Obsessed? Does anyone else feel like this?



  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    I am a little concerned, particularly since family have commented about it, that I am becoming obsessed with exercise and the calorie burn.

    If I don't exercise I feel wrong, and I think about working out allllll day long.. Today for me is meant to be a rest day, but I found myself looking at the gym timetable.. thinking about going to Yoga, thinking about doing a fast walk to the park, doing a jump rope, crunches, push up, plank circuit a few times then doing a fast walk back.. which would probably turn into a jog along the way.

    I know I need to give my body time to recover, especially after a workout day like I had yesterday.. Arrrrrgh

    I just want to get out there and run and jump and kick and punch and lift heavy things..

    I guess maybe I am addicted to the endorphin high after a full on workout..
    You're obsessed with fitness like most others are obsessed with watching TV, playing video games and being unhealthy.

    I'll take my obsession over most of the failures our groveling their way through life.
  • But are you obsessed becasue you love exercising or is it becasue you feel if you dont that will be the end of your get fit journey for you. I have rest days but end up doing a workout becasue I feel so much better once I have completed it. A great place to be I think.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I think I have it pretty bad. I get more excited for Monday Zumba class than I do for my weekend off work or payday. My weekend off work falls on a Monday/Tuesday and occasionally payday falls on a Monday.
  • jimmie25
    jimmie25 Posts: 266
    I have to become "obsessed" with it...the workouts and eating healthy or I just won't do it. It's like there can't be an in between for me. I am either obsessed with it or don't care.

    Same here! Last month I couldn't exercise as much as usual due to injury and I got so anxious about it that I started eating to ease the anxiety :/ Thank God I didn't gain much but it's a vicious circle.
  • Luandanielle1979
    Luandanielle1979 Posts: 747 Member
    I am proud of how much weight I have lost and actually glad to be obsessed with diet and fitness instead of eating takeaways and drinking dozens of bottles of wine for fun. It is a good thing that people who are wanting to make changes to be enthusiastic about it. My friends have started to say i am obsessed as I have lost enough now. Its not true as I am still 28lbs overweight (for the gp) Acually does my head in that they have stopped being positive about it. So I dont even talk to them about what I am doing at the moment. Some of them are size 6 and honestly eat whatever they like. As long as Im not going too skinny and eating a healthy balanced diet then I am happy. As long as your eating enough hunny and feeling great. Good for you :O)
  • reaolliemama
    reaolliemama Posts: 483 Member
    I wish! :tongue: I need to be more like you... as long as other areas of your life asen't suffering and you aren't injuing youself I think it's okay...beter than being obsessed with something unhealthy!
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    I think if you do lighter exercise then it's fine. You do need to let your body recover, but that can mean taking a hike outdoors with the dog or doing a yoga class rather than the insane cardio followed an intense weight session. Rest doesn't equal stop.

    This! A rest day could be going for a swim, going for a casual stroll, something nice and relaxing but still active.. don't need to sit on your butt all day (unless you really want to)
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I find myself thinking how many calories have I burned today but worse is with food programs and diet ones.. Man V Food I love watching it but would be horrified if I had to eat it!

    I find myself dissecting the meals on the pub/restaurant menu.. is it mainly a meat/fish/veg kind of thing, is the sauce gonna be high calories? what if they cooked it in deep fat fryer? .. we usually end up at a carvery cos the meat has been roasted in oven and they have loads of veg, usually self service so I can skip the potatoes and anything that looks remotely calorific!
  • I'm obsessed with exercise too! Love it!!! Burn baby burn!!! LOL!
  • I think you feel the benefits of your exercise the day after your rest day if that makes sense? If I exercise too much then I just feel and look tired. I am trying to be in the habit of doing my C25K M/W/F and possibly a fourth workout but something different at the weekend. I want to feel like it has it's place in my life so that I feel good when I am doing all the other things I want to do.
  • hi everyone it is my rest day today and what i have done is activity that its as pumped up as my gym days so i took my son swimming this morning so i walked lenghts of the pool with him and also walked there and back. and tonight i will be doing 1 hour of zumba on my wii. through this game i have come to like dancing even though i have no co ordination but i do it to try to improve.