A first??? :)



  • lostsanity137
    lostsanity137 Posts: 298 Member
    It is so easy to focus on the negatives. It is one of my goals this year to be more positive!

    I am so lucky to have a great boyfriend, who moved to the city to live with me almost three years ago. He loved me when I was 20 lbs lighter when we met, and he loves me still. I am sure he will love me just the same when I lose 40 lbs.
    I love that the two of us share a fantastic sense of humor, that most people around us find weird!

    I have so many positives in my life right now. I am lucky. :)
  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    I said it a while ago and I'll say it again... I'm so happy to have posted this! All of this positivity has given me a boost today! I've gotten in more exercise than usual by this time of day and chose popcorn over all the crappy food in my office today! Awesome!

    kstrawn78, WOW! Great positivity for such a FULL life! Congrats to your boys on their WINS! :drinker:
    twinsanity, So very good for you that you found someone special! I tell my husband in regards to people we know who have crappy relationships that it is due to the fact that they don't have what we do... The right person for you can make all the difference! :heart: and happy anniversary!
  • lcklacko
    lcklacko Posts: 2 Member
    A positive story can always remind you of what we're all working for, thanks!

    I have recently reconnected with my high-school sweetheart. For four years we stayed connected as I went to college and gained 25 pounds and he went into the Military, became extremely fit, and is a now trainer for Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. I have never been 100% confident in my body, but I have also never felt so much support from someone. He loves me, says he loves my body the way it is, and has never tried to be my personal trainer (I hate being told what to do, haha!). However, he listens when I talk about my exercise and diet, offers to help me whenever needed, and motivates me.

    As great as a supportive boyfriend is, it is the girlfriends that make the difference to me! My roommie and coworker motivate me every second, whether they realize it or not! I look up to them!
  • Bahet
    Bahet Posts: 1,254 Member
    We've been together 22 years, married for 18 and I love him as much now as I ever did. He's my best friend. His laugh can make me smile no matter how foul of a mood I'm in.

    I have to have surgery to remove a cyst near my ovary. I'm having a laproscopy, hysterscopy, and Novasure. It's an out patient surgery but will put me out of commission sexually for at least 3 weeks. Hubby is going to Afghanistan in a few months so I originally scheduled it for after he left. He got upset about that and wanted me to reschedule it so he can be here for me. I know my health is more important than him getting some sex before he goes away but just the fact that he didn't even hesitate or care and that he wants to be here to take care of me means soo much. I already know I won't be allowed to do anything at all that day and not again until I'm recovered again. He'll insist on doing everything for me. That's just the way he is.

    As if that wasn't enough, we have the most amazing kids ever. Our 14yo has always been 20 years old. He was born 20 years old. Our 11yo is not that mature but he's the sweetest kid ever. 2 years ago we went to visit hubby's grandma who had severe Alzheimer's. The 11yo (then 10) sat with her and held her hand all day while his brother and cousins went off to play. Both the boys are smart, kind, caring, considerate, polite, well behaved, just plain amazing kids.

    I love my family more than anything else in the world.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    :heart: First let me say that I LOVE this site. I love the support, friendships, banters, all of it! But each day I get on the forums and read about someone's affair, someone else's lack of home support, about people's unhappiness in general... GEESH PEOPLE! Is life really all that bad for people out there in the world:huh: ? I sure hope not!

    This is the part of your post that struck me the most. Affairs, lack of support and unhappiness is actually happening and life is actually that bad for some people. I much prefer positive posts than negative, and I do understand that your phrase "GEESH PEOPLE! Is life really all that bad for people out there in the world" was probably meant to be sort of playful in order to inspire people to think positively, but I personally just felt like you were making light of some serious situations. The things you mentioned are very real hurts and difficulties in people's lives. I would rather read those posts and offer those people some hope than the posts where people are whining about the 3 cheeseburgers they ate today. Sorry if you think I am a jerk!
  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    Icklacko, You are soooo right about the girlfriends! I have one inparticular that pushes me all the time, along with my mom:smile: I don't know what I would do without them!

    Bahet, that made me tear up! Only because I know that my husband would be the exact same way (and my thought process would have been the same as yours!) Sounds like you have some very SUPER kids there too! I worked with Alzheimers for 8 years and it can be very difficult for adults to understand, let alone kids... Thank you both for your stories!
  • Mallory0418
    Mallory0418 Posts: 723 Member
    I'm about to make myself a cup of coffee! Coffee makes me very happy. That's all the good news I got so far...:drinker:
  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    mbcarreno08: Oh goodness, I don't think YOU are a jerk... I was hoping that you didn't think that I was being one by trying to be positive. Sometimes threads, emails, texts...anything in writing can be taken in ways not meant by the writer. I do agree that these are horrible issues and if people need to vent them out so be it. It's just not what I wanted to read today... :flowerforyou: It's all good as far as I am concerned.

    LOL Coffee is ALWAYS good news! Times like these I would like a 'love it' or even just 'like it' button :laugh:
  • MeghanAM
    MeghanAM Posts: 222 Member
    My husband first met me when I was a 90 pound anorexic high school student. He married me when I was a deeply depressed 260 pound college drop-out. If he has ever had a negative opinion about the size, shape, or status of my body, I have never been able to tell.

    He's the only person in my life who has never made a weight-related comment to me, since he knows I don't do well with those confrontational talks.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Haha, we're good! I definitely don't think you are a jerk at all!
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    In two days, I'll celebrate being married for six years to my wonderful husband. We've been together for 13 altogether, and I am so blessed and happy to call him mine. He's everything to me :heart:

    I have close and loving relationships in my life, I am strong and healthy.

    Like anybody, life aggravates me at times, but the truth is I have so very much to be grateful for.
  • vinylscratch
    vinylscratch Posts: 218 Member
    I have the best friends in the whole wide world, and every day I get to work at manifesting my purpose as a shamanic healer :) I love being alive even though it's really, really hard!
  • nonstopfeisty
    nonstopfeisty Posts: 187 Member
    Awesome Thread, Amber!!!!

    I have been with my husband for nine years and married for 7 of them. We have no children together at the moment but, are hoping that we will be blessed by the end of this year. He has three from a previous marriage. My husband is supportive of my weight loss and just the other day told me how proud of me he was. I blushed for an hour afterward! He's even started to make some changes of his own even though he swears he won't diet until a doctor tells him he has to. During this last trip to the grocery store he was picking up things and asking me if it was diet friendly! I love it! I've even got him using heart healthy mayo and eating whole wheat bread and Cheerios!!!! And last night, I caught him dishing out some of my low fat cottage cheese as well! I think before too long he'll be shedding weight too and wondering how? LOL!
  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    I'm falling behind in my replies due to a little thing called work! Ha ha such a dirty word!
    meghanAm: It is so great that you have someone that seems to understand that you are more than a # on a scale and loves you so completely!!!
    mbcarreno08: :flowerforyou: awesome!
    Lucky..: Happy Anniversary!!!
    vinylscratch: :heart: that you are doing what you love! (I'm not sure what a shamanic healer does, but I am for sure going to google it right now!) :)

    Nonstop..: You are another one on my friends list that is AWESOMELY POSITIVE! You are a very valued MFP friend and I thank you for it!:heart:
  • _binary_jester_
    _binary_jester_ Posts: 2,132 Member
    Fell of the wagon - wow this feels like an AA statement - no access to a gym for a bit. Now back at it...and I have dropped 3lbs in 2 days. I know what that really means, but it is nice to be moving in the right direction again.

    There will be no more positivity posted by me. Is is normally against my nature.
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    19Sunday was my 19th wedding anniversary. I can't believe we're almost at 20. On one hand, it seems like it could only be five or six, but on the other hand, I can't imagine being with anyone else. I have been with my husband for almost half my life (next year will be half).

    We have had some incredible struggles over the years, and I now that we are up for more. Christmas has been a very tough time the last couple of years. But we are still together.

    Our son, adopted after several years of infertility and social workers, is 13 and a half, and becoming a man. He is taller and heavier than me, delighted to have hair growing in all sorts of places. He has not been an easy child to raise. It is probably a good thing that we were not able to have or adopt any more, because he has taken a huge amount of time and dedication to bring up. He is severely ADHD, lots of learning disabilities and other issues, allergies, etc. As a baby he wouldn't sleep for more than 20 minutes unless he was being held, and even then, it was down at 11 or 12, up every two hours for a bottle, and up for good at 5 or 6 with no daytime naps. We have homeschooled from the start and lived on a single income. He is maturing now, but encountering more serious difficulties out there in the world. But he is my kid and I don't know where I would be without him.

    I have a great job. I've worked with the same boss for 17 years. He is a family man, a man of God, extremely supportive but also demands my very best. I have a warm home to live in, and a car that runs. My body is getting in better shape every day, and my hubby runs with me every weekend. I love to cook, which is a good thing since because of my various allergies and intolerances, I basically can't eat anything I don't make myself.

    I have my faith and my church, and although they keep me busy (yeah, I work full time, homeschool, do all of the cooking from scratch, exercise, and still have time for extra duties at church too -- where does it all come from?) I would be lost without God and faith in my life.

    So that's it. I am so grateful for my life and the challenges I have. Somehow it all works out to my advantage in the end.

  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    Lots of 0s and 1s: :laugh: Even tho it was against your nature, I thank you for finding some postitivity!!! :flowerforyou:
    pdworkman(Pam): WONDERFUL! My stepson has ADHD and I definately understand the struggles that it can bring about, glad to say that he is now 18 and doing just fine! Your post was very refreshing in that with all the struggles that you face you managed to still show it in a happy light! :heart:
  • nonstopfeisty
    nonstopfeisty Posts: 187 Member
    Amber, Thank you so much that was very sweet! You are very valued as well! I look forward to seeing your posts every day. I couldn't have made a better friend to help me along this journey!