Green Team - Week 2



  • purple_light
    purple_light Posts: 12 Member
    I started yesterday so I'm weighing in at my starting weight of 138 lbs. - looking forward to saying goodbye to some of that next week :)
  • purple_light
    purple_light Posts: 12 Member
    does crystal light count as water???? I remember from weight watchers it did. I just want to make sure I do the challenge right.
  • aml0484
    aml0484 Posts: 425
    Welocme Purple light! Yep you can count it.
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Hey all,
    It's Friday and my biggist personel challenge is going to be tonight. In our house Friday night is taco night!! I love my homemade Taco's. If I could I eat them everynight, I would. I normally eat 5 and put lots of cheese on them. So how do I still enjoy them, well I decided that I will measure the cheese,so that should cut some caloreis. Also maybe if I have maybe only 2-3 shells that would help. But because I only have red meat, next time I go to the store I am gonna buy ground turkey. Well Just wanted to write this down so I will feel more obligatoed to do what I say. Sorry if I bored anyone.
    Good job everyone with the challenge an dweight loss
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    Hey all,
    It's Friday and my biggist personel challenge is going to be tonight. In our house Friday night is taco night!! I love my homemade Taco's. If I could I eat them everynight, I would. I normally eat 5 and put lots of cheese on them. So how do I still enjoy them, well I decided that I will measure the cheese,so that should cut some caloreis. Also maybe if I have maybe only 2-3 shells that would help. But because I only have red meat, next time I go to the store I am gonna buy ground turkey. Well Just wanted to write this down so I will feel more obligatoed to do what I say. Sorry if I bored anyone.
    Good job everyone with the challenge an dweight loss

    Hey Jacque! You didn't bore me, I love me a homemade taco too!!!! BF usually takes one shell, and makes a salad out of the rest of the fixings. You've earned a good taco enjoy it the way you want - remember calorie zig zagging really does work.
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    HAHA, Just been figuring out the calories and what exercise I need to do. Thanks Porka, I'm glade somebody understand, You would think chips or chocolate would be an issue not tacos
    Well go to get back to work, lunch break over, Plan to have salad with chicken for lunch, but forgot the chicken, so it was just salad.
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    HAHA, Just been figuring out the calories and what exercise I need to do. Thanks Porka, I'm glade somebody understand, You would think chips or chocolate would be an issue not tacos
    Well go to get back to work, lunch break over, Plan to have salad with chicken for lunch, but forgot the chicken, so it was just salad.

    Actually Jacque it was nice to realize the world isn't sitting on my shoulders. Was feeling a little down in the dumps has rained all week, my pool cover blew off and ripped down the middle (now it's raining in the pool :grumble: ) and our new patio furniture blew over and messed up the umbrella on the unfinished half tiled patio my bf hasn't finished - did I mention that the rest of the yard is covered in an endless supply of mangos? Allright, I guess my rant is over - oh did I mention that I'm up two lbs this week?:laugh: :laugh:

    Thanks to you and everyone else for listening, I sure have been a bit sappy the last three days!
  • purple_light
    purple_light Posts: 12 Member
    What is calorie zig zagging???
  • kitn621
    kitn621 Posts: 215
    What is calorie zig zagging???

    that is where you mix it up and every now and then you indulge into a lil bit of things you wouldnt let yourself and maybe go over your calories. If you do this just once every few weeks or so it helps to through your body for a loop and has shown to help people get over their plateaus when they get there.
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    yep you got it kitn. When I first started here, I got stuck on 5 and 7 lbs. The bf and I went to Chilis and instead of eating off the guiltless menu, I ordered chicken and steak fajitas, I only used one of the tortillas and no cheese or sour cream - then just at the meats and veggies.............this turned out to be about 500 calories more for me than usual and I lost 5 lbs that week. I think you can up the calories, just don't necessarily have to eat REALLY bad stuff in those extra calories.

    Let's be realistic, it's a holiday weekend, use the holiday to zigzag:bigsmile: :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • réalta
    réalta Posts: 895 Member
    my weigh in is 167.4, so i am down .4 of a pound i will take that as i did not have a great week

    i will be away next week on my holidays, so i wont be able to weigh in until the week after, but i will be here from next saturday

    i think this weeks challenge will be easier for me as i get 1.5-2 litres every day and feel horrible if i dont get my water in! :drinker:

    surprised myself with the fruit challenge, think i did 4-5 days of 2 fruits, more than i usually have so i was delighted, thanks for the great challenges!

    :heart: good luck with week 2 everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    realta-:bigsmile: loss is a loss baby, embrace it!!:smile:
    Porka- Sounds like my house, which is still under constuction since hurrican Ike visit, As soon as there is progress something else happens. Were suppose to get rain on and off all weekend, so no sunshine for me. Don't worry about the weight its probably water weight. Also tomorrow another day.
    Ok so I just may go ahead and zig zagg this weekend, thanks for the idea.:bigsmile:
  • mxburke
    mxburke Posts: 226 Member
    Hey all,
    It's Friday and my biggist personel challenge is going to be tonight. In our house Friday night is taco night!! I love my homemade Taco's. If I could I eat them everynight, I would. I normally eat 5 and put lots of cheese on them. So how do I still enjoy them, well I decided that I will measure the cheese,so that should cut some caloreis. Also maybe if I have maybe only 2-3 shells that would help. But because I only have red meat, next time I go to the store I am gonna buy ground turkey. Well Just wanted to write this down so I will feel more obligatoed to do what I say. Sorry if I bored anyone.
    Good job everyone with the challenge an dweight loss

    I definitely know the feeling, I had tacos last night, and it just about killed my calories intake for the day, thankfully i had went to the gym earlier so it wasnt too bad, but its funny that you mention the ground turkey cause I was talking to my boyfriend about that last night, so that way it wouldnt be so much fat and stuff.....either way, enjoy your taco night, just try loading them with lots of veggies and lots of salsa, and do like you said with the measuring of the cheese, ! Have a good mexican fiesta! hehe

    I had 2 servings of watermelon today and 2 servings of strawberries today....definitely enjoying my fruits!
  • purrr
    purrr Posts: 46
    hiya greenies, just found this new thread, that's a good idea to chop it to weeks... i am pretty busy as i am finally moving early on Monday, so packing, doing last things in the city etc... i'll catch up on next weeks challenge... although next week is now, you have changed weigh-in to Friday? alright, my Friday weigh-in is 204.4 but i'm not sure what it was last Friday... please add me to the chart from this weight onwards

    on a happy note, i've just passed the 60 lost mark :drinker: it's plain incredible how smooth the weight loss has been going, i feel in full control of my body and totally ready to conquer the rest of the pudge... when i have more time i'll try to make a summary of what's been working for me, might be of help for the new guys on the team... there are lots of tips on MFP but some more never hurts... :tongue:

    i just went to the hairdresser's, cut my long-to-the-*kitten* hair, it's very short now and added some highlights too, love the new look... also dumped my glasses for contacts, bought me some "skinny" clothes, shoes, etc, finally feeling good about my body, so thought i'd add an extra twist to the overall change...

    alright, catch you after Monday, nobody fall off the wagon in the meanwhile cos purrr gets very mad when you do!

  • aml0484
    aml0484 Posts: 425
    Purrr...So glad to hear from you. 60 lbs is absolutely amazing. I am so glad you are back. I loved hearing your up and downs. Hearing from others makes me feel more normal in this journey. I am glad you posted a weight as I am just updating the chart now so I will get you added in.

    Well off to figure out how to add in some formulas. I'll post it when it's done. There are a lot of weigh ins missing so I might have to revise it tomorrow. Everyone Help keep each each other on track. I will be out most of the day tomorrow at the farmers market and the arboretum.

    Ohh I forgot to mention. I hit a new milestone. I ran 1/4 of a mile outside. Felt great but thought I was going to die afterward. I am going to keep trying to improve my distance and speed. I don't think I have ever run a whole mile without stopping and would like to complete this before summers end.
  • purrr
    purrr Posts: 46
    i'm so happy there are guys left from the old green team, i sure missed you too :heart:

    btw, i was trying to figure what's this week's challenge, seems it's still fruit... i always start my day with fruit, i'm so used to that... let me tell you one more reason why you have to eat fruit, in case you didn't know that - fruit is rich in potassium and potassium works the opposite way of sodium, helps flush water out of the body... if you are watching your sodium levels (i think MFP has it too high at 2500, it's supposed to be about 1500 i believe) and still retain water, it probably means you are low on potassium... hope this helps... :flowerforyou:
  • aml0484
    aml0484 Posts: 425

    This weeks challenge is going to be getting your water in. I am going t try and stay on top of getting my fruit in though.
  • purrr
    purrr Posts: 46
    oops, i didn't understand well.... water is easy, i think i already had 4 cups today and it's only 5am :happy:
  • aml0484
    aml0484 Posts: 425
    That's ok:smile: Purrr I wouldn't be any good at 5 am. Do you normally get up that early? I don't get up until 6-6:30 am
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    I am sooooooo happy, I had Taco's tonight and did not go over my calories:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    Any way enough about me.
    Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr- So happy to see ya. We need pic babr!! show us the new do. I am gonna do the same thing, as soon as I lose 60lbs.
    Talk to you all later
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