Dealing with Racism



  • msclairvoyant
    msclairvoyant Posts: 15 Member
    I love when white people try to use Obama being biracial as proof that things are 'better'.

    Not even going to go there.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member

    I have 5 kids - all boys.
    My standing directive for bullies is ATTACK!
    Look them in the eye, smile, then SUCKER PUNCH!

    With girls, it's different.
    I know if the school can't handle it, I'd take it up with the punk's father with either mutual respect or capitulation on his part.
    The kid is just parroting what his idiot parents say behind closed doors.

    teaching your kids to ATTACK? thats just wrong no matter what provokes your anger
  • elusivezero
    elusivezero Posts: 27 Member
    a very racist/white privileged media...

    I disagree with this portrayal of the media. If your point was valid we wouldn't have a bi-racial president.
  • cobracars
    cobracars Posts: 949 Member
    I love when white people try to use Obama being biracial as proof that things are 'better'.

    I didn't say they were 'better', just different than in the past. Don't assume you know me or my heritage based on one comment. Your racism is showing.
  • maryjay51
    maryjay51 Posts: 742
    they cracked down on bullying in our area big time..especially since a boy took his life last year due to the bullying he went through from being was just disgusting what these kids do to torture other kids..whats worse is that the parents dont do anything about it .. my nieces are half puerto rican and just living dolls.. i fear anyone who decides to put them down because of their heritage., i wouldnt walk away easily from it.. the school leaders here are under great pressure to deal with bullying now thankfully. i wish you well with your little girls and hope things turn out for the best
  • LoveLakeith
    Teach her about the heritage. I'm 22 from Louisiana and have dealt with all sorts of racism because I'm Black/Honduran. The best way to fight that is to show the person just how ignorant they are. I know my history about my people and I retaliate with what I know. Since the boy is 10, it's most likely that the boy's parents are the same way. He had to learn it from some where.
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    In response to the Obama comment, IMO, I don't think anyone is saying that ALL racism has been eradicated, and the election of Obama is proof of that.

    Instead, I think his election shows the willingness of voters to support an African American man for President, has changed over time.

    Sort of like what people will say when the first woman is elected to the Presidency.
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    I wrong a big, long-winded inspiring reply but deleted it.

    Maybe reply to her with 'we dont sell drugs and sit on the couch all day.....thats just silly'.

    Good and bad people come in all shapes and sizes. Just take a look at oscar the grouch vs big bird.
  • simoriah_angel
    I just realized I was in your local area (Batesville, IN) about 3 1/2 years ago. Being that I am from central NJ, I experienced great culture shock in your area. (x 100). I had never been around that much of a white-bread homogeneous type of town in the midwest. I can imagine what you are up against in that area in terms of "culture". People looked at my then-boyfriend (who is African/Native American) as if "What ARE you?". We made sure to take home a post card of the actual "Coon Hunter's Lodge". (Nobody from NJ would believe that a lodge was named that.)
  • hollyeverhart
    hollyeverhart Posts: 397 Member
    I love when white people try to use Obama being biracial as proof that things are 'better'.

    Not even going to go there.

    ughhhh here we go.. ^ The reason I NEVER give my opinion on any race issue.

    Sorry but wasn't this about a women's child getting bullied? Yup. Not about people bickering over their race problems... (that really just continue racism & don't help at all... but whatever!)

    I hope these jerks leave your daughter alone and their family/teacher teach them people are people and race isn't important!
  • chicklidell
    My 10 year old daughter (who is half Mexican) comes home today from school upset because of a boy in her class. A classmate of hers told her that all Mexicans are lazy drug dealers who just lay around on the couch all day. He also made fun of catholics. He made comments a couple of months ago and I talked to the teacher, who in turn had a talk with the boy. Guess we're going to see that this gets officially dealt with. My husband is going to go off the deep end. I have always talked to my girls and told them that there will always be someone who has problems with other races and that it just shows their ignorance, but man I'm fired up tonight!

    I think the best way to deal with this, is to educate your daughter, there will always be people who are going to offend, as long as you do your part on teaching her what you can from this situation, you're giving her a giant leap ahead of the child who probably knows no better. Your daughter will grow to be secure in who she is and proud of her heritage. I would take this as a leaning opportunity, your daughter will come out the winner.
  • SusanMcAvoy
    SusanMcAvoy Posts: 445 Member
  • cabaray
    cabaray Posts: 971 Member
    I just realized I was in your local area (Batesville, IN) about 3 1/2 years ago. Being that I am from central NJ, I experienced great culture shock in your area. (x 100). I had never been around that much of a white-bread homogeneous type of town in the midwest. I can imagine what you are up against in that area in terms of "culture". People looked at my then-boyfriend (who is African/Native American) as if "What ARE you?". We made sure to take home a post card of the actual "Coon Hunter's Lodge". (Nobody from NJ would believe that a lodge was named that.)
    We live about 45 minutes from Batesville. Our town is smaller though! Coon Hunter's Lodge...that's funny!
  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member

    I have 5 kids - all boys.
    My standing directive for bullies is ATTACK!
    Look them in the eye, smile, then SUCKER PUNCH!

    With girls, it's different.
    I know if the school can't handle it, I'd take it up with the punk's father with either mutual respect or capitulation on his part.
    The kid is just parroting what his idiot parents say behind closed doors.

    teaching your kids to ATTACK? thats just wrong no matter what provokes your anger

    Plus, love the sexism here. "It's okay for little boys ti beat the crap outa each other but girls should just cry and take it until a big strong man (daddy) can come and fix it"

    First, teaching kids self defence against physical attacks is good, but teaching them to get involved with fights is gonna get THEM into trouble, plus it's a crap life lesson. And second, if you did have girls, you should raise and treat them the same as your boys, not treat them differently based on their gender (apart from obvious, necessary stuff).
  • chicklidell
    I love when white people try to use Obama being biracial as proof that things are 'better'.

    Not even going to go there.

    ughhhh here we go.. ^ The reason I NEVER give my opinion on any race issue.

    Sorry but wasn't this about a women's child getting bullied? Yup. Not about people bickering over their race problems... (that really just continue racism & don't help at all... but whatever!)

    I hope these jerks leave your daughter alone and their family/teacher teach them people are people and race isn't important!

    I think it's just as awful that an adult would call a child a is that any better then this child being a bully?
  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member
    I love when white people try to use Obama being biracial as proof that things are 'better'.

    Not even going to go there.

    ughhhh here we go.. ^ The reason I NEVER give my opinion on any race issue.

    Sorry but wasn't this about a women's child getting bullied? Yup. Not about people bickering over their race problems... (that really just continue racism & don't help at all... but whatever!)

    I hope these jerks leave your daughter alone and their family/teacher teach them people are people and race isn't important!

    I think it's just as awful that an adult would call a child a is that any better then this child being a bully?

    Because a ten year old boy is old enough to know right from wrong, and is old enough to take responsibility for being a bully.
    And I think we can agree, bullies are "jerks".
  • chicklidell
    I love when white people try to use Obama being biracial as proof that things are 'better'.

    Not even going to go there.

    ughhhh here we go.. ^ The reason I NEVER give my opinion on any race issue.

    Sorry but wasn't this about a women's child getting bullied? Yup. Not about people bickering over their race problems... (that really just continue racism & don't help at all... but whatever!)

    I hope these jerks leave your daughter alone and their family/teacher teach them people are people and race isn't important!

    I think it's just as awful that an adult would call a child a is that any better then this child being a bully?

    Because a ten year old boy is old enough to know right from wrong, and is old enough to take responsibility for being a bully.
    And I think we can agree, bullies are "jerks".

    No I don't agree with you, a ten yr old is a child. I don't refer to anyone as a jerk, i'm in no position to judge anyone...speak for yourself.
  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member
    I love when white people try to use Obama being biracial as proof that things are 'better'.

    Not even going to go there.

    ughhhh here we go.. ^ The reason I NEVER give my opinion on any race issue.

    Sorry but wasn't this about a women's child getting bullied? Yup. Not about people bickering over their race problems... (that really just continue racism & don't help at all... but whatever!)

    I hope these jerks leave your daughter alone and their family/teacher teach them people are people and race isn't important!

    I think it's just as awful that an adult would call a child a is that any better then this child being a bully?

    Because a ten year old boy is old enough to know right from wrong, and is old enough to take responsibility for being a bully.
    And I think we can agree, bullies are "jerks".

    No I don't agree with you, a ten yr old is a child. I don't refer to anyone as a jerk, i'm in no position to judge anyone...speak for yourself.

    8 years old is the age that the law deems you old enough to take responsibility for your actions (:
    and racism/bullying is a crime in the adult world, so why is it ok for kids?
  • hollyeverhart
    hollyeverhart Posts: 397 Member
    I love when white people try to use Obama being biracial as proof that things are 'better'.

    Not even going to go there.

    ughhhh here we go.. ^ The reason I NEVER give my opinion on any race issue.

    Sorry but wasn't this about a women's child getting bullied? Yup. Not about people bickering over their race problems... (that really just continue racism & don't help at all... but whatever!)

    I hope these jerks leave your daughter alone and their family/teacher teach them people are people and race isn't important!

    I think it's just as awful that an adult would call a child a is that any better then this child being a bully?

    Yeah I don't feel bad for that. They are jerks, and most likely will remain jerks into adulthood. Also how can a sensible adult compare me calling a kid a jerk on a diet website forum to a child telling another child that people from their race are lazy drug dealers? Since you wanna be all adult about it... People on here nitpik the **** out of posts.
  • hollyeverhart
    hollyeverhart Posts: 397 Member
    I love when white people try to use Obama being biracial as proof that things are 'better'.

    Not even going to go there.

    ughhhh here we go.. ^ The reason I NEVER give my opinion on any race issue.

    Sorry but wasn't this about a women's child getting bullied? Yup. Not about people bickering over their race problems... (that really just continue racism & don't help at all... but whatever!)

    I hope these jerks leave your daughter alone and their family/teacher teach them people are people and race isn't important!

    I think it's just as awful that an adult would call a child a is that any better then this child being a bully?

    Because a ten year old boy is old enough to know right from wrong, and is old enough to take responsibility for being a bully.
    And I think we can agree, bullies are "jerks".

    ^Yup pretty much! I'm not going to candy coat it. I feel way worse for the kid getting bullied then the bully being called a jerk on a internet forum.