Desk job + long commute to work = fat *kitten*



  • cherigurl
    cherigurl Posts: 184 Member
    I also have a desk job, i am not chained to it, but i do get up atleast every hour go down stairs talk with another coworker, then (unfortunatly) go back down stairs to smoke, ( i am quitting in a week) but i log at least 10 min a day just from walking around my small office area. I do wake up before the sun at 5am to either do a work out video or jog on my treadmill.
  • puzwuz1
    puzwuz1 Posts: 42
    I am in the exact same scenario. I work a desk job 9-10 hours per day and commute 40 mins to work. What I have done to keep myself on track is to force myself to do workouts in the mornings before work. I found a gym in the same city that I work and go there every morning at 6am to get a 40-45 min workout in and then shower at the gym and get to work by 730AM everyday. Main reason for this (as I am sure you know) is because I cannot motivate myself to do a workout after work with the long workday and thinking about the 40 min drive home everyday. Also, you get your workout done in the morning and can depend on that through the day and then on days you feel motivated enough to do things during the day or after work are all bonus. (I know not a lot of people are morning people and this can be difficult, but it really only takes the first two weeks of forcing yourself before you begin to acclimate your body).
  • FitnessBarbie99
    FitnessBarbie99 Posts: 283 Member
    Here are a few I've been doing -- (often in the bathroom)

    As many jumping jacks as you can do with out stopping

    Shadow boxing

    calf raises, leg lifts, lunges, squats, etc. are also great.

    I keep a little notebook and record my progress throughout the day. It helps if you set a goal.
  • QueenMother14
    QueenMother14 Posts: 438 Member
    Today, I started looking for things I could do at work. SO far, I have walked the floor and done laps. I am eyeing the empty office and thinking of going in for a few quick sit ups.
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    I'm in the same boat.

    I walk 45 minutes of my lunch hour and spend the other 15 mins eating my lunch.

    I'm hoping that as I get fitter I can change the walk for a run. I would get a lot more calories burned in a 45 minute jog. Maybe you could try that?

    Cardio stuff at your desk is practically impossible, but you can certainly do sneaky strength training and stretching. If you have a fixed or heavy desk, you can use it for leverage pressing up or down on it for a variety of arm, shoulder, and upper body resistance exercises.

    And as others have said, definitely get up once an hour and go for a quick walk... not for exercise so much as to reduce the risk of a thrombosis occuring.
  • Lissa_1234
    bump for future reference
  • brybre0413
    brybre0413 Posts: 212 Member
    If U don't have an audience I love to stand up and shake it! Dance at my desk .....make frequent trips to bathroom(water) ....calf raises, I do push ups from my desk anything to move......stand up and type........moving is moving!!!!!!
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Use the bathroom breaks to do squats or wall pushups. I even brought a lighter weight and did over head tricep extensions. Once I did swimmers presses too. Take the stairs whenever possible and remember walk as much as possible (ie go talk to a coworker instead of emailing)
  • cfinnera
    This is my problem as well! But since my desk area is at the end of our hallway so I am always getting up and walking . I take the stairs instead of the elevator and park the furthest away from the building . But I tell you it is sometimes really difficult to pass up on bagels/ donuts and candy that people bring in. Thank goodness the holidays are over! smile:
  • MrDude_1
    MrDude_1 Posts: 2,510 Member
    Does anyone have any ideas, or exercises for me. I have a desk job and a 45 minute commute to work and home each day. Besides going for a walk on my lunch and after supper...does anyone have any other exercises I could do? THanks!

    Im in the same boat.
    You need to work out a routine that maximizes your use of time. To me, that means big compound movements that work the largest muscles in your body. Without knowing ANYTHING about you all I can recommend is what i do.. a basic progressive 5x5 routine.. a well explained but wordy example can be found here if you're curious.. or just lookup 5x5 workout on google.

    Besides that, use your deskjob to your advantage the best you can. Diet wise, its awesome.. because if i dont bring food, i wont eat food. conversely if you want to eat specific food or whatever, just bring it.. and that will be exactly what you eat.
    Because you're choosing your food ahead of time with a clear head... you wont be hungry and persuaded to go eat something your shouldnt... and this routine eventually leads to habit. a good habit of eating better.

    while im a believer of every little bit counts.. silly things like pedals under your desk, wont burn as many calories as not eating one piece of candy will save. plus people wont know your "dieting"... because you're not.. you're just making smarter food choices.

    as for silly things i DO use at my desk.. i mess with Captains of Crush grippers. they're like the little grip things you get everywhere... except they're actually difficult to use, so there's a point to it. i got the trainer down, and im working on #1... cant crush #2 yet, but I will..... its just something to squeeze when im on the phone, and it really helps your grip strength.

    oh, and for the ladys.... a 17yo male with testosterone pulsing around their body can only gain 2lbs of lean mass in a MONTH. you cant do that... dont worry about "getting bulky" from doing effective weight training. not only does it work... but its time effective... you lift, you're done.. and you feel awesome for the rest of the day.... no hour long cardio session needed.
  • klyttle
    If mass commuting is an option for you, start taking the bus or train to and from work and walk from the stop to your office....sometimes getting off at a stop before yours to get a little extra push. If that's not an option, start parking at the furthest spot from the door, take the stairs, and move as much as possible. Perhaps wearing a pedometer during the day will give you an idea of how many steps you're normally taking and use each day to add new/more steps to your routine. Fat *kitten* will turn to thinner *kitten* in no time!! Good luck!
  • damccoll
    thank you everyone!!!
  • TMasticTB
    TMasticTB Posts: 62 Member
    I think I saw the phrase "I'm in the same boat" about 20 times, and I can say the same thing.

    Nothing else I can really add that'll add to anything, but I can vouch for the "drink tons of water" as that works for me. Gets you up and walking (to the bathroom) whether you want to or not!
  • seehawkmomma
    Part of the reason for my former obesity was that I too work in a cube. Really what worked for me:

    1) watch waht you eat. Office jobs are killer. Between the donuts and everything else people bring in... keep your calories watched at all times.

    2) drink plenty of water.

    3) If you can, go for a 10-15 minute walk once a day.

    4) Get yourself outside or to a gym after work and do at least 30 minutes a day of some strenuous activity.

    5) Don't take an elevator

    Really good advice.

    I also would add for me I put a yoga ball in my cube and it helps with the butt :))
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    I'm in the same boat. Watching your calories and exercising at home, before or after work is what you need to do.
  • dcmat
    dcmat Posts: 1,723 Member
    How long are you at a standstill? It doesn't take me much longer to cycle the 41 miles to work & back than drive and the pounds have just rolled off
  • oxFaithxo
    oxFaithxo Posts: 160 Member
    i was going to the gym on my lunch everyday... find a gym that is close to the job.. it would take me 10 minutes to get to the gym 5-10 minutes to change and 10 minutes to get back to work... that left a 30 minute workout... doesnt sound like much but trust me i was able to lose 30 lbs... and once you are at your goal and just need to maintain you could cut the gym down to 2-3 times a week :)
  • Quiing
    Quiing Posts: 261 Member
    Story of my life. I too have a desk job and my commute to work is roughly 2 hours... I do my best to eat breakfast early before I leave so I wont want any donuts when I get to work, I pack my own lunch (usually make my own salad or homemade stir fry) and snacks (usually hard boiled eggs or almonds). I'm working on creating new habits like doing intervals on the steps before lunch for 5-10 minutes and walking around the warehouse to communicate messages instead of just emailing people.

    Good luck to you!
  • dfborders
    dfborders Posts: 474 Member
    I'm in the same boat - My commute is a total of 2.5 hours, I am at work for 9-10 hours and don't always get my full lunch break. Finally decided I had to do something, trying to walk at lunch, taking the stairs and watching what I eat just wasn't enough. Joined a gym and now get out of bed at 5:10 a.m. 2-3 times per weekday and make sure to hit the gym once on the weekend (at least). Hoping can keep up with the schedule - will see.
  • doliveresti
    doliveresti Posts: 29 Member
    I am in the same situation but fortunately our company opened up a gym for the employees to utilize .. I too drive an hour each way to and from work but I have read that you do burn calories but not really a lot.. .here's the link