Biggest Kitchen Fail



  • meggy_182
    meggy_182 Posts: 60 Member
    INDIAN TAKEAWAYS! I miss them so much! Whenever I'm super hungry i can almost taste it, and I have been known to call for one when i've been a bit down in the dumps. :(
  • KandieLantz
    KandieLantz Posts: 424 Member
    cereal is my kryptonite. I can go through 2 boxes and a gallon of soymilk and still be hungry. Shameful.

    This^^ too, LOVE cereal!
  • paigemarie93
    paigemarie93 Posts: 778 Member
    Chocolate, I got tons over Christmas... & now it's ALL gone :'(
    I ate a full Galaxy chocolate selection box in one day, straight after the other D:

    Also Walkers Sensations Thai Sweet Chilli Crisps, the massive share bags.
    Umm, sour cream, PIZZA! When I get Pizza Hut or Dominos, me & my boyfriend always get a large pizza each which is like 8 slices :| Oh, & I always get Cheesy Bites on my Pizza Hut <3 mmmm. Gosh, I haven't eaten pizza in months.
  • diva1413
    diva1413 Posts: 17 Member
    MIne would have to be cheese! I am obsessed! I have really cut back on it lately, but it's still really difficult to stay away from it. I have found tht laughing cow is a good substitute :-)
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    I used to get home about 10pm, drink a bottle of wine, then find a load of meat, put it in with macaroni cheese then put a load of real grated cheese on top. microwave pour on the ketchup and shove in face. I have not done that in 9 months. How good am I?!?!

    This (without the meat and extra cheese...and you're very good, btw!), and
    I used to drink a whole bottle of wine on occasion...

    this. I'd go out drinking almost every night, and I would down 5 or 6 mixed drinks (whatever the bartender felt like making). I also didn't understand the effects of alcohol on my weight. Now I know 2 drinks affects your fat burning ability by 73%, so I stay away, except for the very rare occasion.

    Also a full bag of Moose Munch, half a large Hawaiian pizza from Ledo's (Ok, the crust is really freaking thin! It's like you're not eating anything!), once in middle school I ate a whole box of LIttle Debbie's Ho-Ho wannabes, a whole tin of chocolate chip cookies given to me one Christmas in high school, and I could open a jar of Goober Grape (peanut butter and jelly mixed together) and plan on eating one bite, then before I know it I've eaten half the jar. That stuff does not come in the house anymore, the kids aren't allowed to have Oreo's in the house, nobody is allowed to put chocolate in my candy dish at work, and I only buy a medium pizza for the kids and me so there aren't any leftovers. I wish I had more self control around chocolate, it's ridiculous. But when I do have an occasional splurge, I work out harder to make up for it. I actually have my best losses the weeks that I allowed myself one splurge day.
  • BioShocked89
    BioShocked89 Posts: 330 Member
    I used to just put water in cake mixes and eat that because I was too lazy to bake it and didn't want to eat raw egg that the recipe called for. When I was desperate for something sweet once, I put frosting on white tortillas-which was surprisingly good (tasted like donuts). I think my greatest fails would be the times I would get money and go to the grocery store, buy cupcakes, rice-a-roni cheese broccoli rice, cookies, and get a large chicken nugget meal from mcdonalds. Then I'd go hide in my room for three days in the dark feeling ashamed of myself, while I played video games.
  • MeghanAM
    MeghanAM Posts: 222 Member
    I have many, many times in my life eaten just plain frosting. Either rainbow chip canned frosting, or I made vanilla buttercream to eat.


    And seriously thinking about it makes me feel a little sick and ashamed, but also like I could really go for some! And that sucks. I hope I don't feel like that forever.
  • Moonbyebye
    Moonbyebye Posts: 180 Member
    A whole jar of nutella :(
  • Sandydee60
    Sandydee60 Posts: 29 Member
    A bag of Munchos with a Hershey bar! Almost everyday on break.
  • sarasashas
    sarasashas Posts: 11 Member
    a HUGE plate of pasta with half a jar of pesto then twice as much cheese on top at 1am. at least twice a week.
  • jjblogs
    jjblogs Posts: 327 Member
    Dorito binger here...that and peanut M&Ms....sit down with the bag...o.m.g.........
  • mruntidy
    mruntidy Posts: 1,015 Member
    A whole jar of nutella :(

    i read this n thought no i couldnt eat a whole jar, n then i thought yeah i could i shouldnt have posted this topic its giving me ideas :laugh:
  • Jain
    Jain Posts: 861 Member
    My biggest down fall is hersheys kisses with almonds. I would buy a bag and eat the entire bag within a week of buying it

    :laugh: Change the week to an hour & that could be me!
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    18 battered mozzerella cheese sticks and about a cup of sour cream for dipping. I had to give away my deep fryer!
  • SaraJ84
    SaraJ84 Posts: 10
    I'm not a choco or cake mix fan!

    I used to demolish whole large bags of dorito lightly salted crisps.... i still could if i let myself buy them!!
  • dujennifer
    dujennifer Posts: 162 Member
    I can Hoover a whole bag of cool ranch Doritos in one sitting. Thank goodness those days are over. But I still can't have them in my house or they start to speak to me from the cabinet.
  • mjane166
    I used to sit down in front of the tv with a box of flavored crackers, a bottle of miracle whip and pickled green olives. I would scoop about a tbsp. of miracle whip on each cracker, put the olive on top and eat, over and over and over again. I never kept count, but there was at least 20 crackers eaten in one sitting. One day my husband was home and I did that in front of him. It grossed him out so much, he talked to me about it and I saw what I was doing to myself. It's been at least 2 years since I did it.

    My problem now would be chips, Doritos or Ketchup chips - If I buy the family bag, it's gone in one sitting. I don't keep it in the house, but every so often I still get a craving and will go and get a bag - once every couple of months or so. I'm really trying, but I find if I don't let myself eat what I'm craving once in a while, I will binge even more.
  • Cosmic_Unicorn
    Cosmic_Unicorn Posts: 150 Member
    Oh man, grilled cheese sammiches. Or toast with melted cheese. Okay, anything with melted cheese.

    And no matter what size bag of chips, I will eat them all. And all the candy. And all the chocolate.

    I still eat all of these things, just in moderation. Except chips. When I buy those, I do it on RARE occasions and I enjoy the entire bag.
  • Donnaakamagmid
    Donnaakamagmid Posts: 198 Member
    Every couple of weeks I like to get Medium order of hot wings, small motzarella stick. Ate every last bite, fell disgusting afterwards but still would do it again and again. I'm only my 1st week out so hope that doesn't happen again.
  • calana
    calana Posts: 88 Member
    I love this topic. I think a lot of people won't admit to the things they eat in private and that's how we end up overweight in the first place! Luckily now I don't eat anything I would be ashamed of someone seeing me eat anymore.

    My favorites were:

    -A whole box of mac & cheese
    -A 2 cheeseburger meal from McDonalds (with a diet coke haha). I would finish one cheeseburger and a few fries and get full but still truck on through the rest of it.
    -Entire bags of buttery popcorn
    -CANDY. I am a candy fiend and I would finish a whole bag from Sweet Factory in about 2 days.
    -Potato chips. Potato chips are my weakness and I can't keep them in the house or I know I'll do it again. I'd finish a whole big bag in a day or two.

    Edited because how could I forget my WINE! At least once a week I'd sit and catch up on my DVR and drink a whole bottle of cab. Now I just treat myself to a glass or two every now and again.