Can you lose some weight by walking?



  • P.S. I lost my first 10 lbs with a calorie deficit (following MFP) alone so...yeah. I don't think I would advocate doing that exclusively since you really need aerobic exercise for your cardiovascular health, but the point really is to just get up and move. You know?
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    ditto! like many of the other posters, I lost the first 50 by just tracking and sticking to my calorie goals, and walking 20 minutes (almost) every day. Just a nice little walk with my dogs, and I did no other exercise.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    I started out swimming for the first 1 1/2 months then it got to cold to swim so i started walking and using leslie sansome tapes thats all I did for the first 55lb lost then I joined the gym but i still do walking 4xs a week as exercise. i have lost 93lbs this way. Watching what you eat is most important as far as weight loss, exercising will help and is good for toning your body as you lose
  • 2 years ago, I joined a group that was supposed to train you to run a marathon in like 9 or 10 months...which worked for some of the people in our group. I however, tried to push myself too hard too soon and wound up with stress fractures and a lovely chronic bone/cartilage disorder called osteochondrosis. Thanks to which, I can no longer run for exercise or it will flare up. A co-worker and I have started walking twice a day for about 10 minutes, so I'm really hoping that within a few weeks I'll be able to tell a difference. (I'm also using the calorie tracker on here as well) I've never heard of the Leslie Sansone dvd's but thatnks to y'all I will be searching Amazon for them!

    Reading all of your posts was wonderful encouragement to keep it up, so thanks!! :smile:
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Heck yes! Walking is great. I love walking "with" Leslie Sansone. I can't always count on the weather to cooperate with outdoor walks. You could do the "indoor" variety while your baby naps.

    Here are some You Tube "Leslie's"
    ...........5 minute walk
    ..................Part 1
    ...................Part 2

    Also - Netflix rents lots of walking DVDs (Leslie & others). Check your local library. There are pretty good sales this time a year. The latest Leslie Sansone "Walk Slim - 5 Really Big Miles" is great (Target, Wal-Mart, K-Mart, Best Buy). Totally chaptered - you can pick & choose the segments you want to do.
  • You can totally lose the baby weight by walking I did, it was perfect for me and my little one he could have a good hour to two hour nap and I could get some exercise without having to get a baby sitter whilst I go the gym. I've lost 76 lbs by mostly just walking 3 miles a day obviously I did a few exercise DVDs and watched what I ate but it's totally doable I'm living proof lol it's grea if your like me and hate the gym to And it's free!! Xx
  • brknllama
    brknllama Posts: 113 Member
    Yes, you can lose weight by walking. I lost 30lbs this summer by walking just under 4 miles a day. Also, I read somewhere that it is actually best if you do incorporated walking into your exercise program because your brain has a set weight it wants to stay at ( that's why we don't fluctuate in weight that much, but when we walk our brain resets that number. Walking during this spring/summer has helped me not gain all my weight back. ( i only gained 10 of the 30 back )

    Good Luck on your journey :D
  • Tori_356
    Tori_356 Posts: 510 Member
    Yes! It's great exercise, it's FREE and it's getting your body moving! So I say walk! Then maybe you can try walking faster or jogging as you get more in shape?
  • Tawanda190
    Tawanda190 Posts: 27 Member
    YES!! I lost my first bulk load of weight (62pnds in 2008) by only walking!
    RILEYRED Posts: 647 Member
    I have Fibromyalgia, and about all I can do is walk. I have lost 26lbs. Good luck
  • tialynn1
    tialynn1 Posts: 884 Member
    Yes, you can lose weight by walking. I lost weight by just using Leslie Sansone videos and not really eating healthier. Everytime I have gained weight and went back to trying to lose, I go back to Leslie Sansone. I have a bunch of her videos. The thing I like about hers is I modify her videos. Sometimes I use weights with them even if they don't call for it, or I will do light jogging intervals to up the intensity.
    Before I even signed up for this website, I started doing videos for my new year's resolution. Now, with this website, I have really tried to cut back on calories. It has worked. I also started the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred videos. I am trying that. It is definitely harder to do than Leslie Sansone. But, I am trying to amp up weight loss. But, Leslie Sansone is still my favorite.