Baby Fever!

WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,046 Member
I'm 26, and have been feeling this for a few years now. Right now, I feel im at my peak. I'm doing my GED right now, and almost done..not sure if i should attempt college, mariaage and family all in one..heard others can do it, I feel I can too. Anyone else going through this? How old were you when you felt the desire? How did you go about things?


  • mistresseeyore
    mistresseeyore Posts: 717 Member
    I have baby fever right now. I only have a few more semi healthy baby breeding years ahead of me. I turn 40 in 4 years. I do know that once we have our second, I'm going to be working on getting back in college. That way I don't have the hormones kicking me during pregnancy while I'm trying to learn. You can do it, if you really want to, but I would at least wait until you finish your GED first. You don't want to get side tracked. I didn't have baby fever when I was your age, because I was told I was infertile and didn't want to try fertility treatments. Now that I have Alex, I want him to have a baby brother or sister. I just feel he is so lonely being an only child.
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    I'm 26, and have been feeling this for a few years now. Right now, I feel im at my peak. I'm doing my GED right now, and almost done..not sure if i should attempt college, mariaage and family all in one..heard others can do it, I feel I can too. Anyone else going through this? How old were you when you felt the desire? How did you go about things?

    I have a very strong maternal instinct. For a number of years I've dealt with this by working for children's charities. I genuinely believe my one true 'calling' in life is to help children in any way I can. That's the one thing that makes my life truly purposeful. Many things make me extremely happy, my fiance for instance, but I do feel unfulfilled if I'm not somehow working to make the lives of children better. For me, my charity work is a big distraction for now. I'm 24, and I'm aiming to have a child when I'm 27 or 28, probably more like 28.

    It's very important to me to have plenty of money set aside, and to be a healthy weight before I get pregnant. That's what triggered me to change my lifestyle - I can be as unhealthy as I like if I'm only living for me, but no way am I deliberately going to get pregnant and have another innocent person I love so much use my unhealthy body. I went to university, found the man I loved and we're due to get married next year. Then, we have a couple more years to live just for us, setting aside money and building a future at the same time as having a little frivolous fun with holidays, days out and lazy days in, then I can start a family knowing I've made the best of it. I know my instinct is strong, but I also know my life (and my fiance's) will change completely when I become pregnant. I might desperately want to be a mum, but I'm not going to throw away these years either.
  • Nos150
    Nos150 Posts: 150
    my father in law gave me some great advice:

    Never wait until you can afford children because you will never be able to.
    Never wait until you feel that you have time for children because there is never going to be a perfect moment.
    it doesn't matter when or how. you are not going to love them any different.
  • my father in law gave me some great advice:

    Never wait until you can afford children because you will never be able to.
    Never wait until you feel that you have time for children because there is never going to be a perfect moment.
    it doesn't matter when or how. you are not going to love them any different.

    SO TRUE!!
  • CLotfy
    CLotfy Posts: 31
    I'm 26 years old and a mom to 19 month old boy/girl twins....and I'm EXHAUSTED! You can have my kids!
  • I turned 40 in 2011. I've wanted children for about 20 years. One of the reasons I'm working on getting healthy is so that I can (God willing) become a mother.
  • Clarecbear82
    Clarecbear82 Posts: 369 Member
    I have three kids and after the day they've given me today all I can say is "DON'T DO IT!!!"

    Only joking like a pp said if you wait till everything is perfect you will never have any
  • _snw_
    _snw_ Posts: 1,298 Member
    i waited until i was 32 to have my first. I have 3 kids now 3, 6 & 7.

    I am so glad i waited until i had an established career and that i spent time being utterly selfish.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    babies do make me feel ill...I never knew it was called baby fever, though
  • austepants
    austepants Posts: 356 Member
    my father in law gave me some great advice:

    Never wait until you can afford children because you will never be able to.
    Never wait until you feel that you have time for children because there is never going to be a perfect moment.
    it doesn't matter when or how. you are not going to love them any different.

    I agree 100%!!!
  • Hsanders3961
    Hsanders3961 Posts: 245 Member
    BABY FEVER HERE! I'm 23, my husband is 26 and it seems all our friends are popping out babies left and right. We have been ready for about a year, but were waiting to finish off our degrees. I'll be done with my Bachelors in December, so we decided to go ahead and start trying. I would only have a few months left of school (if I got pregnant NOW), so I could handle that. I do go to school full time and work full time, and I dont think I could have done it all with a baby in the mix, but I do know people who do! Anything is possible if you want it bad enough!
  • AmberMagdalena
    AmberMagdalena Posts: 461 Member
    I get like that sometimes at 25...I want just one baby! But I'd like to spend just a couple more years being selfish (maybe 3 or 4)....
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    I felt something like the desire for kids somewhere between the ages of 18-20, luckily it passed and I got over it.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    In my 20's all I could think about was babies! (I was married)... It probably hit shortly after I got married at 22. My ex and I were unable to have kids (blessing in disguise!!!!) together.

    I'm 32 now and getting divorced. Now all I can think about is mini skirts, heels, friends, etc. I'm going backwards!

    I'm about to go selfish- BIG TIME. If kids are in my future then they are, if they're not then so be it.
  • california_peach
    california_peach Posts: 1,809 Member
    I'm 26, and have been feeling this for a few years now. Right now, I feel im at my peak. I'm doing my GED right now, and almost done..not sure if i should attempt college, mariaage and family all in one..heard others can do it, I feel I can too. Anyone else going through this? How old were you when you felt the desire? How did you go about things?

    I always wanted kids, but never felt feverish about it until I had them. It's probably all the germs they bring home from school.
  • Kenzietea2
    Kenzietea2 Posts: 1,132 Member
    my father in law gave me some great advice:

    Never wait until you can afford children because you will never be able to.
    Never wait until you feel that you have time for children because there is never going to be a perfect moment.
    it doesn't matter when or how. you are not going to love them any different.

    Thank you for posting this. I don't think you know what this did for me :flowerforyou:
  • learningtolove
    learningtolove Posts: 288 Member
    I have baby fever right now. I am only 19 ,though so I am trying to hold off till I get a bit more travelling done. Once I get Europe and Africa out of the way I will probably go ahead since Im done college and make good money.
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    An evening babysitting has always managed to kill my "baby fever"

    Oh and waitressing, waitressing really did a number on my maternal instinct.
  • bikermike5094
    bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
  • Nbean24
    Nbean24 Posts: 14
    I agree that there is no "right time", but I think you can plan for the best time possible. I'm going to be 29 next month and I really just got baby crazy within the last year. For me personally, I'm waiting until I'm just about finished grad school before we start actively trying for a baby. I know how I am when I get consumed with school work and I don't think I could handle a baby on top of that. But everyone is different!

    Right now I am planning a wedding (3 months away eek!), going through a major kitchen/bathroom renovation, trying to get promoted at work, and I started grad school in the Fall of 2011. Oh yea, and I have a fiance who wants to spend time with me. Most people think I'm nuts, but I actually function better when my life is busy! My point what feels right for you. No one else can tell you what you can and cannot handle :).