


  • ltlemermaid
    ltlemermaid Posts: 637 Member
    I'd give it more time...a lot of people come and go and eventually you will find a few that will stick around that are great for support. These things do take time though it doesn't happen over 10 days, just like in real life-friendships take time to develop.
  • Demwitted
    Demwitted Posts: 163
    You only have 10 friends.... maybe some of the deleting already happened. If not, do you expect them to be online around the clock cheering you on? If there's someone you haven't heard from in a while, try sending them a PM. Ask them how they are doing. Ask them for guidance, encouragement, or tips. Although after posting this topic (which they probably saw in your feed), you might not get many answers back.

    Give it more time, and friend more people.... after this thread dies. Look on the forums, find some like-minded people, and friend them. The community of support on here is great, but you can't be so harsh with people. They are on here for them. You need to be here for you. Shooting encouragement back and forth is just a small part of this tool.
  • oneIT
    oneIT Posts: 388 Member
    I make different comments the more i get to know someone. That makes sense right? And would you rather I comment nothing!
  • kathleennf
    kathleennf Posts: 606 Member
    Focus more on supporting your friends, and less on whether they support you. You will find that
    1> Lots of them will quit.
    2> You will get to know some of them over time, and you will support each other.

    I have been here for over a year and love it. For the first 6 months or so I did not have any "friends" but then someone's comment caught my attention and I sent her a friend request. She is still my friend! She disappeared for a while but recently came back, and I am really happy about that!
    Friend me if you want.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Maybe it's you?
    Sometimes the worse part about be me is that I must be with me everywhere I go.
    Anyway, you can't just snivel and moan people into your life.

    If you want a certain kind of support, be the kind of friend you want to a few select friends here on MFP, and start a group.
    I don't want or require any deep friendships here or needy people in my life, so count me OUT.

    To each his own.....
  • rockrosie
    rockrosie Posts: 59 Member
    I agree with those that say you need to give it time- I have some friends- I'm pretty picky. I specifically tried to find some people I have things in common with.
  • 2bFitNTrim
    2bFitNTrim Posts: 1,209 Member
    I think my friends are awesome. I could not have made it without them. You've only been here a short while, so I think your judgment is a bit premature.

    And don't forget that while you want great friends, BE a great friend!
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Gosh, I don't understand this post or the replies at all. What exactly does "Faker" mean in reference to not making online friends quickly? And what is with all the hostile replies?

    Did everyone get up on the wrong side of the bed today?

    I did, only I don't have the energy to be grumpy.
  • Anweena
    Anweena Posts: 45 Member

    Try this group maybe....just started, but the woman running it is very supportive and is all about making friends...
  • baldchocnsexy
    In some cases, yes deleting is best. I just deleted eleven people form my friends list. I don't think they are being non-supportive by design though. I suspect they have so MANY friends they cannot offer the level of support via emails and wall posts to have an impact on so many friends.
  • ItsMeRebekah
    ItsMeRebekah Posts: 910 Member
    some people treat it as facebook, others not so much! you will find people whom you like if you just give it time.. But really, the focus is the weightloss/being healthy so keep up with that and you will be fine!
  • cessnaholly
    cessnaholly Posts: 780 Member
    Your profile says, "*For now I’m not taking friend requests from men..."

    Maybe if you didn't restrict your friends ...I've got a bunch of guys and they just are great too and offer a different perspective sometimes. I still love them all, they are just a different kind of support (usually - not always).
  • felice03
    felice03 Posts: 2,732 Member
    you get what you give.
  • jessashcher
    Just like most things in life, I want it now attitude never wins anything including friends, I suggest you give it sometime, I have some great mfp friends but I'm not always the best one to keep up with the kardashians, so to speak. Somedays I don't comment at all. I didn't join mfp to find my new best friend, just friends that will be supportive, and I have found them.
  • njoithomp
    I understand where you are coming from; however, it may be a good idea to remember this is the internet and people will not really get to know each other here - by nature it is a somewhat "superficial" world. I wanted the same thing so what I have done is encourage my real-life friends to join this site and connect with me here so I can get the real support I was craving from the people who actually know me and will be honest with me when I need it and encourage me to drive forward with my goal. I even asked my friends who are already fit to join just to be here for my support. So, you can get what you were hoping for here, you just have to create it yourself.
  • Calorie_Killa
    Good attitude works, try it.

    Ultimately, YOU are responsible for your own success. Coming to a site to make friends is a bit unrealistic, it can happen, but should not be the focus.

    First impressions are certainly at play here, just a thought.

  • yesiwillbeloosingit
    wow the support dries up real quick on here haha...
    it’s odd, I mean yeah it’s a place of high-fives and wtg’s... but beyond that it seems somewhat superficial... I was hoping I could meet people who actually wanted to get to know each other, support the weight loss and share the sorties... but after the first round of avid enthusiast I can say there is maybe only one person who I can get boo out of...
    should I give my finger a workout and start deleting or stick with it and give it a bit more time?

    I actually ended up deleting my old account and starting a new one.. It may sound weird or it might just be me... but I do not understand the point of keep saying things like "WTG" "GJ" and blabla - when they dont even bother to read the diary's - or look at what that person is eating..

    I have come across food diary's where the person had a around 100 lbs to lose - and ate around 3k calories a day - and those coming from sugary /fatty stuff - but because this person was under the socalled calorie budget - ppl would comment thngs like way to go and blabla..

    Wtf is that all about ? And what is the point???

    Another thing that bugged me a whole lot was when ppl start putting EVERY single thing they do - up as exercise.. Dude.. If you are walking 2 mins from the freaking car to your front door - that does not count as exercise, and it does not mean that you should keep eating more :S - and then there are ppl commenting things like "oh keep up the good job" on that ?


    As you may see this has been bothering me ALOT - so erm ya...
  • DarkAngel525
    You're talking about making cuts and you only have 10 friends? Maybe you should address this on your wall. You have to put in what you expect to get in return. Blasting people you don't know on the boards won't get you lifelong friends.
  • SARgirl
    SARgirl Posts: 572 Member
    I also have great friends on here. I started as part of a group so I think that helped in the friend's department. There are always challenges posted so maybe if you get involved in one of those you will get more supportive "friends"? You are new, give it time.
  • KimmyEB
    KimmyEB Posts: 1,208 Member
    wow the support dries up real quick on here haha...
    it’s odd, I mean yeah it’s a place of high-fives and wtg’s... but beyond that it seems somewhat superficial... I was hoping I could meet people who actually wanted to get to know each other, support the weight loss and share the sorties... but after the first round of avid enthusiast I can say there is maybe only one person who I can get boo out of...
    should I give my finger a workout and start deleting or stick with it and give it a bit more time?

    You don't come across as very positive. Maybe that's why you have made no "real" friends here?

    In all likelihood, you're probably a nice, caring person...the fact that you're looking for honest, "real" people that you want to become friends with, shows this. But this place is like any other Internet forum/program...you have a huge mix of different people, wanting different things..some are dedicated, some are not so dedicated. But take it from this former negative nancy--telling people that their program is superficial, only good for high-fives, and that it let your hopes down...isn't going to attract too many people wanting friendship. :tongue: I do the same thing as you--I periodically delete the people who have given up, disable their account, or who take no interest in me/I take no interest in them. But I don't make a spectacle about it. That's just asking for more negative energy, IMO.

    Other than the 2 people I know IRL that are here (one of which introduced me to this site), I have made a few very exceptionally awesome friends, and we talk regularly outside of MFP. We Facebook, e-mail, even sent Christmas cards. You get what you give. :flowerforyou: