What are you losing weight for?



  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    Number one on my list is to finally feel confident and beautiful. But ultimately I want to just be over healthy not only on the outside but in the inside as well. Now that I'm single and eventually probably would be dating one day far away, I don't know, but I want to feel more attractive and confident for when that time comes around.
  • BioShocked89
    BioShocked89 Posts: 330 Member
    At first my goal was to be able to wear jeans again, now that I can, (lost my pregnancy weight before joining back on here, so total is 68 lbs lost) I want to be able to fit back into all my cute skinny clothes. I look like a walking advertisement for people of walmart.com when I'm big because even though I want to look and dress nice, nothing would fit. I still have 110 lbs left to go but I'm getting there. :D
  • Roni_M
    Roni_M Posts: 717 Member
    Primary reason would be for health reasons. I don't ever want to here another doctor say "your arthritis would be better if you lost some weight". Either they are right and I'll feel better or I'll prove them wrong.... I kind of hope they're right though.

    My second reason...I want to enter my 40s feeling and looking like I did in my 20s (or at least close to that!). That gives me until November 15th....but I can do it!! =)
  • trolkeeper
    trolkeeper Posts: 127 Member
    to be comfortable in my own skin/ oh and a cruise in April
  • MalibuBeth
    MalibuBeth Posts: 87 Member
    The immediate reason- my brother is getting married in April, and I am his "best man" and I'd like to be able to rock a women's cut suit without looking like a linebacker.

    Long-term- I used to be very active in sports, but now I have slowed down and shifted my priorities so I don't get as much exercise as I used to, ergo I want to be more cognizant of what I eat in order to stay relatively healthy.
  • Kelra01
    Kelra01 Posts: 23
    a red dress for my aniversary I wore the first date
    to be able to look in a full size mirror and like it
    feel better and be healthy
    To show my family, I can lose weight and not hear "Oh my god you have gotten fat" <yes this has happened 2 times now>
    I want my Sexy Back!
  • swilkie1961
    swilkie1961 Posts: 107 Member
    I wanted to be able to wear skinny jeans. I was turning my jeans into skinny jeans in high school and I was too fat to wear them now it is here! I finally bought couple last week and wearing them!! :drinker: I also want to able to complete a 1/2 iron man triathlon before I get too old( one of my bucket list). Losing weight will help with my time and lessen the pain I get on my left foot during training. I want to look like a trophy wife! :love: Mostly of all, I want to grow old healthy.
  • ladybb7
    ladybb7 Posts: 134 Member
    1. to fit into my skinny jeans and feel good
    2. I'm a bridesmaid in my sister and sister in law's weddings this summer!!
  • byroman
    byroman Posts: 75 Member
    I think this is my version of a mid-life crisis. I love my wife so very much that I could not even contemplate having an affair (with anyone but her), and i am too much of a cheap-*kitten* Engineer to buy a sports car, so I am trying to get my college body back. Side benefit is that it is good for me!
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    At this point I'm only about 15 lbs over. I'm losing the weight so that I can date again and secondly I enjoy playing sports and being smaller means I'm faster and can do a lot more.
  • katiedesormeau
    my wedding day... i want to look like the first time we met 6 years ago... also want to wear a bikini when we go on our honeymoon!
  • JennC831
    JennC831 Posts: 631 Member
    I have a couple of reasons....

    -To be at a weight that's healthy and maintain it this time
    -To be at a healthy weight when my husband and I start trying for a baby... I want to be able to workout throughout my pregnacy so that the weight will come off easy afterwards
    -To fit back into all my really cute tops, jeans & dresses
    -Summer,Summer,Summer time!!! We have a thing out here called Billy Bowlegs where people line up their boats and it's basically like a party on water.. So much fun!!! So I gotta look great in my bikkini!!
  • mblanchard0625
    mblanchard0625 Posts: 74 Member
    My Husband
    Future family
  • almost350
    A whole number of reasons, Health, Self Esteem, Confidence, be in the career I want to be in, girls!
  • raevynn
    raevynn Posts: 666 Member
    Better sex.
  • thatgirl125
    thatgirl125 Posts: 294 Member
    I am losing weight so I am not so self conscious.
    Also, so this year when me and the hubby take the kids to the lake with friends I can wear a two piece and not hide behind clothes.
    I want to feel sexier and look sexier.
    I want to fit into the tiny little dresses I own but do not wear.
    And lastly, I want to get back into a size 3.
  • candykay0605
    candykay0605 Posts: 1,019 Member
    I have a few different reasons for wanting to lose weight.
    1. I want to feel good about myself
    2. I want to educate my children about proper nutrition
    3. I want to live longer for my children
    4. I want to be physically fit and have a higher endurance
    5. I want to buy clothes without feeling discusted with myself
  • stepoco
    stepoco Posts: 50 Member
    My health. I have Metabolic Syndrome - high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes - as well as acid reflux, and a few other things. The latest thing is fibromyalgia, which makes working out more of a challenge. The Metabolic Syndrome is worsened by weight, and also makes it harder to lose weight. I'm only 41, but I take 8 medications a day, which is ridiculous. So despite all the reasons why it will be difficult, those are the same reasons why it is really important that I lose some weight. I want to have a long happy life with my husband.
  • stepoco
    stepoco Posts: 50 Member
    Also - I am sick of wondering who that fat lady is in all the pictures of me.
  • chenoamac
    chenoamac Posts: 66 Member
    I want to be healthy for my kids and hubby