Geeks, nerds, otaku: Where are you all?



  • A geek friend of mine gave me a pin with a picture of the TARDIS on it for an early Christmas gift. If you know what this is, then you might be a geek.

    I think I am officially a geek! HMMMMM the degree in stats and info systems should have given it away though.... Don't do video games though.....
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  • NotGoddess
    NotGoddess Posts: 1,198 Member
    Bleach is not just a disinfectant.
    If you ask Doctor who? I'll reply 'Where?!!'
    I loved visiting my brother when he lived in Riverside, Iowa.
    I have a lightsabre keychain and sometimes threaten to use it.
    I bought my kids the LOTR PEZ collection for Christmas (shhhh they don't know).
    And when I die my tombstone will say I died doing the right thing...that or I coded my own demise. Can't decide. :)

    ...nope. Not a geek at all.
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    It's the internet, of course we're here.
  • calvert6183
    calvert6183 Posts: 539 Member
    Im a computer and history nerd, Please add me guys.
  • cmacatee
    cmacatee Posts: 1 Member
    Hey! I'm a girl who is a big nerd in the US! I'm kind of new to fitness pal, but don't worry, you're not alone
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Confession! I just logged in 5.5 hours on DDO yesterday!
    I'll be back! I have to go sharpen my broadsword!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    One of the reasons i joined MFP is so i can go to comic con as a super sentai, tights and everything :glasses:

    we have the same goals!! Except, I wanna wear slutty outfits and look good! :wink:

    Yessssssss!!!! I thought I'd be the only one around here weird enough to have this goal! XDDDDDDD

    Ahem. So I guess it goes without saying I fall into the otaku (anime/manga/J-music) category...might as well put me down for geek and nerd as well. I AM NOT ASHAMED. :bigsmile:

    Lol I did it to put on my Cloud Strife costume for halloween!

    Next year I'll have the shoulders!

  • And when I die my tombstone will say I died doing the right thing...that or I coded my own demise. Can't decide. :)

    ...nope. Not a geek at all.

    LOVE this!
  • ThisMusicalMiss
    ThisMusicalMiss Posts: 26 Member
    Manga, drawing, and TOTAL band nerd. <3
    You can check out some of my artwork if ya'd like on deviantart: animebandnerd. ^ ^
  • Anime, Gaming, Computer nerd here.

    I regular the local cons, and am currently addicted to Kamen Rider.
    iCACTUS Posts: 113
    Hello everyone! My name is Amanda & I am ABSOLUTE nerd!
    While I am not AS into anime & manga as I once was I still
    like it & I try to keep up with what's new. My favorite anime/
    manga are : Sailor Moon, Revolutionary Girl Utena, Pokemon,
    Future Diary, After-School Nightmare, Fruits Basket, Dragon
    Ball Z, Legendary Magic Knights Rayearth, Ranma 1/2 &
    much more!

    I also like video games. My favorites include :

    - Legend of Dragoon
    - Legend of Legaia
    - Chrono Cross
    - Final Fantasy V through X
    - FFTA 1 & 2
    - Kingdom Hearts
    - Pokemon
    - Phoenix Wright

    & many more!
  • I am here! Love Sci-fy! I am completely addable for those that want a like minded friend!
  • woou
    woou Posts: 668 Member
    It's the internet, of course we're here.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Danhra
    Danhra Posts: 77
  • stephabef
    stephabef Posts: 936 Member
    I'm a big geek and proud of it! Feel free to add me :)
  • Improvised
    Improvised Posts: 925 Member
    I'm really into anime, manga, jpop, nintendo, etc. Lol.
  • “Just talk about nerd stuff.”

    “Actually nerd culture has become mainstream, so when you use it as a pejorative, you’re the one who’s outside the zeitgeist.”

    “Perfect. Just like that.”
  • I'm home... ; ;

    I was actually wondering this as well a couple of weeks ago and didn't think to look up posts on it. Glad I found you guys. :D Feel free to add me for support or random chats.
  • SnakeDarling
    SnakeDarling Posts: 352 Member
    I love video games and anime.
    -Final Fantasy
    -Fatal Frame
    -Silent Hill
    -Kingdom Hearts
    -The World Ends With You

    I also love k-pop, j-pop, and Cosplay <33

    Also, I'm a Vocaloid ADDICT.
    I know that falls under music, but I love everything about them.
    And, no, I'm not just someone who follows the Crypton 'loids.
    IA and Nekomura Iroha are my favorites.
    I'm also a member of
    So yeah :p