Quick Breakfast Ideas?



  • BrandyMo
    Would love the recipe for the banana nut muffins!
  • jnchorn
    jnchorn Posts: 250 Member
    I am the worst about breakfast. I use to rely on cereal but it's too easy to overeat cereal. My go-tos now are bagel thins. Sometimes I will just make a sandwich or heat up leftovers. It doesn't have to be very breakfasty. You might try the muffins made with pumpkin puree. It's one box of cake mix (any flavor) and one can of pumpkin puree (15 oz.) and mix together and cook according to the box. Very tastey and about 140 calories. :)
  • 010Elle010
    010Elle010 Posts: 56 Member
    I'm going to try this
  • smurfywebgrl
    I find that when I am really pressed for time...which is always! I either have a protien shake or I throw some egg whites w/spice in the microwave and then pop it into a low carb, high fiber wrap and basically it's like the Tim Horton egg wrap - Only HEALTHY! :)
  • kdolfi7
    kdolfi7 Posts: 5 Member
    Wow, thanks! These are all great suggestions! I can't wait to try them out :)

    As for the scrambled eggs in the microwave, how long do you put them in for? I like the idea of protein in the morning since I need a lot of energy and I don't get a lunch break until 1:00 (I wake up at 6) I need something to keep me fuller longer.
  • xmandadollx
    xmandadollx Posts: 69 Member
    I really like the Smart Ones breakfast sandwiches. I used to love Egg McMuffins from McDonalds and the Weight Watchers version is better in my opinion. Only egg whites are used and the canadian bacon is actually turkey bacon. Also, I have always LOVED egg toast. That is, the piece of bread with the hole in the middle that contains an egg. I have made a healthier version using low calorie bread and liquid egg whites with Smart Balance buttery spread made with extra virgin olive oil. It amounts to be 130 calories in total. The Smart Ones Egg Muffin is 210 calories.
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    I take those sandwich rounds or thin bagels with me and eat half of one with some peanut butter and my morning coffee.
  • CarlaJean140down
    CarlaJean140down Posts: 31 Member
    I mix 4 oz Greek yogart, fruit, 1/2 scoop protein powder and any spices or flavoring I might want and freeze them in a baggie....I do several ahead of time then I take them out of the freezer the night before and blend in a bullet mixer with milk...nice protein smoothie. Some examples are below:

    1.Pumpkin, cinnamon, nutmeg,allspice, vanilla Greek yogart, 1/2 scoop vanilla protein powder

    2.banana, Greek yogart, sugar free Chocolate davinci syrup, 1/2 scoop chocolate protein powder

    3. strawberry/raspberries, greek yougart and vanilla protein powder
  • CarlaJean140down
    CarlaJean140down Posts: 31 Member
    I also do peanut butter and celery....with or without raisens
  • Lillytool
    I make these egg white "muffins" every week. I play around with the ingredients a lot, too. I like to add spinach and mushrooms and peppers...they are SO quick and easy! My 15m old son loves them too! :)
  • Erika185
    Erika185 Posts: 1 Member
    yoplait yogurt :)
  • thinby40
    thinby40 Posts: 113
    I try and have a protein shake in the morning which usually fills me up. I was always told to have protein in the morning in order to stay full & satisfied. Some other suggestions are Chobani yogurt w/ fruit and some low-fat granola, lite english muffin w/ peanut butter, veggie egg beaters, Luna Protein bars, weight control oatmeal, Kashi go lean crunch cereal.
  • jessicabass1
    i've got two good ones. peanut butter and jelly on whole wheat with low fat peanut butter. or do the peanut butter and jelly on a whole wheat tortilla and wrap it around a banana. its different, but u get fruit protein and grains all in one!!! and it definantly won't get soggy.
  • rjmwx81
    rjmwx81 Posts: 259 Member
    I chop up peppers and onions the night before (or do a whole bunch on a Sunday night if it's going to be a busy week) and then in the morning I just throw a couple eggs in a skillet and scramble them with my pre-chopped veggies. Eggs cook very quickly, so I'm ready to eat in just a minute or two.
  • hawkeygal
    hawkeygal Posts: 133 Member
    What I've been doing is this: I grab some yogurt and dry cereal (I can't drink milk) like Kashi Go Lean. I prebag the cereal into portions (either a 1/2 C or 1C depending my total caloric intake that day) and throw them in the fridge (no they don't get soggy in the fridge). Then when I get my lunch together to go (I too am a teacher!), I throw EVERYTHING in my lunch bag. It's way easier to have everything in the same bag rather than some stuff in my hand, some in a bag and so on.

    Also, I make smoothies: Frozen fruit (your choice), a little homemade iced tea (no sugar) and pour it into a to-go cup!
  • bosh_chic
    Awsome idea!
  • mammafrog
    mammafrog Posts: 176
    I make a batch of pancakes and freeze them. In the mornings my kids like to pop one in the toaster, then wrap it around a banana and eat it. One of the little crazies puts peanut butter or nutella on it first.

    I do this too! I started it awhile back because my kids love them and they are healthier and cheaper then the stores frozen ones.
  • chgetnfit
    chgetnfit Posts: 5 Member
    When really pressed for time I throw 2 morningstar sausage patties in the microwave for a minute 20 and out the door I go. Full of protein and 80 calories each.