanges body fat for muscle and your metabolism improves with proper nutrition and exercise. There are no quick fixes.

    Using myself as an example, this site was telling me I should be netting 1500calories a day but turns out my BMR is 2213 calories a day minimum to live. I was creating a metabolism crushing 700 cal deficit every day!
  • Do not go down anymore calories. I am on 1200/day as well and am seeing results. Anything less and you will have difficulty putting the right amt. of calories and fat into your body. Starvation mode can occur, this happens to your body when it thinks it needs to hold onto the fat because it is being deprived. You are probably adding lean muscle, use your clothing as a gauge rather than the scales, things will begin to get loose or you will notice tightening bra straps, belts etc. Keep going! It will start :happy:
  • I am 1200 a day as well. I don 't seem to get hungry except after my zumba class. But I do eat back some (never all) of the calories I earn.
  • stefanij07
    stefanij07 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm glad many people are having the same issue as I am. I am also on a 1300 calorie diet. I've only been doing it since Tuesday, and I have been religious about sticking to it and working out at least 1/2 hour each day, burning about 300 calories.

    (I'm still trying to figure out what's right for me, as I calculated this number based off of the estimated BMR + what my body burns a day being in a sedentary job & working out for at least 30 minutes a day and burning 300 calories, and subtracted that from my net calories to equal my calorie deficit. Granted, for the first 3 months, I wanted to see dramatic changes so I'd stay motivated (that's how I am), so I set it to 1300 so I'd have about a 900 calorie deficit to lost 1.5-2 pounds a week. Again, just for the first three months. I'd up it after that)

    We had friends over last night so of course, there were treats that I would have loved to indulge in. I thought my weighing myself I would have been motivated to see the slight decrease that I wouldn't allow myself a snack. I was appalled when I saw that I had actually gained four pounds!!

    Now, I know what I've told everyone else when this happens, but it's really quite frustrating when you work so hard and not only don't see results, it looks like you've gone backwards. I don't want to gain weight, I want to lose!

    I have stuck to pure cardio workouts to ensure a smooth transition into this lifestyle change...and I know it hasn't even been a week...but I'm already not feeling motivated.

    I guess my question for the group is - should I wait at least two weeks to see if I should up my caloric intake? Or should I just do it now? I don't feel starving on 1300 calories, but I'm not sure if that's what my body is thinking. But I don't want to change it too soon if it's actually going to work if I just stick it out and give my body time to adjust to my new eating habits.
  • I'm careful of where my calories come from. I make sure my carbs come from high fiber foods, and protein. Then when I add my exercise in (swimming for an hour gives me an additional 1300 calories!) and I am always in the negative calorie intake category.
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    no that's way too much for me. i am at about 500 cals a day right now so the thought of 1200 a day sounds very... filling. but at first yes it does seem like very little if you're used to eating alot. been there.

    the big thing about eating less calories, is yeah you'll be hungry and learn the hard way how to get more bang for your calorie buck. so you can be full eating less. you'll figure it out as you go.

    500 calories? Your BMR would burn more than that- what you would burn lying in bed all day, meaning you are essentially starving yourself and along with fat you will have muscle wastage. Even very low calorie diets are 700-850 cals but they have shakes to ensure they are still getting enough vits and minerals, you cannot get all the nutrients you need on 500 a day. Please be careful with such a drastic diet, it's not sustainable to eat so little. I have friends that have been as extreme and side effects such as depression and hair loss happended really quickly. The minimum of 1200 is there for a reason, because it's not healthy. Concerned for you x

    this ^, very concerned
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    Less is not "starvation". Just because people throw that word around and the website uses it doesn't mean it is true. My Bariatric Physician said that women (especially smaller stature, i.e., short) can lose weight and be very healthy between 1000-1200. I'm not telling anyone to do this without a Drs. supervision. Just saying that if you ask professionals and mention "starvation" mode at 1200, you will likely get a chuckle.
  • I think it is pretty rediculous! 1200 is what you body needs to operate at bare minimum. Walking this tight rope of only eating 1200 calories will eventually lead to health problems such as arythmic heart, anemia, kidney or liver problems...etc. If you feel that you need to be under 1200 calories at the end of the day. Eat 2000, and burn 800. We need to eat! I am on a 1600 calorie plan. I eat over 2000 easily. I eat healthy foods, whole grains, fruits, vegetables...etc. even with that I manage to fall below on my potassium and iron levels. It's tough for me at 2000, that would make it impossible for someone at 1200. Your better off being fat than malnourished IMO.
  • radosti1
    radosti1 Posts: 198 Member
    I get 1240 cals with a goal of 1 lb a week. If I eat a burger, it goes through my calories quickly. If I eat eggs with spinach, onions and tomatoes, it's just as tasty, but is barely 300 calories. So, I make smarter choices and take the kids for a long walk as many days a week as we can manage. It works.

    That said, I went to Vegas with hubby over the holiday week and guessed at the calories as we ate out. We walked everywhere, close to 4 hrs a day of just walking. We took a day trip to the grand canyon and climbed a bunch of rocks. My diet was consistently around 2000 cals. But, I thought I burned it off. Came back 3 lbs heavier and have not gotten it off yet. My pants fit the same, maybe just a bit tighter, but not much. I had no problem going right back to lower cals since I wasn't burning as much. Could be muscle weight as my legs feel more toned.
  • Fit_Canuck
    Fit_Canuck Posts: 788 Member
    Less is not "starvation". Just because people throw that word around and the website uses it doesn't mean it is true. My Bariatric Physician said that women (especially smaller stature, i.e., short) can lose weight and be very healthy between 1000-1200. I'm not telling anyone to do this without a Drs. supervision. Just saying that if you ask professionals and mention "starvation" mode at 1200, you will likely get a chuckle.

    Agree with you on this one, not the calorie count but always check with the medical professionals. They will guide you with what's good for you. Everyone's body composition is slightly different and with the proper testing you can determine what your true calorie needs are.
  • Fit_Canuck
    Fit_Canuck Posts: 788 Member
    I think it is pretty rediculous! 1200 is what you body needs to operate at bare minimum. Walking this tight rope of only eating 1200 calories will eventually lead to health problems such as arythmic heart, anemia, kidney or liver problems...etc. If you feel that you need to be under 1200 calories at the end of the day. Eat 2000, and burn 800. We need to eat! I am on a 1600 calorie plan. I eat over 2000 easily. I eat healthy foods, whole grains, fruits, vegetables...etc. even with that I manage to fall below on my potassium and iron levels. It's tough for me at 2000, that would make it impossible for someone at 1200. Your better off being fat than malnourished IMO.

    Your right! If I'm not mistaken ( and I may be ) 1200 calories is the minimum set by the world health organization as the sheer minimum. Once I had my body composition tested I found out 2200 calories was my minimum based on age/fat %/muscle mass I am carrying.
  • I;m on 1240 a day . And ya its hard starving all day.
  • This seems to be the perfect goal for me. When I add in my daily exercise I actually find it hard to meet sometimes. (The exercise is key, on my days off then I find that I'm definitely over my calorie goal)
  • Yep ! I am , I'm kinda finding it hard to stick too, even more so when i work out I did better yesterday with it and haven't gone that much over with !!! Im glad tho see Im not the only one who finds 1200 calories hard to do !!! lol:tongue:
  • BrowneJen
    BrowneJen Posts: 42 Member
    All good advice...I agree!!
  • fimary
    fimary Posts: 274 Member
    I am only 4ft10 and went to my doctor who sent me to the clinics dietician, she put me on an 800 cal diet, felt very upset and did not last 2 weeks, i feel around 1000-1200 suits me ok, but upset as went to someone i thought i could trust, but do stuggle to lose weight even at 1200, must really exercise and get about 500 cals back to lose weight.
  • i have the same thing.. it is kinda of low & hard to track like if im goin out or if im invited 4 lunch i finish my calories by lunch time & have to control myself 4 the rest of the day!! so i duno i just started a few days ago im eatin everyth but within range so i hope it works!!