Sweating at the Gym... Hot or Not?



  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member

    I wouldn't throw her out of bed for being too sweaty
  • Tan43
    Tan43 Posts: 87 Member
    This happened to me yesteday whilst I was doing my interval run on the treadmill. I looked like someone had thrown a bucket of water over my head and I was on the flat out stage and was breathing so hard a little bit of spit came out of my mouth. How embarrasing!!!:blushing: I had a quick look around and no one seemed to noticed but in the end I thought "Who Cares" because I was working my A#*se off and I did wipe the treamill down with disinfectant when I finished!! Awesome workout I might add!!
  • kbrogan78
    kbrogan78 Posts: 158 Member
    Haha! My grandmother used to say "horses sweat, men perspire, women glow."

    Well, let's just say that I glow A LOT at the gym! I'm sure it's not terribly attractive to see but it definitely means I'm working hard. I view it a bit like a badge of honor- the wetter my shirt is when I leave, the more intense the workout was.
  • lucythinmint
    Bring on the sweat!! The more I sweat the better! The more other people sweat the better! Not there to sit and look pretty, I'm there to sweat it off so I can feel amazing later!

    Other people sweating, motivates me to sweat more.
  • Trail_Addict
    Trail_Addict Posts: 1,350 Member
    Sweaty chicks are hot! I think it's the determination and effort that creates the sweat (from a workout), that is the real turn on. However, a woman sweating while sitting at a table at a restaurant = not so attractive. LOL

    Personal, I go to the gym with the intent to sweat. So I really don't care what other people think.
  • theprettyone1010
    theprettyone1010 Posts: 408 Member
    I think it's more of a turn off when you're clearly at the gym to meet someone and not to maintain your health/fitness. Being fit & active is HOT.

    Also, I sweat like a waterfall and don't care what people think about it.
  • jdhosier
    jdhosier Posts: 315 Member
    Sweat means your a working it. Sweat rocks! Sweat is your body doing it's thing. I had a training tell me the other day that she was glad to finally see someone sweat like she does. Sweat is a badge of honor and should be celebrated. Just sayin' that is why we are at the gym. WooHoo!
  • thunt1990
    thunt1990 Posts: 157 Member
    I think its hot!!! If youre not sweating theres a problem. There is nothing hotter then a guy who is working his butt off sweating buckets at the gym....as long as it isnt super stinky exterme BO sweat lol
  • stayxtrue
    stayxtrue Posts: 1,190 Member
    I drip like no tomorrow, and love it! If others don't there issue Haha... IM sure there Are people who enjoy seeing me all sweaty Haha
  • clairer2282
    This question made me laugh because I googled this question yesterday, I am a lady and although I don't go to the gym to look pretty or pick up men, I do perspire a LOT at the gym, my hair get soaked and my face and neck :cry: I felt conscious so I looked it up, 99% of men said it was hot :love: everyone else said they didn't care as long as the person didn't smell so it's all good!!!... :laugh:
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    one day you won't worry about what other people think about you while you work out. then you'll see improvements.

    case in point, i totally felt like an idiot doing hip raises the other day. but if they're good enough for tim tebow, they're good enough for me.
  • Jolenebib
    Jolenebib Posts: 142 Member
    Why are you at the gym if not to sweat?
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    I wouldn't worry about it either way. When you're sweating, you know that you're doing exactly what you came there to do! If anyone notices (but I'm sure most are too focused on their own workout), their only thoughts would probably be that you are here to workout and not just walk around looking good!

    When I was going to the gym, I'd leave red faced and sweaty... I knew I didn't look good but I wasn't out to impress anyone but myself and I felt good about getting in a great workout! :)
  • jahnlaw
    jahnlaw Posts: 95 Member
    No one looks their best at the gym. If someone does look perfect without sweat dripping down their their face id suspect that they hadn't started working out or really wasn't trying very hard and were wasting their time. Not sure if anything is attractive about that. Consider going for cute and focus on the work to be done at the gym. In that venue looking "hot" might come off as kinda weird.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Why are you at the gym if not to sweat?

  • kunibob
    kunibob Posts: 608 Member
    Sweat = working hard = drive to improve = hot.
  • butters1
    butters1 Posts: 1,540 Member
    sweat is totally hot! i'm so jazzed sweaty!! love it on me or anyoneone else.!!..............WITH a huge exception....

    *********sweat sprayers*****************.......if your sweat is sprayin' onto the other people on machines around you, please get off....do something else, wear long sleeves or or other captioning devices. you re just gross. really. your sweatin may look good on you but i do not wish to wear it PLEASE.
  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,181 Member
    Ladies don't sweat.. they perspire :wink:

    Funny! Lol

    I sweat a tiny bit but mostly turn red. I can do the same workout as 10 other people and work just as hard, and I don't sweat nearly as much as the average person...I've run races and am beat red afterwards, but again, hardly sweaty...makeup looks the same, etc. Iim a bit jealous since I think sweat is super sexy. And yes, I drink a lot of water and am not dehydrated...
  • hsmithway
    hsmithway Posts: 191
    My husband is totally grossed out when I come home all sweaty, so of course I offer to give him a big hug the moment I step in the door, lol

    I'm really glad I sweat, though. My mother has anhidrosis, and it's no fun :(
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I don't care if I look attractive while I'm at the gym. I'm at the gym so I look good the rest of the time! :tongue: