What's your "Sweet Tooth" solution?

I suspect there's one or two of us here who might admit eating an excess of sweets has contributed to our bodies that are clearly to short for our weight. :wink:

I'm curious as to what each of us does to help curb or satiate the urges. In my case, I have a container of Black Forrest Gummy Bears sitting on my desk at work. If one just chews or sucks slowly you can make one piece (8.5 calories) last for quite some time which in turn takes my mind off of the "need" for candy. For so few calories per “bear” I think it's a pretty cheap way of maintaining control. :tongue:

Any other ideas that are working for "Ya all"?


  • My sweet addiction is ICE CREAM!!!! YUMMY! I tried Kemp's frozen yogurt last night. It was soooooo good! I think I actually liked it better then regular ice cream. I got the cookies and cream and dribbled a smidge of Hershey's syrup on top. I don't know the exact nutrition off the top of my head, but I do remember there was 0 fat.
  • Sklahsen
    Sklahsen Posts: 76 Member
    I find that if I am craving sweet sometimes having a cup of tea with sweetner helps me. If not, I indulge a little bit...can deprive yourself of the things you love!
  • ItsMeRebekah
    ItsMeRebekah Posts: 909 Member
    5 dark chocolate kisses
  • Ooh, I really like your gummy bear idea! I'm going to use it! I had been allowing one sweet/day, like A cookie or A piece of chocolate (stolen from my kids' christmas stockings!) Even a spoonfull of honey. But these all have more calories than I want to spare on my addiction!
  • My husband and I found a 5 calories jello. It's sugar-free and pretty good. Go to the link to see what i'm talking about. My husband does 2 and I do 1 normally. We put just a small bit of lite whipped cream on it. Total calories (for 1) is 15 calories and totally cures the sweet tooth!

  • rlysrh
    rlysrh Posts: 244
    I'm pretty much the same. if I'm craving something sweet I have something sweet but only a small amount. Unless I don't have any calories left for the day, then I just try to do something to distract myself.
  • I LOVE gummy bears and would eat the entire bag if I had easy access to them. LOL

    I chew gum when I would otherwise be mindlessly snacking on sweets. It helps because sweets don't taste so good after a piece of big red has been in your mouth. ;) Oh and peppermints. When I'm craving ice cream I try to swap it for a fruit and yogurt parfait or frozen yogurt.
  • Horskrzy
    Horskrzy Posts: 71 Member
    My sweet addiction is ICE CREAM!!!! YUMMY! I tried Kemp's frozen yogurt last night. It was soooooo good! I think I actually liked it better then regular ice cream. I got the cookies and cream and dribbled a smidge of Hershey's syrup on top. I don't know the exact nutrition off the top of my head, but I do remember there was 0 fat.

    Be sure to record the calories as well. Often time we can rationalize "Well this is better than that" and yet if we don't TRACK it, eating too much of THAT can be worse than THIS! :embarassed:
  • maryjay51
    maryjay51 Posts: 742
    ive trained myself not to have sweets so if i absolutely have to have the real deal i have it and get that craving out of my system. i used to use sweetners in my coffee like splenda but gave it up for the new year. now i put in natural raw honey and its great plus i have the health benefits of this product. i use fruit as a sweet .. but really when i eat healthy consistantly i do not crave the sugar like i used to.
  • terewilliams
    terewilliams Posts: 336 Member
    I try to keep Werthers Originals around. When I get the crazies for sweets I pop one in my mouth. By the time I'm finished savoring it, I'm usually over it.
  • BaconMD
    BaconMD Posts: 1,165 Member
    Flavored Keurig coffees tend to be sufficient for me. Apple Caramel Pie, Sugar Bush Maple, Belgian Chocolate.. some of my favorites.

    As for actually eating stuff, here's what I did: I hadn't had chocolate really since Christmas 2010. This Christmas, we were given a box of Laura Secord so the wife and I couldn't resist the temptation. We decided we'd split the box in half and eat it all in one go. After four chocolates I felt so horrible, I didn't want to eat any more. But I forced myself to, and now, you know what? I don't want chocolates again for a loooong time.

    The same thing happened when I ate my "usual" meal at Wendy's just 3-4 weeks into exercising and eating slightly healthier. I felt very nauseous, shaky, cold and sweaty... and hungry. And that was about 10 months ago - I could only imagine if I tried to eat it now...
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Corn flakes or oatmeal with a bit of sugar. I love it, and it helps to satisfy those sweet cravings. Oh, and the occasional candy cane, just because they happen to be sitting on my coffee table from Christmas.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    I like the caramel or chocolate rice cakes. They're both sweet enough to fulfill my sweet tooth.
  • idlose
    idlose Posts: 16
    i use the sugar free jello for 10 cals and a tbsp of whipped cream. low on carbs, low on cals. or i will have a SF pudding or whip...those are 60 cals.
  • I usually drop into Purdy's in the mall and get ONE himilayan (sp, I know) pink salt caramel. At 55 calories per piece the balance of the dark chocolate, caramel and salt is enough to satisfy my sweet tooth, or I go get a skinny drink from starbucks.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    Eat a roll of Sweet Tarts right before bed for two weeks. Make sure NOT to brush your teeth before bed.

    This will create a lot of cavities. When you eat stuff with sugar and you have cavities your teeth hurt: End of candy craving! :bigsmile:

    (this sarcasm BTW)
  • Allie_71
    Allie_71 Posts: 1,063 Member
    Frozen medjool dates. Weird but they take forever to eat and they're soooo sweet.
  • Try cutting back on red meat -- I know it sounds weird, but when I have a lot of meat in my diet is when I get sweet cravings. When I'm on more vegetarian/flexetarian kicks I rarely get a sweet tooth. It takes a week or so for it to kick in but it works!

    I also love Good Earth Original tea -- it's naturally sweet (no calories) and delicious -- and clementines this time of year for snacking.
  • I eat lots and lots of fruit!
  • amandaew83
    amandaew83 Posts: 14 Member
    I am an ice cream person so the Skinny Cow ice cream sanwiches do the trick for me! They are pretty big and super yummy : ) 140 cals for an ice cream sandwaich..Not a bad way to end the day and take care of the sweet tooth!