Newbie wanting to lose around 100 pounds!



  • This will be my first post on the message boards, but I am in the close to 100lb area. My goal is to get to 199lbs. I haven't been in the one-hundred range in quite some time, and that is very close to my final goal weight, so it'll be nice to have an interim goal to aim for. So, right now I have 84lbs to lose.

    I just had my first child a short 10 months ago, and gained a fair bit of weight during the pregnancy, lost almost all of my pregnancy weight afterwards with breastfeeding, but recently there has been some issues and emotional eating, not to mention Christmas! So, here I am, aiming for a new, healthier me for my daughter, myself and my fiance. I am a SAHM, with a small home-based business so it's easy to just grab a bag of chips or something cruddy when you are trying to get things done.

    Anyway, it's nice to see such an active message board, and I hope that I'm able to find some folks so we can motivate each other! :)
  • dieter75
    dieter75 Posts: 33 Member
    I am also new to this site and need to lose 100 pounds. I need all the support I can get. I am turning 50 this year and would like to finally have this weight off. I am weighing in on Saturdays.
    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • tattoo_tattoo
    tattoo_tattoo Posts: 1 Member
    hiya iam a newbie to and also need to lose 100 pounds...
  • sandra80
    sandra80 Posts: 308 Member
    it is possible. i'm 28lbs from goal but i've already lost 192.
  • forme2310
    forme2310 Posts: 157 Member
    Hello All I have lost 48 pounds so far but have 100 more to loose. I have been overweight all my life and would love to help others as well as they help me. My name is Larry I live with my partner of almost 10 years and our spoiled 4 legged son named Stymie.

    I am doing a 5 k on January 21st my first one and alot of it will be walking as our son is coming with since he can and it does him good too and it for a special cause its help a rescue shelter find homes for dogs and helps support them and I am a big believer in adopting a dog and giving them a home. That is where Stymie came from and I could not ask for a better dog.

    If you want to know more check out my profile and feel free to send me a friend request. Almost time for work oh yeah I am a relay operator by night and a man with a mission by day.
  • gail4721
    gail4721 Posts: 75 Member
    WOW! I am not alone. I know what to do i know how to do it but the hardest part is getting motivated and staying motivated. Okay people...The BEST advice i can give you is to put yourself first...Track what you eat...when you eat...why you you felt after you ate...and schedule in some "ME TIME". Whether it's a bubble bath, a foot soak... a quick nap...something that will refresh you...DO IT FOR YOU!. WATER least 8 glasses a day is a must. Once you feel thirsty you are already dehydrated. Lastly, make it a LIFESTYLE CHANGE...not just a diet to lose a few pounds. CHANGE your eating habits...the best way to start is to cut you portions down...try it for a week and you will be surprised can do it!...DO NOT DEPRIVE accountable for whatever you put in your mouth. GOOD LUCK on becoming the NEW YOU!
  • MzCongeniality70
    MzCongeniality70 Posts: 352 Member
    Hi all! I am also needing to lose 100lbs! I cannot believe I did this to myself but it is time to change! I am so happy to have found this site! I would love to have new friends to go on this journey with. My name is Amy, and I am 41. I have two grown children, and one little grandson. I need to be healthy to stay alive for them. :smile:
  • hyde1977
    hyde1977 Posts: 476 Member
    Welcome! This is a great site full of support and encouragement if you want it! I have lost over 75 pounds (42 on this site)

    Please feel free to add me......
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    To each of you and all of you looking to lose you can friend me if you like, my diary is open and I'm happy to help. But I do not suffer excuses well so if you are serious Ruck UP! Lets get to the top!
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    You can do it! Welcome :)
  • angie_04
    angie_04 Posts: 471 Member
    Feel free ta add me as well...i have to lose 100lbs also...i'm 31 nd have a 7 yr old nd 2 yr old...both play a major role n me getting soooo heavy...didn't realize it was as bad as it is til i saw a horrible pic of myself...tried this be4, but am back for the new year nd am gonna do this thang this time round;)
  • vestarocks
    vestarocks Posts: 420 Member
    I have about 50-65 pounds to lose. I've gained and lost several times and now I'm surrendering to the fact that it is a lifestyle. I can't "go off the wagon". I've just turned 45 and have two sons 14 & 12. My 14 year old really wants me to play soccer as he knows it's something I love but right now I'm just carrying too much weight to run around.

    You know what really ticks me off? Is that all through my teen years and my early 20's I thought I was fat. No just 5'10" and not a size 0 (not that that size even existed back then - in the olden days). I recently found a skirt that I wore in my late teens and it's ittee bittee. Argh. So much time wasted.

    I've been exercising for a couple of years but the weight hasn't shifted. My cardio health has definitely improved but now I'm paying closer attention to my diet. Presumably I'm not defective and I have just been eating too many calories.

    I'm happy for any of you to add me as I could sure use a kick in the butt some days (but be nice about the butt whooping okay?).
  • emilysuelemus
    emilysuelemus Posts: 66 Member
    I too need to lose more than 100 llbs. I'm hoping for the support and accountability...great site. We can do this and thanks for all your transparency!
  • lynetteg56
    lynetteg56 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Shar, i also have to lose a lot of weight i have diabetes now and am regretting not doing something about it sooner. i have a grand son and i love him to bits i want to be around to see him grow up . i found over the years that it is easier to lose weight if you have a weight loss buddy or even a few buddies . will you be my weight loss buddy. thanks Lyn
  • I am in the same boat as eveyone else. Feel free to add me. Include a message about where you found me. I comment and send motivation whenever I can, so would love to have friends like that. :)
  • darlin930
    darlin930 Posts: 283 Member
    Hello all! My name is Connie and I am 47. I live in south central Tennessee. I have 100 pounds to lose and have been battling weight all my life. It seems that I start off highly motivated and do well for a short time, then fall off the planet and gain it all back. I have a hard time staying motivated, but I NEED to do this! I have high blood pressure now and am borderline diabetic. Please add me and I will help you too.