What is your tattoo, meaning and where is it?



  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    I have Winnie the Pooh on my Right hip. It's b/c he never lets anyone get him down. He's always like "oh bother" and moves on. I got it to remind me that the only person I can control is me. Other people I have to be "oh bother" and move on. I love it btw. I got it when I was 30 and 15 years later it's awesome.
  • I have one so far. It's a heart made out of the treble and bass clefs used in music with a couple music notes around it; it's on my left foot. I love it! To me, music is life and I love all kinds of music. It's my passion.
  • PegasusDeb
    PegasusDeb Posts: 665 Member
    I have pegasus on my right shoulder. No meaning, just liked it & it was small. It needs to be redone.
    Left shoulder is a paw print in memory of my dog Sheppie. I wanted to put her name on there, but then decided not to because I figured if I did that for all the dogs I will have in my life, they could reach my butt! But I know she knows it's for her. RIP.

    I want... a crab (I'm a cancer & I collect crabs) Once I lose all my weight I want to get a seahorse, down there, with his tail tangled in "sea grass"! I have a really cute Snoopy riding a Harley that I would love to get, but I think I would probably regret that one, so I keep holding off! I would also like some sort of moon & sun thing and some sort of feathers, but haven't decided. I could cover myself if I had the money! LOL
  • Age 19 - Superman symbol on my upper right thigh

    Age 21 - Rebel alliance symbol with the word JEDI in the middle and blue lightning coming out of it on my lower back

    I plan on getting another one at some point but I am still thinking about what I want.
  • 10acman44
    10acman44 Posts: 1 Member
    Right bicep is my tree of life with my kids names inner twined in the limbs of the tree. My left bicep is a T and VOLS for the University of Tennessee which i attended. Left inner forearm is a spear from the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians which I am an ancestor of.
  • Jade1964
    Jade1964 Posts: 111 Member
    I have 3 tattoo's....one on each ankle and one on my shoulder

    My very first tattoo...A pegasus I went with a girlfriend to get like her 3rd tattoo swearing they were ugly and I would never get one ;o)

    My second tattoo is a rose wrapped around a dagger..... Funny, that one I was guilted into.... My husband of 18 years at the time was trying desperately to save our marriage and he really worked the guilt trip on me. He has the same exact tattoo with my name in it... I had his name removed Like 3 months later after getting his way and us working on the marriage he called it quits (Best thing that ever happened to me) I went into the same guy who tried talking us out of putting our names on each other and had it removed. He loved telling me "I told you so"

    My 3rd tattoo holds special meaning and is very dear to me. It is on my shoulder and it is chinese writing that says "slavestarr" Too personal too elaborate. ;o)
  • alpinker
    alpinker Posts: 2 Member
    I have a tattoo of a mushroom on my lower back. The meaning is actually very significant to me. My mother used to be an artist back in the '70's when mushrooms were really popular. Rather than sign her name on her artwork she always signed each of her paintings, pieces of potter, etc. with a small little mushroom. I had her design my tattoo and I think it represents me (her greatest art work of course LOL!) and it symbolizes that I will always have a piece of my mother with me. Unfortunately I never thought that when people would see it they would immediately assume it was a drug reference and think I was some weird mushroom-head. Oh well, I still love it. :tongue:
  • julslea
    julslea Posts: 436 Member
    The Metallica ninja star above my ankle and tweetie bird holding a shot glass on my lower back.
  • I have a small butterrfly with stars on my right shoulder blade... got it last year & getting another tattoo on my left shoulder next month, that one will be a pink rose not opened, but not closed with a scroll saying 'mum & dad'..... i think i'm addicted now lol
  • I have a star on my left shoulder and each point stands for someone I lost.

    I also have a "sparrow" on my chest.

    I got done in my living room one drunken night.

    I dont suggest getting anything of that nature done in your living room....
  • I have five. My first was a Celtic cross -- located on my left shoulder blade. The second was the word "Faith" in Elvish (like the language of the elves in the Lord of the Rings...yes, I'm a nerd) on the back of my neck. Next, on my right shoulder blade, a bodhi tree (in Buddhism it symbolizes enlightenment) with a heart in the branches. Fourth, my only colored tattoo to date, a strawberry with "Nothing is Real" around it -- my ode to the Beatles. Finally, between my two shoulder tattoos, in the middle of the top of my back: "Le cœur a ses raisons, que la raison ne connaît pas" which translates to: "The heart has reasons which reason doesn't know." This is a quote from Blaise Pascal known for Pascal's wager. He was a famous mathematician, physicist, and theologian.
  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
  • LuckyAng
    LuckyAng Posts: 1,173 Member
    Lesson I learned the hardway.. if you are getting your first tattoo Id skip getting the feet done lol! I have very bony feet and it hurt so bad, I actually passed out durning the first foot lol, was so embarassing... ecsp since where I got it done there was a lot of famous wrestlers there at the time haha

    Yes!! I have 7, 5 on my feet and they hurt like heck!!
  • stcar
    stcar Posts: 207 Member
    My ex husband is a tattoo'd mow hawked man and bought me my first and last tattoo when I was 18. It is a meaningless butterfly :)
  • tunktunk5583
    tunktunk5583 Posts: 76 Member
    I have a tattoo of Chantilly lace around my forearm that I got several years ago.
    I'm getting another above my elbow of a Y in Scandinavian/Nordic inspired font. Y is the represent my beginning of my Chinese name in written in the English alphabet (since I grew up in the States but was born/also grew up in Taiwan). Scandinavian/Nordic style because I am highly fascinated with the culture and was there a few months ago.
  • MomsTooBig
    MomsTooBig Posts: 201 Member
    I have one, and it is on my right shoulder.

    It's not much to look at (fancy), but I designed it with specific input from my 4 children. They all contributed ideas of what they wanted, plus I incorporated symbols I wanted, ...including their 1st initials.

    It is for and about them. I am a single mom, and they are my world. I wanted them close to me, even after they are grown, and when I pass on. I am very very happy with it and very proud.

    I would like at least one more on my ankle and/or other shoulder. I'm not sure if I can on the shoulder though. I have surgery scars (from the 80's, so not clean and small lol).

    I'm liking what I see everyone....I'm really wanting that other one now lol.


  • Mine is on my left hip. It's a Celtic Triad, the symbol for Grandmother, Mother, Daughter (Mother, Maiden, Crone)
  • chocciechip
    chocciechip Posts: 207 Member
    on my lower back (above tramp stamp area) about 6/7 inches celtic/tribal design -it's actually inspired by Tolkien's ring Nenya in Lord of the Rings, significance for me was being my own person (at the age of 25) lol. I'd been drawing and designing it for about 5 years and i'm well pleased :)

    thinking about getting another one of a lion fish just shading as I'm a diver, and I think they're beautiful.

    i woudl add a photo but I don't have photobucket sooo... you'll have to do with it's ACE
  • mohawk1971
    mohawk1971 Posts: 40 Member
    I count my tattoos in Hours now or places on my body instead of the number of times getting a tattoo because a few took several trips. Close to 70 hours total over the last 17 years.

    Upper right arm - Wolf with wolf paw prints howling at moon, Indian on a horse
    Upper left arm - tribal snake
    Upper back - Dog faced Dragon complete upper back.
    Mid back - BBW angel
    right calf - rattlesnake, lizard, two scorpions, rocks, cactus...
    Left calf - sign of the fish, flaming skull from The Offspring's Greatest Hits Album with a color twist. Kanji symbol for ....(me to know and you to find out maybe)
    Left buttock - for me to know and you to ....
  • greeneyedmama81
    greeneyedmama81 Posts: 78 Member
    I have 5. My first one is a butterfly on my right shoulder I got almost 10 years ago. I just wanted one and that's what I picked. Same with the one of my left leg, some flowers.

    My other 3 have meaning.
    My left wrist- song of solomon 2:16- My beloved is mine and I am his with my husband's initials
    my right foot- 4 lady bugs, all colored differently for me, my kids, and my hubby
    behind my right ear- music notes because I love music and love to sing