

  • larahackney
    larahackney Posts: 12 Member
    So today would have been day 3 but my legs are soooo painful. I am gonna give them a rest today and do day 3 tomorrow. I think its better to rest really sore muscles so they have a chance to repair themselves. I might do some pilates for the abbs and flexibility just so I have done something though.
  • Sthiara18
    Sthiara18 Posts: 29 Member
    I started this on Sunday and didn't do it on Monday so I had to restart again last night. It's a great workout!
  • toridillman
    I'm going to go buy it today!!
  • Bsnell10
    I am on day 7 (should be day 9 but i took the weekend off) first couple of days i didn't know how i was gonna make it thru let alone have the engery to get up and do it...But i did!!! I am now on day 7 doing level one. I am choosing to do 10 days on each level getting me to the 30 days!! DO NOT check your weight everyday like i did i knew i wasn't loosing any weight every day but still i checked and saw my weight growing i realized it was because i gained muscles!! Now on Day 7 i added eliptical training to the mix too, to help me burn more calories...FYI week 1 i lost 2.4 pounds!!!
  • AllyDelair
    AllyDelair Posts: 91 Member
    I am on my 6th day! love it! with eating right, doing 30 DS and the biggest loser for the kinect ive lost 15 lbs!
  • iamhopeful
    I'm thinking of checking this out, but it sounds hard. Is it ok for beginners or more suited to routine and hard core exercisers?
  • Ashleystrid
    Are you guys talking about Jillian Michaels' 30 day shred? I just started doing the DVD. I want to know how many calories I burn in one 20 minute session. Anyone know? Or even an estimate would be fine with me. I have no idea.
  • pureeevil
    pureeevil Posts: 6 Member
    I'm thinking of checking this out, but it sounds hard. Is it ok for beginners or more suited to routine and hard core exercisers?

    it all depends on your motivation and willingness to complete the circuit.
    She works out with two ladies one who does "easier" versions of each excersize
    You work out on each level for a week the idea is that your body gets accustomed to the circuits
    Each week. Trust me, ALL excersize is hard but remember, Jillian has used these circuits on
    The biggest loser contestants so anyone can do it it's not meant only for the "hardcore"
    I find it hurts the knees a bit (lunges and squats) so I just modify those moves..
    DO IT! you won't regret it it's actually a great way to get into a healthy routine
    Good luck!
  • toridillman
    Bought it today, and completed my first level one exercise! It was tough! Almost wanted to quit, but I sucked it up. I feel amazing right now. I love that post workout feeling!
  • SDormer91
    Anyone interested in buying any Jillian DVDs should check out Big W right now - they've got about five of hers on special :) I started this yesterday and am sore but not overly sore.
    Those with leg injuries - she says in the bit with the punching that if you have leg injuries, just do punching instead of the other types of cardio. As she keeps repeating in Level 1, "We don't want any injuries!" I have lower back issues which stuff my legs and I can only really do the kick backs and punching without ruining my chances of finishing the workout due to intense (and mid-treatment) pain.
    And can anyone else not do a single pushup? I can do every other strength and ab exercise and I can usually do a plank on my elbows, but I just can't do a push up... :(
    Btw, new here so anyone looking to make a supportive and enthusiastic friend who is determined to get to her goal weight of 55kgs from 72kg (2 down, 15 to go) - add me! :)
  • bhappy_5
    bhappy_5 Posts: 50 Member
    I'm planning to start tonight! It would be great to have MFP friends who are doing this as well, so pls add me :D
  • regmcc
    regmcc Posts: 81 Member
    Did Day 4 today, missed yesterday..scheduling problems lol...I slept in......it is easier for sure, I'm not nearly as sore as I was on day 2 and 3 either so that's a plus. I hope to do it every day straight but I'm not going to stress out too much if I miss the odd day here and there. Day 5 here I come!
  • lilithe1
    lilithe1 Posts: 30 Member
    Last night I did my 3rd day. I skipped Tuesday because I did a really intense 90 minute yoga class that day (hot yoga) and it made my neck and back hurt so I took a break for the rest of the evening.

    But last night I did 90 minutes of yoga and then L1 right after it. It was much harder than Day 1 or 2 (without yoga... go figure). :)

    But hey, I did it, right? It SUCKED but I did it. :)
  • shmunster
    shmunster Posts: 538 Member
    I started last night! Was sore when I went to bed but feel ok this morning, looking forward to todays one! I do a pilates class every wed so I think I will just skip 30DS that day, and do 11 days in each level
  • shmunster
    shmunster Posts: 538 Member
    Are you guys talking about Jillian Michaels' 30 day shred? I just started doing the DVD. I want to know how many calories I burn in one 20 minute session. Anyone know? Or even an estimate would be fine with me. I have no idea.

    I'm 5'3 and 150 pounds and I burnt 200 calories in the 20 minutes with my HRM
  • CanuckTracy
    CanuckTracy Posts: 245 Member
    Probably won't be able to start until the weekend either, but I'm in!! its great to have everyone on here for the support...everyone feel free to friend me too...a great challenge!
  • regmcc
    regmcc Posts: 81 Member
    Are you guys talking about Jillian Michaels' 30 day shred? I just started doing the DVD. I want to know how many calories I burn in one 20 minute session. Anyone know? Or even an estimate would be fine with me. I have no idea.

    I'm 5'3 and 150 pounds and I burnt 200 calories in the 20 minutes with my HRM

    Good to know....I'm 5'5 and 149lbs and mfp says I burn 180 calories logging it as circuit training.
  • Alm1055
    Alm1055 Posts: 26
    Im glad I found this.. I am on day 7 and I love it. I just bought Ripped in 30 and 6 week 6 pack. I already see changes that were better then when I was going to the gym 5 days a week. Has anyone else seen any results? Feel free to add me for support I know I can use it. :happy:
  • Alm1055
    Alm1055 Posts: 26
    I did measurments on day 1 and I will due them again at day 15 and then day 30 :smile:
  • Helscamkat
    I am going to start the 30 day shred today and then thinking of Beach Body, INSANITY. I am 5'2''; and weigh 142lbs, I would like to tone-up and go down to about 125lbs.

    Anyone want to join me?