Too much working out or not enough sleep?



  • paeli
    paeli Posts: 295 Member
    Get a heartier cereal than frosted flakes if you find you have no time in the mornings. I bought some Kashi Go Lean on sale this past week and it has 13g of protein a serving and probably loads more nourishing parts than frosted flakes.

    Just my 2c.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    Wow! A lot great replies, thank you to all of you for insight. I think I should add that the reason for the sleep schedule is because I have a three year old and my wife often doesn't get home from work until late so we don't start our bath time-putting PJ's on-reading stories-and going to bed schedule until 9 and if he decides to put up a fight (which is rare, but still) well, lets just say it can take a while.

    I agree that I don't eat the best but I find it difficult to find the time for making bacon, eggs, and such in the morning. Actually for a while I was eating plain oatmeal, with a little sugar and fresh cut strawberries, a banana, a string cheese and Fage 2% greek yogurt with the little fruit cup on the side for breakfast but I found it too time consuming and annoying to deal with all that in the morning, let alone actually cooking bacon and eggs. I don't mean to defend my poor eating habits it's just what I've come to out of convenience and the fact that I still lost weight eating this way had me thinking "what the hell".

    I actually don't eat anything before I workout, I literally get up, get dress, stretch, fire up the Xbox and TV, put down my mat, pull out my weights and get started. I could see working in eating a banana with peanut butter first though, two things I REALLY like and easy enough to put together.

    Could be a combination of everything everyone mentioned. Even the water. I've puked twice in the 2.5 years I've been seriously working out. One of them was during a particularly hot and humid 10K. I was so afraid of dehydration that I wore a Camelback and was drinking constantly. An hour after the race all that water came back up, after that I was fine. So there is something to the too much H2O theory. Way I look at it. Hydration is done before and after a workout. Very rarely do I take a drink during...unless it's longer than an hour.

    Sleep could be a factor. My question there is, how much do you sleep on non-work out days. For myself I can stand 4 hours alseep once and be OK. Start stringing that together and I can start to notice loss of strength and stamina.

    Nutirtion, and eating before are things you should play with. However, I noticed you've been doing this same routine for close to a year. I just think your body is tired of your routine. There are millions of programs,and millions of ways to get a good work out. for God's sake: Change it up man!
  • SteveO390
    SteveO390 Posts: 18 Member
    There are millions of programs,and millions of ways to get a good work out. for God's sake: Change it up man!

    LMFAO!!! Hmm, you could be on to something there.
  • vs1023
    vs1023 Posts: 417 Member
    Get a heartier cereal than frosted flakes if you find you have no time in the mornings. I bought some Kashi Go Lean on sale this past week and it has 13g of protein a serving and probably loads more nourishing parts than frosted flakes.

    Just my 2c.

    More protein for sure, but probably just as much sugar. I used to eat that stuff til I read the sugar content.
  • SteveO390
    SteveO390 Posts: 18 Member
    Get a heartier cereal than frosted flakes if you find you have no time in the mornings. I bought some Kashi Go Lean on sale this past week and it has 13g of protein a serving and probably loads more nourishing parts than frosted flakes.

    Just my 2c.

    More protein for sure, but probably just as much sugar. I used to eat that stuff til I read the sugar content.

    Which is why I just buy Frosted Flakes. It tastes good to me and all those "healthy" cereals cost twice as much for half the amount and they really aren't that much healthier.