Is This Like my Dr said - Worthless Exercise!?



  • Slimtara
    Slimtara Posts: 44 Member
    I haven't had the stamina to read through all the comments back to you; and I know I will get upset. Screw the exercise benefits -being outdoors where ever, you are - city coast or countryside - is mentally and spiritually beneficial! It is a bonus that you are moving. Stick to walking honey! Being outside is brilliant!

    T x
  • aclark6818
    aclark6818 Posts: 209 Member
    You may not be moving fast or for a long time, but you are LAPPING the guy on the couch!!! :flowerforyou:
    Keep up the good work and add more as you can!!!
  • Pollyfleming
    Pollyfleming Posts: 147 Member
    Hi PrincessLynn!

    About 5 years ago, I went to the Dr. and my blood pressure was 140/90 or borderline high. I started walking .9 miles a day (about 14 minutes total) and changed nothing else. My blood pressure was normal and has stayed normal since. Not only that, the walk helped get me started on being more physically active overall. Now I hike regularly (my longest was 18 miles!) and work out at a gym. Now that you are walking to and from work, maybe on your way home you can add a little distance to make your walk longer or maybe add a walk at lunch too. Keep the faith and keep going!

  • Romeena
    Romeena Posts: 54 Member
    Walk to another doctor!
  • dethorpe
    I agree with that.. i am currently taking short walks during my lunch and afternoon break every little bit counts... without some of these walks i would absoulty do nothing b/c i work so much... So keep doing what you are you doing, if it makes you feel good about your self then keep up the good work..
  • yoshi91610
    yoshi91610 Posts: 177 Member
    NO it's NOT worthless!! Wow, my Dr. told me that even just walking 10 mins a day will help. Anything helps! besides 12X2 is 24 mins a day, the recommended is at least 30, so you are very close!
  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
    anything that gets you moving is classed as excercise in my eyes! even if its just walking up the stairs and back down. your still moving and using your muscles! like you said you used to sit aorund all day, and now your walking to work which is a 12 minute walk - soo yes it is excercise! ignore what the doctors say - they probably class excercise as running a marathon everyday or something like that! you carry on with what your down and take no notice of the Dr.

  • _Sally_
    _Sally_ Posts: 514 Member
    :smile: Any extra activity counts! You are doing great. It's a wonderful way to start the day, get your circulation going, and gives you more energy.

    If you can only work in 15 minutes at a time, a 2 - 3 times thrughout the day, it adds up. Perhaps you can add in a short walk during lunch, or take a 15 minute walking break in the afternoon? You can also think about getting an earlier start and exploring some new routes to work that will be less direct and extend the time.

    Keep the pace brisk, and you'll be fine.

    I have a 15 minute walk to work (brisk pace) and if I did nothing else that day, i feel good that at least I got 30 minutes of brisk walking in.
  • karenwill2
    karenwill2 Posts: 604 Member
    If you haven't been consistent with any type of activity, I think this is a great start. Work up to more walking as you can, and while you walk try to walk a little faster, not just a leisurely stroll. We have to start somewhere, and just developing the habit tomove more in general is a good one. Good for you, for making a change!

  • Julie2402
    Julie2402 Posts: 126
    I think it's great that you are walking now, you say it takes 12 minutes each way, well that's 24 mins for a start! In time see if you can incoporate more walking into your day and up your speed that you do it in. Good luck and enjoy!
  • LilMermaid6411
    It sounds like you need a new doctor. I disturbs me that he can't see the benefit of you walking to work after not doing any exercise at all. He should be encouraging you to walk to work and then encourage you to do more if you can.

    I've also read that you don't need to do your 30 minutes of exercise in one shot to see the benefits. If it takes you 12 minutes each way, then all you would need is a 6 minute walk on your lunch to make up your 30. Definitely try to get a lunchtime walk in. My mom does it and not only does it give her some exercise but she doesn't get that afternoon slump.

    And definitely find yourself a new doctor. He doesn't sound very supportive at all.
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member

    I'm frustrated with my doctor for not supporting me. Can I do better? Yes. But with 9 children and a 60 hour work week, working nights, I still think I'm doing darned good.

    I also do rounds several times a night (I'm a nurse), and I have 2 solid hours at work where I am on my feet running, caring for patients, moving them, lifting them, etc...

    God bless you, woman! I don't see how you were able to gain weight in the first place, unless it was due to stress and lack of sleep! You need that walk to work to clear your head. Do what you can and try not to worry about it! You have more than enough on your plate.

  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    You're doing great! You're making a great choice every day, how could it not not be beneficial to your mental and physical health?
    Keep up the good work!
  • CassPerkins
    No exercise is "worthless" exercise. What your doctor meant to say is that it probably isn't enough to see results. We are supposed to take an average of 10,000 steps a day. I think (don't quote me on this) that it is supposed to translate to 2 miles a day. Every doctor says you need twenty minutes of nonstop aerobics exercise a day, and they would prefer it be challenging enough to make you breathe heavier. Not everyone can start with that. Trust me, I'm sure you walk more than you think. You walk around the house, you walk around grocery stores, so what you could do is buy a pedometer. It can give you an idea as to how much you walk. There is a pedometer that gives you a code for a reward with every 10,000 steps you take. Over time you could save the codes to get stuff like Amazon gift cards. That is always an added bonus. I plan on getting one soon just to see exactly how much walking I do when I am at work. I know it is a lot now that I am in departments rather than behind a register.
  • Moriarty_697
    Moriarty_697 Posts: 226 Member
    First, I will say that it is not worthless. My doctor has read studies that say as little as 10-15 minutes of cardio a day can help.
    However, it can only replace exercise if you do it at the same pace you would do normal exercise. Of course, my doctor also says that, as someone who has a history of obesity, I'm likely going to have to be out there exercising 5-6 days a week if I want to change things. The longer I spend on this journey to living healthy, the more I see the truth of what he says. (Though this doesn't stop me resenting him for it.)

    That said, walking to work should not be seen as a replacement for 3-5 workouts a week - 3 being the minimum - of 30+ minutes of exercise. Ideally, that number should be 45+ minutes but 30 is pretty good and more realistic. I know it seems like a lot and I know we all can find lots of good reasons not to do it but regular exercise is an essential part of living a healthy life. And living a healthy life is probably the reason you signed up for this site.

    The one thing I've learned from this getting healthier stuff is that the time required for exercise looks worse than it is. The days that I do go out and spend 30, 45, 60 minutes exercising, I wind up feeling so good afterwards that I don't feel like I've really lost much time at all. In fact, my day goes better and I get more done because I'm not battling the lethargy that comes with not moving much.
    HEATHERB500 Posts: 78 Member
    I took a fitness class and learned about dialy activity, and making yourself work harder durring your everyday things is a great way to fit in extra exercise. A lot of research has been done and has concluded that the lack of simply waling up the stairs instead of the elevater and walking further to get somewhere is a great contributing factor to the reason so many are overweight to begin with. He did probably mean that he wants you to work harder and it is important to keep challanging yourself to move more and at a higher intensity but definately no movement is worthless.
  • got2go2concerts
    got2go2concerts Posts: 132 Member
    Your doctor is a wanker. That's not to say he/she isn't right that you can always do more, as above poster said, it's a great start and anything is better than nothing! It's all in the delivery of the message. His/her "bedside" manner is obviously lacking.

    I totally agree!!!! Some activity is better than no activity! Good for you for taking the walk instead of driving.
  • revjames
    revjames Posts: 75 Member
    get a pedometer and aim for 10000 steps per day of which I'm certain the 12 mins to and from work would give you 2000 towards.
  • ChanlynMay
    ChanlynMay Posts: 37 Member
    Since I have been very unactive, my doctor recommended me starting out with 10-15 minute excercises a few times a day. Obviously as I become fitter, that will change but I think that is a great lifestyle change for you to make! I also think your doctor is nuts for telling you that it is worthless.
  • lolabugs
    lolabugs Posts: 141
    I don't see anything wrong with what your doctor said. I wish more doctors were this honest with their patients, most would not even bother and just see the next patient. Your short walk may make you feel better but will do almost nothing for real weight loss, he is right. I think this is what is wrong with society now days and why so many of us are FAT. We dont want to hear the truth, just sugar coat it and feed it to me DOC but never tell me the truth, I can't handle that!

    I don't agree with this. Yes, if she were eating a bunch of crap and only walking 24 minutes per day, the walking probably wouldn't help her lose weight. However, if she combines walking with a healthy diet, reducing the amount of calories to ensure caloric burn, then her doctor is flawed. Any activity is good activity when you're starting to change your behaviors. I used to walk a mile to and from work every day before I moved to Mississippi for grad school. I busted my *kitten* every day, got to work dripping with sweat (like she says she does), was extremely conscious of my calorie intake and lost quite a bit of weight. When I added additional exercise my weight loss was faster and easier, but I wouldn't give back walking for anything. Not only do you burn some calories, you also allow yourself to be alone with your thoughts and enjoy the outdoors rather than facing high gas prices, traffic, *kitten* drivers, etc. I think there are more benefits to walking than a lot of people realize.

    And so many of "us" are FAT because "we" eat, sit,sleep, look for the closest parking spot to the building, and don't pay attention to what we put in our mouths. Laziness, denial and ignorance are the problems, not small increments of exercise.