Couch 2 5K motivation and support group!

I want to try this! I am not a big fan of running...........ok, I hate it! lol But, I want to try something new! I have friends who have done it and succeeded and now they love to run.

Has anyone done it or want to do it? If so, feel free to give some tips, advice, support, motivation!

I live in Seattle, so if anyone would like to meet up sometime and start, I'm game!



  • jrmc83
    jrmc83 Posts: 77 Member
    Tomorrow I will be starting week 5 day 1! The only advice I would give is take it slow and follow the program. You really do build up stamina and strength as the weeks progress. I'm enjoying it and can't wait to be able to run for 30 minutes straight.
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    I always hated running, and thought it was a ridiculous thing to do to yourself. But secretly I admired those who could do it.

    This year I started running; not with Couch to 5 K, but after having read the principles behind Couch to 5 K. And I love it. I am amazed that I can run, after how impossible it was for me as a child. I was never athletic, and I was always gasping and choking after running in school. But now I can run, and I like it.

    Go for it!

  • ForbiddenFruit
    ForbiddenFruit Posts: 62 Member
    I want to try this! I am not a big fan of running...........ok, I hate it! lol But, I want to try something new! I have friends who have done it and succeeded and now they love to run.

    Has anyone done it or want to do it? If so, feel free to give some tips, advice, support, motivation!

    I live in Seattle, so if anyone would like to meet up sometime and start, I'm game!


    Hi Deb,

    I've just done Week 1 Day 1 this morning and it wasn't anywhere near as bad as I'd expected.

    I've never, ever run, even as a youngster but, like you, I've heard of people who have been similar who have done brilliantly using this programme. If it can work for them it can work for me!

    I think meeting up might be a little bit of a problem as I'm from a seaside town on the South Coast of the UK lol, but I can do virtual support.

  • stonergrlily
    Just started this and I love it! Have done 2 days so far and was super bummed about being too sore to go out again today. I've never been able to run, but I think I'm hooked.
  • Slimtara
    Slimtara Posts: 44 Member
    I plan to start this again when my general fitness is back up to it, and the North West Uk weather is better. Swimming is my thing at the moment.

    I have started couch to 5 k with a few guided mp3 audio apps (Robert Ullrey is a free one, OK GO do a good one too for ipod) but I tried to get through the weeks too fast and always injured myself. TAKE IT SLOW AND BE PATIENT is my advice. Don't fret if its week 5 and you are still repeating week 3 routine... it will pay off in the long run!

    Let's get back in touch in the spring and you can motivate me with your tales of sub 40 minute 5k runs, that are fun and easy!

    Tara xx
  • dobenjam
    dobenjam Posts: 232 Member
    I started my training for my first 5k last week and I went from barely being able to do 1/2 a mile (week bones from not running and burning shins) to doing two training exercises a day at over 2mi each. It's true what people say, running is addictive. I have a 5k app on my phone that tells me when to walk/run and it is very helpful. Best of luck to you!
  • dyiaane
    dyiaane Posts: 271 Member
    I completed c25K in the Spring and Summer. It was great. Its amazing how I went from running a few minutes at a time to running 30 minutes straight. I'm not a fan of running on the treadmill and its cold here in NY so I'll probably start up again in April. Good luck.
  • Osu2k1
    Osu2k1 Posts: 116 Member
    Hi from Portland! :happy:
    I am just finishing week 1. I am shocked at how I feel! The rest days are really important, I've noticed. My shins were bugging me the first night, but by the 2nd night I was feeling better! Today is day 3 of week 1, so we'll see how it goes! But I just had to say hi from Portland!
  • Kickinkim418
    Kickinkim418 Posts: 257 Member
    I just finished the is AMAZING!!! It is more amazing that I can run for 30-35 minutes straight......I say DO IT!!!
  • bjfmade
    bjfmade Posts: 543 Member
    Go for it!!! I am one of those that always hated running (most likely because I was overweight and out-of-shape). I just did the 20 minute run on Week 6 Day 2 of the Ease into 5K (used to be C25K, but I think they changed the name about a month ago). I was nervous about such a long run time, but it was awesome! My dog is loving it, too!
  • elg1982
    elg1982 Posts: 167 Member
    I've started this twice before and haven't been able to finish. I usually get stuck around week 7 or 8, where if I am not running every other day I lose my conditioning FAST. I'm trying it a third time and I start week 3 tomorrow.

    This hasn't deterred me from running in a few races though, I just walk part of the course when I can't run anymore.
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    wow, thanks for all the great tips and motivation guys! I'm looking forward to it now! lol

    I talked to a friend of mine who's local here and I think we might start it together.

    i will keep you all posted!

  • Hopingforchange
    I am on week 3 now. I do run every day, but still follow the program. I ran a 5K in December and had to take lots of walk breaks, so hoping this helps me finish it without walking. Its so much tougher outside than on the treadmill!
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    There's a C25K group on here that you all might be interested in:
  • christinehetz80
    christinehetz80 Posts: 490 Member
    Starting week 8 tomorrow and I have fallen madly in love with running! Its a fantastic program. DO IT!!!! Don't even think about it...literally just take the plunge. I heard about it on a Thursday, downloaded the podcasts that night, started the next day. I have followed the program to the "t", not skipping any steps..or jumping ahead. I had a few snafus with knee pain. Learned that I needed to stretch more and work on strength training and cross training. Yes...I know make decisions on how I can be better at running...who would have EVER thought I would do that. EVER!!!!!!
  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member
    I hated running too and could barely run a minute without feeling like I was going to die. But after doing the C25K program, I have really grown to love running and ran my first 5K in September. It truly is a great program.

    I have a lot of helpful information in my blog here about the C25K program -

    There's also a MFP group if you decide to do it and need support -
  • Primalgal
    Primalgal Posts: 645 Member
    Just to let you all know.......the program works and you CAN do it! The key is to keep it slow. I'm starting Week 9 tomorrow & I still can't believe it! I'm soon to be 52 years old and carrying almost 50 lbs of extra weight. If I can do it, anyone can!

  • madisonrl
    I started my training for my first 5k last week and I went from barely being able to do 1/2 a mile (week bones from not running and burning shins) to doing two training exercises a day at over 2mi each. It's true what people say, running is addictive. I have a 5k app on my phone that tells me when to walk/run and it is very helpful. Best of luck to you!

    What app do you use? I am planning on starting soon!
  • clankp22
    clankp22 Posts: 38 Member
    I completed the program in December and ran my first 5K today. I am still amazed that I ran the entire thing. I used to hate running, too, but have grown to love it. I especially love the "runner's high". Stick with it!!
  • beamishcas
    beamishcas Posts: 226 Member
    I made it to week 7 day 2 before Christmas and then my knee started giving me problems. (never finished week 7 )went to Doctor and he told me NO MORE RUNNING. I didn't think I would make it past week 1, so considering how far I went, I'm pretty happy with my progress.