World of Warcraft ruined my life!



  • Theatrekat134
    Theatrekat134 Posts: 1 Member
    I love WoW! Actually just logged off. WoW is not the problem for me, but I can easily see how it can be. I wish you the best of luck on your journey! Feel free to friend me :)

    PS: 85 Hunter (In Level 25 Guild)
    42 Lock
    20 Druid
    16 Warrior (Love her....may be my next 85)

    If you Still play WoW feel free to add me as well :)
  • ljcatch22
    ljcatch22 Posts: 42 Member
    As for everyone saying they don't understand how a game ruined a relationship, you've obviously never been in a relationship with an addicted gamer. Even in people who have been gamers their whole life and never had problems, something about WOW and certain other games just pulls you in. It becomes your second social life. Trust me, before I saw people drop out of college and a friend consider divorce, I would have said bullcrap.

    It doesn't happen to everyone who plays, but I honestly think its like alcoholics and drug addicts. Some people are just more susceptible. If you tend to obsess over a game until you finish it, you should never start playing an MMO.
  • cahtchme
    cahtchme Posts: 32 Member
    I am a World of Warcraft addict...well slightly recovering addict. I pretty much quit for six months because of school. If I wouldn't have been playing WoW I would have found something else. My eating habits have always been atrocious for the most part. I just don't let myself snack and watch TV or play any more. It probably helps that when I do play, I won't commit to raiding because I want to do other things with my husband or walk my dogs or work on the house.

    For the Horde!!!

    Cahtch - lvl 85 Tauren Druid (Girls that tank, FTW!!!)
    (...and a crap ton of alts)

    You mentioned divorces, I have a distant cousin who's husband left her for some middle-aged WoW player several states over. I thought my relatives were going to shoot me when I mentioned I had played. (Before I knew that had happened to her). XD
  • ljcatch22
    ljcatch22 Posts: 42 Member
    Clover, there's probably not a lot you can do right now. Especially if he is raiding. Trying to limit his time when he has good grades is going to probably backlash.

    Either encourage other SOCIAL activities with set times like someone else mentioned, or let it go for now. If he's still keeping up on his grades, he's probably not that bad. We had a few people in college who failed out because they weren't able to stop playing WOW to go to class.

    Trying to "lure" him to do other things is just going to piss him off. I used to get really irritated at my mom when I went home for break during college. She would try to get me to do other things like watch TV or go the mall. The problem was, it was the video game she had a problem with, not the time. If I was reading a book that much, or watching TV that much,or hanging out with friends that much, she never would have had a problem with it and I knew it.

    Try to decide if you don't like it just because its not something you understand, or if its an actual problem. If he spent that time hanging out with friends, or another hobby, would that bother you? If not, why should this hobby?
    I'm a huge introvert, so trying to tell me I should be doing social things would really bother me as well. I really dislike being social. It stresses me out and wears me down. There's nothing wrong with being an introvert, but there is a problem if its taking over your life.
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,640 Member
    Thanks for the feedback, and your personal experience Ljcatch. As to whether I'd be bothered if he spent that much time on another hobby or with friends, of course it depends on what or who. It's a Mom thing. I drank as a teen. I'd rather have him playing video games than follow that path. He was not an introvert before WOW, but he spends most of his time in his room now. As long as he keeps his grades up, and stays out of trouble, I guess I'll continue to let it go.

    You're right though. If he spent that much time reading, it probably wouldn't bother me. So, when it comes to video games, I'm out of touch and totally uninterested.
  • alyssamiller77
    alyssamiller77 Posts: 891 Member
    OMG it's direct out of a South Park episode I just saw last week.
  • I love WoW. A reward system for the game works perfect. I can only play during the week after the gym ;)
  • nnylee
    nnylee Posts: 811 Member
    Skyrim, Sims 3, Left 4 Dead 2, Dragon Age II and II, Minecraft, Portal 1 and 2, Mass Effect II....they took up a lot of my time. Still do. But now I have learned to balance them out a bit better. I love my games. <3
  • nnylee
    nnylee Posts: 811 Member
    Most definitely.

    Current games:
    Mass Effect 2 - 3 is coming out soon, so I'm playing again
    Sims 3 - this has been my on and off thing since it came out in 2000
    Skyrim - if you know what it is, I don't need to explain. If you don't know what it is, I can't explain.

    But I think giving it up completely would be about as smart as giving up food completely. Gaming makes me happy. It's what my boyfriend and I do for fun. If things go as planned, it will provide us some income.

    I think the answer, as it is with nearly everything else in life, is moderation and balance. Of course, it's hardest part. :wink:

    Maybe we should have a group here to help encourage us to do some exercise or other physical activity before we head into that next dungeon, or cave, or next level? :laugh:
  • KarmaxKitty
    KarmaxKitty Posts: 901 Member
    Ar Tonelico Quoga, Dead Island, Golden Axe: Beast Rider, Heavenly Sword, Alice Madness Returns...recently started one of the FF games... God I love my playstation...

    My guy plays WoW and LoL and GW RELIGIOUSLY. It's never really made an impact on his weight gain/loss. He loves being active, and he also loves to play his games. He's a gamer always will be. I think that there are some people who will have issues getting sucked in...but ultimately, someone who wants to lose weight/keep a relationship is going to have to make that effort. It's not necessarily about being lazy, just recognizing that there's other things to life. Now, weaning someone off of talking endlessly about their current game after you've gotten them away from it is a whole other issue. :laugh:
  • KarmaxKitty
    KarmaxKitty Posts: 901 Member
    I love WoW. A reward system for the game works perfect. I can only play during the week after the gym ;)

    This is what WE do, haha!!!

  • gwmedicgod
    gwmedicgod Posts: 180 Member
    I've Played WoW for bout 4 yrs now.. but I've cut back the amount I play whenever my wife is home.... I actually find that I eat less while playing (maybe cause I'm more occuplied and engrosed in the game)..... just sitting watching TV is my killer... I've always have to be munching as I'm watching...

    Relem: Wildhammer

    85 Night elf hunter
    75 human rouge
    60 worgen warrior
    45 human Female warLock
  • I love WoW. A reward system for the game works perfect. I can only play during the week after the gym ;)

    LOL I have so done things like this xD
    I have an 85 paladin, druid, and warrior. All tanks. So when I farm instances I make myself do 70 pushups in between xD
    Or when I attempted leveling dps I would jump rope while I waited for the instance que to pop up
  • **WARNING: I'm about to stop making friends ---

    I don't know if this has been covered - I wasn't going to read 4 pages.

    Games don't ruin lives. Period. I played many games, including WoW for 4 years, several 85s, scheduled raids, yadda, yadda...

    The bottom line is things like this only ruin lives if they are allowed to. I was able to play for 8+ hours on days when I had nothing to to but not play at all on busy days. It was fun but there are more important things. I still play games. I still love it!

    I was able to run a business, have a relationship, take care of my son and be a responsible member of the volunteer community while maintaining a 3 day raid schedule. It didn't cause me to gain weight. It didn't turn me into a cave dwelling troglodyte, afraid of human contact.

    I have been on the recieving end of a failing relationship due to a gamin addiction. It was up to me to do everything I could to prevent the issue and when I saw no other solution we parted ways. I did not allow it to ruin my life. If the person I was with rather be online than spend time with me I needed to move past it.

    Just think about it. Warcraft - ANY game - didn't ruin your life. You allowed it.
  • izzydino
    izzydino Posts: 254 Member
    Me and the hubby love WoW. But eventually wound spending less time due to having kids and working out. However we found a new addiction Star Wars Old republic. I find I play more on the weekends, leaving the weekdays for excersice and kids stuff. While playing wow I found I gained 60 lbs over 3 Years. If only you count the miles your character ran in the game in to real life :)
  • jskaggs1971
    jskaggs1971 Posts: 371 Member
    I've never really been into WoW, but played plenty of console games. I haven't been gaming much in the recent past, though. Between work and home committments, I just haven't made the time.

    Plus, I bought a guitar (well, two now), and I've been playing guitar for an hour or so in the evenings instead of gaming or zoning out in front of the TV. It's hard to munch when you need BOTH hands to play.
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    I don't know about a problem, per se... but I have been sucked into many a game. I tend to go with console games that have a definitive ending, but I do also play a browser game called Ikariam (Empire building. The world will be mine!).

    I try to view my weight loss as a LARP. It makes it more interesting, but one time I completely freaked myself out by pretending there was a zombie horde chasing me when I was out for a run. Made it back to the house very quickly, but I was way over my max heart rate.

  • hisgirl86
    hisgirl86 Posts: 142 Member
    My best friend had so much trouble in her marriage because of Wow, her husband would come home from work and stay at his computer until 3 or 4 in the moring, sleep for a few hours and go to work.....and come home, spend all night at the computer once again.

    When I met my husband and found out he played WoW, i thought "oh crap". But I played it with him and we love it :P I think its just a matter of additude towards it/the person playing.

    Before we got married, my husband was a guild leader, and would spend 40-50 hours a week playing, organizing raids (back in vanilla when it was 40 man) helping low levels to level up. Now we do spend a considerable time on WoW (he has 5 85's, i have 2 of them-Druid and Mage), but we also do other stuff as well, no longer part of a raiding guild so not as much focus on it :wink:

    My husband jokes that he has two babies, me and his 85 Druid :laugh:
  • I've Played WoW for bout 4 yrs now.. but I've cut back the amount I play whenever my wife is home.... I actually find that I eat less while playing (maybe cause I'm more occuplied and engrosed in the game)..... just sitting watching TV is my killer... I've always have to be munching as I'm watching...

    Relem: Wildhammer

    85 Night elf hunter
    75 human rouge
    60 worgen warrior
    45 human Female warLock
  • laurennxmariee
    laurennxmariee Posts: 10 Member
    batman arkham city
    enough said.