


  • SimplyShanRunning
    SimplyShanRunning Posts: 885 Member
    Yes! Birds of a feather need to stick together!

  • For_the_Last_Time
    For_the_Last_Time Posts: 136 Member
    I am new here as well. Not to weight loss or the internet though. I have a small friend list from the find your twin thread of people who were similar to me. I don't expect them to jump all in with both feet on being ultra supportive from day one it takes time to develop. It is more of we had weight loss and the same stats similar.... Lets see what happens.

    Keep in mind you joined at the first of the year how many of those people are going to be here 2 or 3 months down the road? If those people joined at the same time as you they might not even be around anymore already or are new to weight loss and don't know how to be supportive of other people while trying to focus on themselves at the same time.

    I would imagine people who have been here awhile get very used to every Jan a new flood of people coming in and then never coming back. Give it some time do your thing and in a month or two try to find some more friends. Friends that see you have been here a while and are serious and you will find more people who have showed the same thing.
  • EmpressOfJudgment
    EmpressOfJudgment Posts: 1,162 Member
    Yes! Birds of a feather need to stick together!
    Marry me.
  • nwickart82
    nwickart82 Posts: 31 Member
    I have only been on here two days. I love it. It is encouraging to read all of the success stories on here. Maybe that should be enough motivation. Get your personal friends on the same app it helps as well!
  • KDWS
    KDWS Posts: 61 Member
    Ok my two cents as a newbie...first everyone on this site has a life, hobbies and interests, and probably KIDS! I am not sure how I will approach the friend aspect of MFP...at this point I am accepting all requests. I think to expect my "friends" here to respond everyday to my progress is UNREALISTIC! For me it has barely been two weeks and I certainly don't expect to make a connection with anyone in only two weeks!!! Again, I am still new but I am thinking if I get one person who will "coach" me and encourage me then I am good to go! At this point I read posts that interest me and the success stories and that is what is motivating me...If what you really want is a group of "friends" to support you daily then you have to make that clear to your "friends" but again people have lives and I think that is just really hard for anyone to committ to!
  • misty8parker
    misty8parker Posts: 45 Member
    (high five)

    Ha! I see you!
  • BrandiLynn8064
    This isn't Facebook or Twitter! You should be on here because you want to lose weight not because you want to make friends. You may make some friends, but you may not. This is about you and your weight loss, period. If the friends you have now aren't supporting you then get rid of them and try some other people. I know my friends are awesome, and very supportive. Maybe you aren't giving it enough effort. Stick with it, maybe things will change. And as everyone else said, lose the attitude!!
  • AmberLee2012
    Ten days really isn’t enough time to come to the conclusion that you have, so that leads me to believe that you have used MFP in the past. It may just be that MFP isn’t right for you. I have a friend that tried both MFP and WW online and did not have success until she started going to the WW meetings. She really connects with her leader and gets a lot of support from other WW members. I do think that majority of people on this site are sincere, however, that doesn’t always come through so well on the internet. Some people on here have A LOT of friends because they have been here awhile, but they still want to provide some type of encouragement, and that’s where the WTGs come in. Ultimately, you have to do this for you. You can’t count on the support of strangers to be your motivation, or use the lack of support as an excuse to quit. If you really want it, what other people say and do isn’t going to deter you. Good luck!
  • Syreeta6
    Syreeta6 Posts: 377 Member
  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
  • skinnywithin
    skinnywithin Posts: 1,392 Member
    SOOO BUMMED,, I thought this was going to be about something else :( OK Im soo gonna exit now !
  • KandieLantz
    KandieLantz Posts: 424 Member
    I'm sorry you don't feel you're getting what you need out of this site, personally, it has been a life saver for me! I have an incredible group of friends I share support with.. some only to the point of a "WTG" or "Great Job!" for a good day of healthy eating and amazing exercise... others I joke with, talk to about life in general, etc... I am committed to supporting them as much as they are to me... I call them out if they haven't eaten enough calories for the day or have 2,000 calories of junk food and nothing nutritious and expect they'll bring it to my attention as well if need be... Ultimately, none of us know your habits... are you genuinely doing things to warrant hearing WTG? Are you attempting to become healthy or just skinny? Do you compete with your peers or truly offer up support as well? Have you attempted to learn from the many useful threads how to live a healthier lifestyle and tried to become involved with people who share your same goals? Because there is a difference. I personally will not support anyone on a very low calorie diet because it's a quick fix which USUALLY results in gaining back what is lost and learning nothing about nutrition or fitness.. it's as bad, in my opinion, as over eating. You have many things to assess while searching for the answer that only you can really provide about why you have chosen a group of friends who do not support your goals and/or habits... I wish you the best.
  • GurleyGirl524
    GurleyGirl524 Posts: 578 Member
    I do not have that problem with the majority of my MFP friends. Many of us share stories about our families and every day trials and offer support to one another not only in weight loss but in our every day trials and tribulations. I love my MFP family and care about each of my friends. I hope that you are able to find the support that you are looking for.
  • wildcata77
    wow the support dries up real quick on here haha...
    it’s odd, I mean yeah it’s a place of high-fives and wtg’s... but beyond that it seems somewhat superficial... I was hoping I could meet people who actually wanted to get to know each other, support the weight loss and share the sorties... but after the first round of avid enthusiast I can say there is maybe only one person who I can get boo out of...
    should I give my finger a workout and start deleting or stick with it and give it a bit more time?

    Well, for starters, I'm not quite sure how to give "boo". So we're probably not a good match from the start.

    Make sure you log that finger workout, mmkay?
  • jetconco
    Me too course I just joined.
  • OooLaurenooO
    OooLaurenooO Posts: 227 Member
    I don't know who your friends are, but I have some of the most amazing, geniune, gorgeous, dedicated, supportive, and motivating friends on MFP. Not sure what you expect being a newbie, but I would suggest losing the negative attitude. No one like that. :flowerforyou:

    I echo this...my friends are all full of support & encouragment.
  • StoneColdFoxx
    StoneColdFoxx Posts: 12 Member
    at a risk of starting round two (haha) thanks everyone, I’ve read some of the posts and will read the rest tomorrow. the kind words have been nice, the negativity is water off a ducks back and Barney Stinson can always get a high-five from me XD
  • megaron01
    megaron01 Posts: 37 Member
    Give it time.........this journey is more about how much you're willing to put into changing your life............the more you do towards this goal, the better you'll feel & the more encouragement you'll get.............be patient & give this thing a chance...............
  • KimmyEB
    KimmyEB Posts: 1,208 Member
    She doesn't want any men freinds.

    A lot of women on here have in their profile that they don't want any male friends from here, for a variety of reasons. To each their own. I personally only have 2 male friends on here, who are very supportive and great, and while those 2 are an exception, I don't actively add men, either.
  • DrumlineGirl
    DrumlineGirl Posts: 178 Member
    Everyone is human, so we're all going to act differently. Some people get busy, they don't log in, they fall off track, or they just aren't the type to encourage others a lot. Maybe they need encouragement from you? We're all here for various reasons, so try finding more friends on here and be open to the fact that we all use the site in different ways. Some won't use it the way you do. Also, you could start a topic titled "looking for encouraging, active friends" so that people know the type of friend you are looking for on here and know that you need more interaction. Hope this helps.