Anyone else on 1200 a day?



  • i have had a bypass and i eat 1000 calories a day and still losing 3 lb a week
  • brigitte101
    brigitte101 Posts: 20 Member
    1200 seems right for me. I dont feel deprived at all. At first it was hard but after being aware of what I was eatting I started to make better food choices and I found myself eatting more and even eatting under the 1200.
  • lizlikewoah
    lizlikewoah Posts: 8 Member
    I'm at 1330 + exercise and find it to be totally reasonable, especially with high-protein/good fats. I keep a box of almonds at my desk and pour them out into portions and pour a large glass of water when I want a snack. Does the trick!
  • Amy911Gray
    Amy911Gray Posts: 685 Member
    Winning and then some.

    I set MFP for 850 and pay forward with exercise to 1200. This gives me a challenge to get out there and do something to "pay" for the calories I consume.

    It is my mind set and something that I have learned from my job as an auditor in the finance department. Just because you have a credit card, doesn't mean you shouldn't take a look at your bank account balance. Can't charge something to pay for later if there isn't money at hand. Not really good business sense.

    So on the days that I want to take a break and give my body a rest from exercise, I eat to 1200 and go over calories.

    If you are struggling with that number, do some research into foods that you like, that you can live with. You will be amazed with the results both how you feel and how this challenge is working for you!
  • tashah170
    tashah170 Posts: 2 Member
    Yep! My doctor put me on a 1200 calorie diet. The only thing that I find difficult is actually meeting that goal as I am always under it.
  • hwjssc
    hwjssc Posts: 194 Member
    I have 1200 calories a day you just have to plan your meals out ..I eat alot of Low fat ground turkey and chicken and veg beans....(I will say alot the lowfat and fat free stuff is real expensive:(
    HLAMODEI Posts: 22 Member
    I am on 1200/'s not that bad...just need to get the hang of it. 30 min of exercise helps...just in case you go over a bit. Today is day 5 and I haven't felt starving at all...stick to it for a week, you might need to adj your cal for breakfast and lunch to allow yourself a snack 2x/day. I'd love to be your 1200/day friend!
  • luvmydog2
    luvmydog2 Posts: 243 Member
    Hope this helps to answere your question ..

    Find a kind of exercise you enjoy and do that until you build the habit of exercising because you are less likely to skip working out if it is something you enjoy. Then start incorporating new things - you not only will work new muscles, but you may find new things you enjoy.

    3) Eliminate temptation. If you are an emotional eater, don't keep junk food around. If it isn't available, you're less likely to binge on it.

    4) Indulge cravings... sensibly. If you are dying for chocolate, have some, BUT... try to find the healthiest option (for example, one small square of dark chocolate, or make some hot cocoa with some milk or almond milk, cocoa powder, and stevia, which is a natural no-calorie sweetener) and keep the portion small. If you completely deprive yourself, you're going to binge. If you are sensible about things, you won't feel deprived.

    5) Drink lots of water. It helps in so many areas. Yes, it does help with weight loss, but it also helps your body function better, flushes out excess sodium, keeps you feeling full longer, and the list goes on and on.

    6) Don't skip meals! Eat breakfast in the morning to fuel your body and get your metabolism going. Have a mid morning snack (fruit or nuts are good, or maybe some yogurt). Have a sensible lunch. Have a mid-afternoon snack (I am a huge fan of baby carrots and will eat several servings a day - they are so crunchy that they are really satisfying). Eat a nutritious dinner in a sensible portion. Don't go for seconds. Have a glass of water before and after and then wait 20 minutes after you are done eating. If you are still hungry, have a piece of fruit or some extra veggies.

    7) Don't give up! If you stumble or mess up one meal, one day, or even for a whole week, just start over.

    8) Listen to MFP. If it gives you a calorie goal that is a lot higher than other people's - LET IT! A heavier body requires more calories to function and MFP will give you the deficit you need to lose weight steadily and in a healthy manner (not more than 2 lbs/week). Don't try to eat 1200 calories if MFP recommends more (including at least a decent chunk of your exercise calories) unless specifically advised (and monitored) by a doctor. That isn't enough for most people and you can't get adequate nutrition on it.

    9) This is the motto I go by:
  • I have just started this, and even if I say I want to lose half a pound a week it tells me to have 1200 a day - am I doing something wrong??
  • heartsoulshannon
    heartsoulshannon Posts: 59 Member
    I can't do 1200 a day, which is what was recommended for me. I allow myself 1600, although most days I end at 1500. I've lost plenty of weight doing it my way. ;) You need to find what YOU can maintain, because if you're starving and thinking of food all the time, you'll never be able to keep it up!

    Also, the closer you get to your goal weight, the less calorie deficit you need. Your body knows it is at a healthy weight, so therefore when you make your calorie goal too low your body slows down metabolism. To keep your metabolism up, eat close to your base metabolic rate and add in some form of strength training, since muscle burns more calories :)
  • I'm on 1200 a day which MFP calculated to lose 1.3 pounds a week which is frustrating because I was hoping for 1.5-2.0 pounds a week. I've only been doing this for a week and I am already getting used to the portion sizes and not doing too bad. However, I am also exercising so that is helping. It has opened my eyes to how many calories I was eating previously.
  • Yes, I am on 1200 a day. I have met that goal for 2 weeks and lost nothing! I'm wondering if I should go down to 1100? Any advice?

    I recommend two things:

    * Upping your exercise.
    * Increasing your water intake.

    Both of these things improve your metabolic response. Your hormonal pathways become more responsive when the heart pumps more. Add enough water to ensure the improved functionality of those hormonal pathways, and you'll find better success.

    It doesn't have to be a lot of exercise. Try adding ten minutes a day. But get that heart going! Keep a water bottle with you all day and get into the habit of having regular sips.
  • turningstar
    turningstar Posts: 393 Member
    There's NO WAY I could do 1200 calories! Id be a real mean b|#$h. My goal is set at 1780. Im breastfeeding a little, and HAVE to add in those calories, and I workout almost daily and eat some of those calories back too. Im trying to build muscle though. I think I eat around 2000 to 2300 before the nursing and exercise ia factored in. Ususally a net of 1500-1600 cals. Im losing weight and building strength too.
  • surfrgrl1
    surfrgrl1 Posts: 1,464 Member
    For each of us, I think we have to do some trial and error to see what works. In my opinion, 1200 is just barely enough food to provide adequate fuel to our bodies, especially when exercise is introduced. (note * I'm not referring to medically supervised situations- I'm leaving that to the doctor and patient)

    IMO, I think 1200 is some magic number that nutritionists use for everyone. When I went for a visit with one last year, she suggested 1200-1500 a day. I know myself and I took the high road and went for 1500. This is a lifestyle change for me no quick or fast fixes, and I'd lost before on 1500 calories a day, and didn't feel deprived, so I knew it would work.

    The first month, I had to adjust and was over my calories quite often, but then it got easier. I am losing the weight slowly, but that is how I want to do it. I'm concerned that weight lost too quickly can also find its way back quickly. I am set to lose 1/2 pound per week per MFPs standards. I'm very happy with what I've achieved. By mid summer, I expect to be at or very close to goal weight. Then I get to deal with that 'maintenance' thing, that I've not ever been able to stick with before. That will be a 'nice' problem to have!
  • mommy2girlies
    mommy2girlies Posts: 56 Member
    Im also on 1200 calories a day. I recently started this journey. I try to eat a lot of fruit as it's filling and not very many calories. I try to keep most of my calories for dinner time, otherwise I wake up starving around 3-5 am!
  • sunnykm
    sunnykm Posts: 24
    Yes, I am doing 1200 and have no problems and since July 25, 2011 have lost 20+ pounds. Its hard at first but I learned few ways to cope. Eating veges, drinking lemon water to satisfy my hungry moments. I also walk 40 mins everyday but do not use calories gained. Trust me it works. Just eat smart as 1200 calories are not lot. Portion control is the key, I eat everything and enjoy all foods. Also do add multivitamins in your diet. Good Luck.
  • I'm at 1000 a day for a 2+ loss a week. I have no problem with it. First week was hard, but now I have no issues. I think its all in your mind and what your expectations are. You have to have a degree of acceptance.
  • to the 500 calorie a day person above; you are starving yourself to some major health problems. Have you consulted with your doctor? You need to be followed medically VERY closely as you are in danger of metabolizing muscle just to be able to breathe every day & this can have some major health concerns. PLEASE see your doctor & have a full lab work-up done. I am very worried about you.
  • sarasashas
    sarasashas Posts: 11 Member
    Im also on 1200 a day which seemed very unfair considering it said this would give me a 0.8 lb loss a week. But i've changed mine so theres more carbs and less protein and it's been fine so far, I've managed to stay full all day and even the odd slip up (terry chocolate orange is the main culprit) keeps me under 1200
  • im on 1200 cal as well. it does work and it is not to low as long as you are managing your calorie intake. i started this past weds. yesterday was the only day i felt hungry because i had 600calories in chocolate. yea i felt guilty so i worked out to have more calories and i felt better with dinner in take.