How Do You Deal?

So I have been trying to lose weight for a month now and I keep "falling off the wagon"....... I will do really well for about 3 days keeping track of my calories and eating my goal and working out, then I will just look at chocolate and go on a binge, undoing everything I have done......

I am about 40 pounds overweight and I want to lose 20 by my wedding in April.....
I just feel hungry and when I am hungry, I want to eat everything in sight.....

Does anyone have advice?

I am 5"4' and 176 pounds.


  • crobinson0923
    Maybe you aren't eating the right things or eating too few calories when you are tracking, so then you feel too hungry. Hard to say without knowing any information.
  • ditzybutsexy
    Where do you see this chocolate? At the store or do you have it in your house, within easy reach?
  • bjfmade
    bjfmade Posts: 543 Member
    If losing 20 by your wedding is what you want to do then you will log what you plan on eating/already ate and find alternatives to the bad things you crave. Moderation is a good thing. You can do this, it just takes small steps that lead into big ones. You are here and that is a huge step! Congrats on the upcoming wedding.
  • Laurieann137
    Laurieann137 Posts: 95 Member
    I do the same thing. There are two things that might help. One..plan your meals...everything and don't stray from it. Two...sometimes when our body is "hungry" it's really dehydrated. Drink a big glass of water before you eat. That usually will help fill you up. Good Luck with your weight loss and with your wedding! What an exciting time for you! I have about 40lbs to lose to and am 5'1". Feel free to add me if you want.
  • lwill0110
    Wow. I read this post and thought, "are you me?" I'm about the same weight and height and have the same problem.

    I am trying this week to eat every few hours, something healthy, so I don't get really hungry. And close out my day every day.
  • arr0528
    arr0528 Posts: 119 Member
    Like if I am at work and my coworkers bring food in or at a family function. In general places. I don't have any junk in my house. I eat a lot of fruit and when I exercise I burn about 300 calories each time. I just don't have very good will power.
  • Fochizzy
    Fochizzy Posts: 505 Member
    Are you set on 2lbs a week? I found that was beyond what I could manage. I would get too hungry and binge. I had to set it for 1lb a week instead. Much more successful. Its all about finding what works for you.
  • dfborders
    dfborders Posts: 474 Member
    Sounds like the story of my life - I am trying this time with a different attitude - NO PRESSURE. I just want to get healthy - if I screw up from time to time, I screw up. If I deprive myself completely - I will fall off the wagon and not want to get back on. I have joined a gym which helps a lot - after working out for 30-45 minutes I don't want to undo all that hard work by eating junk - but if I do decide I want junk or want to go to dinner with Hubby then at least I can have it without blowing my diet out the window. Good Luck!!
  • crobinson0923
    Maybe you just need to plan your calories around having a treat at work, since you can't seem to stay away from it. I guess the key would just be to eat it in moderation, and keep other healthy snacks around to make u feel full.
  • CarBro1
    CarBro1 Posts: 7 Member
    Maybe you're not hungry maybe you're stressed?! Wedding in April sounds exciting and stressful. Journal? Yoga? Good LUCK!
  • karmakim
    I would suggest changing your motivation. You have to want to do this for yourself! 20 Lbs by the wedding is a good goal but you need to want to change your lifestyle entirely. Taking control over what makes you feel good is a place to start. Chocolate is definitely one of those feel good foods - however think about how you feel after you binge?
  • kbeller88
    kbeller88 Posts: 139
    I get like that too, sometimes its not really being hungry at all...When I get like that I drink two cups of water fast and within like 10 minutes I feel better and not as hungry...if I still feel hungry I eat an apple or an orange and it satisfies can also get some hershy kisses and when the strong chocolate cravings come on I just pop one in..thier like 25 cals per kiss but I got my craving under control and just feel good knowing I didn't blow my diet because I wanted to binge...I also have an eating disorder (which I"m currently on meds for) Its basically my mind thinks because I'm not eating something to comfort me I'm empty and I get depressed, but Im starting to learn different things to fill this hole. Exercise, knitting, and keeps my hands and mind occupied so I dont feel as bad...hang in will get better.

    This is my 3rd time on MFP and honestly I feel alot better already...=) add me if you like I'm here for everyone
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    Rather than asking something practical, I'm going to ask - if you look deep, deep inside yourself, do you really want to lose weight? If you're completely honest with yourself are you feeling dedicated, committed and ready to change your whole lifestyle forever? Or, are you sitting thinking how you love those junk foods, and how they make you happy?

    The willpower to resist hunger and junk food comes from really wanting to make the change for life. I tried a few times, telling myself I wanted to lose weight and attempting to diet when I wasn't sure deep down. One day, I realised I genuinely did want to change my lifestyle, and everything just clicked.
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    if you want it bad enough, you will stay on track. maybe you haven't identified enough reasons why you want it bad enough. maybe you haven't committed those to writing so that you can review them often. try the activity in this blog:

    as for picking the right foods so you don't feel hungry throughout the day, I aim for foods that digest more slowly and don't cause an insulin spike...this way I am full longer and without the insulin spike, I don't have cravings for foods that won't help me in this regard. This would be lean protein, healthy fat and carbs with a low glycemic index value. fiber helps too. I also drink LOTS of water throughout the day.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I agree with other posters who have mentioned you might not be eating the right foods that will keep you full longer. One thing that works great for me is eating a good serving of protein in the morning! It truly changes the course of my day! I didn't have much protein this morning and I was hungry before lunch time! You can add me as a friend if you'd like to ask more questions about what has worked for me :) Good luck! You can do this!
  • amberrrrh
    amberrrrh Posts: 63 Member
    I threw out all my candy, and other temptations.
    I only allow myself something that I find tempting if I burn the amount of calories that i'm supposed to each day, and i can only have it if it is within my calorie, fats, sugars, and sodium.

    throwing out the bad stuff really helped me. and hiding it way in the back of the pantry where it isnt in plain sight helps too.r
    Also, if i'm hungry, and i've just eaten. I drink a glass of water then wait to see if i'm still hungry afterwards. Helps A LOT.

    You can always find healthier alternatives to what makes you give in too.
    Sugar free popsicles,
    Special K cracker chips.

    & make sure you're eating enough with your meals! I added a boiled egg with my turkey burger today to make sure I stayed full until it's time for a snack.
  • hhorncastle
    hhorncastle Posts: 84 Member
    I just don't have very good will power.

    Sure you do! You're just not applying it to your diet yet.
  • Enigmatica
    Enigmatica Posts: 879 Member
    I add a tablespoon of pure unsweetened cocoa powder to my breakfast, which is usually a smoothie or oatmeal with some almond or soy milk, protein powder, berries, etc. That gets my chocolate fix out of the way for the day. Also, if you focus on good nutrition it might help reduce cravings. Particularly make sure that you're getting enough magnesium - studies have connected magnesium deficiency to cravings in general and especially to cravings for chocolate and other sweets. And I add cinnamon to my diet, which can help stabilize blood sugar and reduce the munchies. Keep experimenting ;-)
  • PatasDeGallina
    PatasDeGallina Posts: 155 Member
    The first thing we did when we started eating healthier for weight loss and general health is to get all the junk out of the house.

    If you live with other people or work where there is a lot of crap around or have people in your life "treating" you with unhealthy choices, that can make things difficult.

    If you have a compulsion to eat something, the first solution is avoidance.

    Next, you can eat some of your workout calories, if not all. You can eat chocolate every day (I know, because I do) so long as you track it.

    On the days that you "binge", track everything you eat. You can even do what I do, and pre-track intended "binges" or times when you are going to allow yourself to eat a little off track or even within your calorie ranges but just food that isn't healthy.

    No one is saying that you have to eat healthy all the time. It's recommended, but as long as you stay within your calorie range (mine is 1200-1300) for your NET calories, then you can give yourself a little wiggle room with your choices.

    You're not falling off the wagon. Sometimes the wagon will take a detour, but so long as you steer back on the path, you'll be ok. Better to take the scenic route than to keep heading off the trail until you're all by yourself and the wheels are falling off. Did I take that metaphor a little too far?

    Friend me if you need support. I'm here EVERY DAY. You can do this.
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    Allow me to be blunt.

    Do you really want to lose the weight? Saying yes, and meaning it are two different things.

    If you really want to lose the weight, then you do it. You maintain your calories properly (no starvation bullcrap) and you exercise some every day.

    If you don't really want to lose the weight, you will continue down the path of least resistance.

    I have a weakness for food too. esp those of the high calorie kind. As such my house is barren of most food save some gatorade, some hard cider for the weekends, and some oatmeal. I shop daily for my dinner. Less convienient, but it allows me to leash inner jabba.

    I also do 30-60 minutes of cardio daily. It's hard, but I prefer losing weight and getting into proper shape over being fat and facing the scorn of day to day living as a fat person that I have endured most of my adult life.

    Good luck to you on your journey.