Disapointing first week



  • SabrinaAbney
    You really should have all the calories MFP has set up for you. Your body will think you are starving a will store fat.. Learned this one myself.
  • suavequeen
    suavequeen Posts: 273 Member
    Success is achieved and maintained by those who try-and keep trying... Guess what? You are that person who will succeed..
  • annmarie_148
    Thank you everyone for your advise and support
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    With about 30# to go, an average between .5 and 1 pound a week is perfect. You're right on target. Hold your head up and be proud!


    And no more negative talk! A loss is a loss!!
    That said, water weight is a major factor on the scale. Make sure you're tracking your sodium and getting plenty of fluids, especially on your active and high sodium intake days. Time of the month is a factor. Also adding or increasing exercise can cause water gain as well - the muscles will retain fluid as part of their healing process. Once you've been doing this for a week or two, that should balance out but keep it in mind for any time you increase your activity or have a changing (like adding strength training or starting to run). Basically any time your muscles are sore, they're retaining water.
  • TerresaJ
    TerresaJ Posts: 187 Member
    Give your body time to adjust. Keep it up!!!!! You won't be sorry!!!! :)
  • flabulous4
    flabulous4 Posts: 599 Member
    Don't just listen to the scale. Take your measurements and see how your clothes feel. I've had plateaus of a few weeks with no weight loss but have lost inches from waist and hips.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Iv had a disapointing first week although i had a few naughty items i still managed to keep 300 cals under my weekly target im guttered that i only lost 0.7lb :yawn: i also went spinning and did two, hour long sessions on the wii fit guttered.com hopefully this week will be my week.
    Actually, that's good.
    What were you expecting? By this time next year you'll be down over 36 lbs.
    That's close to your goal.

    And because you lost the weight cleanly, most of the loss will be fat.
    Stay with it and think long term.
  • Alexabarocas
    Like it's been said, patience is always key. It takes time for your body to adjust to everything you're doing. And if you keep it up, you'll certainly see results! Remember to keep your water intake up! That also plays a huge factor.
    Be proud that you're even trying, most people don't even get to that step.
  • ANeWcRe8N
    ANeWcRe8N Posts: 1,180 Member
    dont give up.. any loss is better than a gain.:wink:
  • ChristineDiet
    ChristineDiet Posts: 719 Member
    Be happy that you lost something, if you had been 'naughty' you could have gained. congrats on the loss. x
  • annmarie_148
    Thanks agene to all of you great advise and support x
  • Erdfisch
    Erdfisch Posts: 13 Member
    Just to add one more supporting voice:

    When I first started here I gained more than a pound in my first week. But since then I am exactly on track (1,5 pounds per week) for the last two months following MFP calculations. Just give your body the time to get starting :)
  • heavens_calm
    heavens_calm Posts: 22 Member
    It took <insert age> years to get to where you are - you won't lose it in a week. Have faith in yourself and tons of patience and you'll make it through!
  • LJShuman
    I stayed the same after a week of staying under my goal every day except for one. My Beau and I are doing this together and he lost 7 lbs!! I am happy for him and hopeful for myself! Keep going!! =)
  • geecee77
    geecee77 Posts: 149 Member
    I tend to lose nothing one week then 3 the next, all bodies are different as to how they cling onto that unwanted weight! Keep at it hon, it will come offx