Giving up...HELP!



  • forme2310
    forme2310 Posts: 157 Member
    I really like this quote hope you don't mind I am borrowing
  • I agree 200% percent!
  • bexominglex
    bexominglex Posts: 130 Member
    Don't give up. Try to log in every day... remember weight loss and gain is cumulative, not a quick thing. Try not to grocery shop when you're hungry, mute commercials and celebrate your small successed (but don't celebrate with food). If you crave something tasty, you might want to look into herbal teas to drink- they smell great and are virtually calorie free (as long as you don't add cream,sugar, etc). For every week you log in and are under your calories for the day, buy ourself something small that you want, like bath salts or nice candles. Remember, weiht loss is not just about what you look like, but your health and quality of life. You can do it!
  • Dont give it up...............its going to be tough but its worth it in the long run.:flowerforyou:
  • ALW65
    ALW65 Posts: 643 Member
    To start with, eat whatever you want. Just practise logging it all for a week or so, then cut 1 thing out -- maybe switching from soda or whatever to water. The next week, try to eat healthy 1 day. The week after, 2.

    Even just logging what you're eating will help you see what's in it, and then maybe you won't want to eat it so much?

    I don't deprive myself of anything -- if I want chocolate, I bloody well have it. Everything in moderation, sweetie. :flowerforyou: Don't give up!

    ^^^Sounds like an excellent plan if you're really having a hard time getting back in the groove. You won't feel so deprived, but can work in the right direction. Try to think of each of those 'mini changes' you make as a decision you're making for yourself so you'll feel good rather than something you're cutting out - that would bring out the two year old in me and I'd be screaming on the inside, "BUT I WANT IT!!!!" Best of luck to you - you CAN do it!
  • firesoforion
    firesoforion Posts: 1,017 Member
    It's so difficult! Friend me if you need some support!
  • LuckyAng
    LuckyAng Posts: 1,173 Member
    Here's what has helped me a LOT: I don't think of anything in terms of "I can't eat that" I think of them in terms of "I don't eat that". I was just telling my Husband that I am really enjoying counting calories, because nothing is really off limits. There are things I just no longer think of as an option. But sometimes, if I have to have it... I just have a little. For example, the other day as my Husband was eating Reeses Pieces in front of me, I counted out 10. A serving size is 51! I just worked them into my calories for the day.
  • WilliamsPeggy
    WilliamsPeggy Posts: 440 Member
    Don't give up. Eat what you want, just log it first & adjust the portion size. Workout too. You can do it! :happy:
  • I only started this in December, but just logging in and seeing what I am eating regularly, allowed me to realize what was really going in, and why I had gained so much weight. I haven't stopped what I'm eating completely, just either in less quantities, or replaced it with something else. For example, I have recently switched my diet cokes for sierra mist. While sierra mist isnt any healthier because of the soda content and calories, it has helped me get off the caffeine, but I still have soda cravings. Im also drinking more water. Just slowly work your way up, and don't give up! All the work will be worth it in the end! Add me as a friend for support if you need to :)
  • pupcamper
    pupcamper Posts: 410 Member
    Don't give up on yourself - you are just going to have to lose those 13 pounds again! Maybe you feel this way because you are putting too much pressure on yourself! Having a huge expectation to live upto is very difficult and can be demotivating, you are probably thinking I'll never be able to do it so why bother! Here are some tips that may help you...

    1. Be realistic
    The surest way to fall short of your goal is to make it unattainable. For instance, resolving to never eat your favorite food again because it has too many calories could be a bad choice. Strive for a goal that is attainable, such as avoiding it more often than you do now.
    2. Plan ahead
    If you wait until the last minute, your choice will be based on your mindset that particular moment and could result in some bad choices being made. Instead, meal plan your day or week to ensure you are meeting your goals.
    3. Outline your plan
    Decide how you will deal with the temptation to skip that exercise class or eat that unplanned chocolate bar. This could include calling on a friend for help, practicing positive thinking and self-talk, or adding some extra physical activity.
    4. Make a "pro" and "con" list
    It may help to see a list of items on paper to keep your motivation strong. Develop this list over time, and ask others to contribute to it. Keep your list with you and refer to it when you need help keeping your resolve.
    5. Talk about it
    Don't keep your resolution a secret. Tell friends and family members who will be there to support your resolve to change yourself for the better or improve your health. It is best case scenario on MFP lots of buddies to be made who share your enthusiasm to lead a healthier lifestyle and you can motivate each other!
    6. Reward yourself
    This doesn't mean that you can eat an entire box of chocolates. Instead, celebrate your success by treating yourself to something that you enjoy that does not contradict your resolution. If you've been sticking to your promise to eat better or add physical activity to you day your reward could be going to a movie with a friend.
    7. Make goals – large & small
    Keep track of each small success you make toward reaching your larger goal. Short-term goals are easier to keep, and small accomplishments will help keep you motivated. Instead of focusing on losing 30 pounds, focus on losing that first 5. Keeping up with your logging, keeping a journal about how you feel, taking measurements etc may help you stay on track when you can see how far you have come.
    8. Don't beat yourself up
    Obsessing over the occasional slip won't help you achieve your goal. Do the best you can each day, and take each day one at a time.
    9. Stick to it
    Experts say it takes about 21 days for a new activity, such as exercising, to become a habit, and 6 months for it to become part of your personality. Your new healthful habits will become second-nature in no time.
    10. Keep trying
    If your resolution has totally run out of steam by mid-February, don't despair. Start over again! There's no reason you can't make a "New Year's resolution" any time of year.

    YOU CAN DO IT - good luck and remember it is a journey not a race!! :drinker:
  • I struggle with loggin, but when i read ur posting, i realized that helping others is part of this process. Please dont give up. U can start ur day over anytime u want. That means so u eat some sweets. accept it, do better on ur next choice for the day and thank ur God that u r n the process of learning to eat healthier. ok
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    I have been struggling with the difficulties of not eating whatever I want. It was become an increasing challenge because of the holidays. Now that I am so far back Im just completely discouraged and upset with myself. I need some support before I decide to throw in the towel. I dont want to give up but it has just become so difficult to stick with it...

    On your profile you said you want to feel attractive, Your motivation then was looking in the mirror. I suggest you do it again, take a good look right after your shower, is that what you want? If you can look in the mirror and be happy, then eat what you want. If you want to look in the mirror and see a healthy attractive gal, then get back to it. It's just that simple. Follow me if you want to but no excuses. Ruck up and lets get to the top!
  • amandavictoria80
    amandavictoria80 Posts: 734 Member
    I have been struggling with the difficulties of not eating whatever I want. It was become an increasing challenge because of the holidays. Now that I am so far back Im just completely discouraged and upset with myself. I need some support before I decide to throw in the towel. I dont want to give up but it has just become so difficult to stick with it...
    You won't make it without a major change of attitude.

    Nobody here can talk you into being motivated. You either have it or you don't.

    To see this through, look deep inside and answer for yourself:
    Why do I want to be fit?
    And attach great pleasure to that as you set this goal.

    And then answer for yourself this:
    Why don't I want to be fat?
    Attach great pain to all the reasons you do not want to be fat.

    Few people can actually do this which is why most people fail. This is why you are in the position you're in right now.
    This is the key to internal motivation.

    You, and ONLY you are the author of your outstanding future or your sub-par existence.

    The ball's in your court.

    I think this is great advice. To the point with no sugar coating. I like that. :)
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    I have been struggling with the difficulties of not eating whatever I want. It was become an increasing challenge because of the holidays. Now that I am so far back Im just completely discouraged and upset with myself. I need some support before I decide to throw in the towel. I dont want to give up but it has just become so difficult to stick with it...
    But what happens if you give up? What does that mean? What does it look like to give up? Does it mean going back to eating whatever you want? Does it mean not exercising? NOt worrying about calories? Was that lifestyle enjoyable?

    I assume since you are on MFP you wanted to make changes in your life. I see from your profile that you are really young. Congratulations for taking such an important step so early in life. Congratulations for losing 13 pounds.

    I cannot tell you not to give up. I don't know what that means for you. It's possible you do need to give up - in the sense that maybe you need to spend another month, another year or another decade making the choices and living the life that led you to create an account on MFP. I don't know what's best for you.

    I do know that you can find success on MFP. I do know that you can be encouraged, bolstered by the support of friends. I do know that you can gain confidence by stringing together a series of healthy decisions and building on that foundation.

    As others have said, we cannot keep you from giving up. We cannot keep from making your choices - healthy or unheathly. The only way you are not going to give up is by deciding - on your own - that you are not going to give up. You may be filled the supportive words of your MFP friends and if you want to credit that, OK. But this is about you. You have decisions to make. You can get help. You can get guidance. You can get fun and humor too. But only you can achieve sucess. Or failure.

    Know that you cannot throw away your diet in one day, or even a week. It's just not physically possible. Everyone has ups and downs, everyone experiences their own pitfalls. If it were easy, no one would be overweight and you wouldn't have a gazillion-dollar industry of diet shortcuts. Your young life has already had it's share of struggles. There are many more ahead. I'm not trying to scare you. On the contrary, I want you to know that those challenges will simply make you stronger if you choose to not throw in the towel. Heck, even if you do throw in the towel for a bunch of them, you will still be OK. It's only in the movies where every life experience culminates in one moment with background music. Real life is about a series of successes and failures. We try to string a bunch of successes together and it feels pretty damn good.

    So forget the towel. Forget throwing it in anything. Just move forward. Make a decision with intention. DECIDE what you want and take action. You don't have to build up to one dramatic decision. Look 1-2 months ahead. Where do you want to be? What about 6 months? A year? What does that look like? Get a really good picture in your head. Tomorrow, do you best to make more decisions that point you in the direction toward that image than decisions that don't. Oh, and try to laugh whenever possible. Good luck on your weight loss Steve Perry.
  • nc90
    nc90 Posts: 83 Member
    A quote I found that motivates me..."A year ago from now, you'll wish you had started today"

    It's a process. Day by day! Just hang in there and you can do it!
    wow, I like this!^^^^^^^^:drinker:

    Haha I think I meant a year FROM now you'll wish you had started today..I swear college has made my fingers move faster than my brain when I type.
  • Don't, don't, don't give up! Don't, don't, don't give up! Keep trying! Keep trying! Never give up! Never give up!
    Keep Trying! Keep Trying! You'll get it right! You'll get right!

    Just a little song from Yo Gabba Gabba!!! Pick a tune and let it stick in your brain!
  • Just remember that any forward movement is progress! Doing something is better than doing nothing!
  • Don't give up!! You can do it even if you went off for a little while. Get back in there and fight for your health. YOU ARE WORTH IT!!
  • teaspoon43
    teaspoon43 Posts: 238 Member
    We are all here for you! If you want something, have it... just have a little of it. I found it's so much easier not to be on a diet but just to track all your food just as you normally would. You'll quickly ease into making better choices, surprisingly.

    If you need any additional encouragement, I'm here!
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,059 Member
    Trust me, you will feel so much better when you get back into the swing of things. The thing about starting out is that it isn't easy. There are going to be roadblocks, there are going to be difficulties, but you have the strength and power to achieve your goals! You've already come SO far from what I can see on your profile, and that is an accomplishment to be proud of!

    Start with baby steps. Portion out some healthy snacks in Ziploc bags so that you can grab them and go. Start to train your body with fruits instead of sugary treats; want a cookie? Reach for that nice red apple instead! Make your foods pretty and colorful. Inspire yourself to work out. Make a fun playlist for the gym so that you're ready to go once you start your workout!

    Life changes don't happen overnight, they happen over time! And if you have a binge day or "cheat", don't beat yourself up; I've had days myself where I've slipped in an unhealthy snack that I shouldn't have! But we're all human, and it's okay to make mistakes. But what's important is that you continue to move forward.

    You are a strong, powerful, capable woman. We all believe in you, and know you can do this! Please don't throw in the towel just yet. :)