Smoothie recipes, anyone?



  • fatty_to_fitty
    fatty_to_fitty Posts: 544 Member
    This is hardly a recipe but....

    Buy frozen fruit form the supermarket so you always have a supply and soya milk is full of goodness try switching if you can.

    handful of blueberries and raspberries (half defrosted)
    unsweetened soya milk
    scoop of protein powder (strawberry is my choice)

    Blend and you have a chilled energy packed smoothie!
  • cherridawnn
    My absolute fav is-

    1 C Milk
    1 C Ice
    2-4 T of Peanut Butter
    1 medium Banana

    So simple but it tastes amazing! This is what I eat when I have a sweets craving. =)

    This....except I use soy milk.
  • jellyfishbones
    jellyfishbones Posts: 123 Member
    I make mine with juice (approx 1 cup, usually apple but can vary by your own taste), frozen banana pieces (approx 1 cup 2" chunks), and frozen fruit (whatever kind you like). I don't add water, ice, yogurt, or anything else - maybe some protein powder now and then (I like Rainbow Light).
  • monalissanne
    monalissanne Posts: 159 Member
    This is how I make my very simple smoothie in my Magic Bullet blender:

    Yoplait Light - Vanilla Yogurt (Fat Free) , 8 oz
    Ocean Spray - Diet Blueberry Pomegranate Juice, 8 fl oz (1cup)
    Strawberries (Frozen) Whole Fruit, 1 cup

    Calories 185 Carbs 40 Fat 0 Protein 8

    Most of the calories is the yogurt. Because the strawberries are frozen, I don't have to add ice. I love those Ocean Spray Diet Juices - only 5 calories and it makes me feel like I'm getting a sugar fix.
  • monalissanne
    monalissanne Posts: 159 Member
    My absolute fav is-

    1 C Milk
    1 C Ice
    2-4 T of Peanut Butter
    1 medium Banana

    So simple but it tastes amazing! This is what I eat when I have a sweets craving. =)

    This....except I use soy milk.

    This sounds so good! I'm happy I have all those ingredients because I'm making this tonight!
  • aekaya
    aekaya Posts: 163 Member
    Almond milk, spinach, a banana, a few strawberries, half a green apple = YUM! best smoothie I've ever made :)
  • lovinlife71
    My absolute fav is-

    1 C Milk
    1 C Ice
    2-4 T of Peanut Butter
    1 medium Banana

    So simple but it tastes amazing! This is what I eat when I have a sweets craving. =)
    OH!!!!! Sounds YUMMY!!!!
  • MeghanAM
    MeghanAM Posts: 222 Member
    My daily morning smoothie:

    1T flax seed
    2 C spinach
    1 banana (frozen)
    1/2 C blueberries
    1 C almond milk

    Sometimes I'll add another fruit if there's a sale on the frozen ones or if I see some good reduced produce that I can freeze. Sometimes I add an ice cube or two.
  • itsmscindy
    itsmscindy Posts: 8 Member
    Here's my favorite healthy smoothie that I adapted from Dr. Jung's Clean Program (the Gwynneth Paltrow cleanse) that incorporates protein and fiber. I always keep a bag of organic frozen berries from Costco, Trader Joe's or Wholefoods in my freezer.

    Mixed Berry Smoothie

    1 c. Nonfat Milk (or Light Almond Milk for lower cal or if your lactose intolerant)
    1/2 c. Mixed berries
    1 heaping tbsp Vanilla Protein Powder (Nutribiotic Organic)
    1 level tbsp Acacia Fiber (Now Foods)
    1 -2 packets Splenda or Nutiva natural sweetener (optional)
    3 ice cubes

    Total Calories - 211
    Total Protein - 21g
    Total Fat - 0
    Total Carbs - 29
  • emmyvera
    emmyvera Posts: 599 Member
    I'm on a HUGE smoothie kick right now! I'm still experimenting with new ingredients and getting ideas from MFP. My two key ingredients I purchased to use are a protein powder (for after workouts) and ground flax seed.

    This is what I had this morning. If you like chocolate and berries together, try this....

    Oh So Berry Chocolate Delight: (This was so decadent and yummy I about fell over) :laugh:

    1 Cup Soy Slender Chocolate Milk (no sugar added)
    1/2 Cup of Mixed Frozen Berries
    1 Cup of sliced fresh strawberries
    1 TBP of ground flax seed (optional)
    *I think I used a little ice, but I am not positive.

    Calories 194 Carbs 27 Potassium 523 Protein 11 Fiber 14 Sodium 127
  • trvlmom12
    Has anyone ever tried that PB2 powder in smoothies? Close to where I live is a meal-prep store called SupperThyme, and the owner told me about PB2. It's all-natural peanut butter in powder form, with the oils taken out. Supposed to be good in smoothies/shakes. Just curious if anyone's used it before. They also have a choco/peanut butter flavor too. They sound yummy!

    Here's a link (Bell Plantation is the company that makes it):
  • Audddua
    Audddua Posts: 176 Member
    I have a smoothie nearly every day for breakfast with a small portion of oatmeal. I'm always changing the main fruit in it so I don't get sick of them. Here's my basic recipe:

    * vanilla whey powder (I know it seems expensive for me it was cheaper and easier than yogurt because it has a MUCH longer shelf life.)
    * water/ice
    * frozen fruit (assuming it's cheaper and easier than fresh where you are). My favorite combo is cherry with a few peaches.
    * frozen banana (I freeze my own - I've read that banana's are better for you when they're still a bit green - less sugar or some crap like that)
    * baby food: Gerber 2nd foods - sweet potato, squash & carrots work best. You cannot even taste it. DO NOT USE PEAS! That taste cannot be covered trust me!!

    I used to add sugar in the raw for added sweetness, but I've weaned myself off of it. I make a big batch once a week and freeze off 12 oz portions. It's much better fresh, but there's no way I'd make them every morning or be able to keep them small enough for just me.
  • alabughosh
    alabughosh Posts: 132 Member
    I haven't been able to find persimmons for a couple weeks now. But when I could I loved this recipe:

    SERVES 2...about 2 10 ounce glasses
    1 persimmon
    1/2 an avocado
    1 banana
    2 scoops of SHOW ME THE WHEY protein powder
    1 cup milk
    1/2 cup fat free yogurt

    Sooooo good!
  • karilynn
    I'm a chocolate lover, so this is my favorite...

    1 frozen banana (I run it under hot water for easy peeling, or 10 seconds in the microwave)
    1/2 cup fat free vanilla yogurt (sometimes I use greek yogurt if I have it)
    1 tbsp cocoa (unsweetened)
    1 tbsp peanut butter (I use all natural)

    you can add a bit of milk to make it smoother, but I eat it like ice cream..yummy!
  • angel79202
    angel79202 Posts: 1,012 Member
    yum :)
  • stephabef
    stephabef Posts: 936 Member
    1 C almond milk
    1 T peanut butter
    1 T flax seeds
    1 scoop protein powder (I currently have cinnabun flavored powder!)
    2 strawberries (or other kind of fruit)

    Drink an hour or two before bed. Totally kills my desire to snack late at night!