P90X: The Proof Lies Here!



  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    I did finish the routine....I guess I felt a little discouraged it was so tough (if that make sense)
    I've been trying to get in better shape for the last year and a half and between the work outs I was doing, I was hoping I would have been more conditioned

    You're definitely not alone there. Quite a few people start P90X thinking they are fit and try too hard to keep up with the people in the video. There were a few bodybuilders here that have some five to ten years under their belt and don't make it through their first week of P90X.

    Honestly, if you could get through it just fine, you wouldn't need it. It is only when you break out of your comfort zone when you achieve exceptional results.
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    There were a few bodybuilders here that have some five to ten years under their belt and don't make it through their first week of P90X.

    I have over 25 years of training AND training powerlifters, bodybuilders, etc and this program, BY FAR, has been the most intense I've ever done.
  • spence8
    spence8 Posts: 32
    ghanie is exactly right. When you are able to get out of your comfort zone, that's when you will see amazing results. I pride myself in being able to push myself to the absolute max all the time, and that's one of the main reasons I've gotten the results I have. There is no doubt that it is hard, but dang is it worth it!
  • spence8
    spence8 Posts: 32
    OK, I'm completely exhausted and heading to bed! Be back tomorrow!
  • spence8
    spence8 Posts: 32
    Good afternoon! I'm about to BRING IT with Interval X Plus!
  • oaker
    oaker Posts: 132 Member
    Nice job spence. This program really rocks, but it's also very tough. I am just about to complete week 7 and am noticing a lot more fatigue during the workouts. I have upped my carbs from the fat shredder phase, but am really getting tired. Did you ever go thru this and just gut it out. I have watched my nutrition very closely. I am 43 and have lost 15 lbs so far. Clothes fit a lot better and I can finally see some muscle definition. Also, what are the workouts you are using now? Thanks
  • spence8
    spence8 Posts: 32
    When your energy level starts to go down and you're feeling worn down during the day, that's the bodys' way of telling you that you need to take in more calories and carbs. This happened to me during the third phase and I did just that and it helped tremendously. You have to remember that you are building muscle, and the more muscle your build, the more calories your body will burn throughout the day.

    Currently, I am mixing together P90X Classic and the Plus.
  • oaker
    oaker Posts: 132 Member
    Thanks for the reply. I am going to up my carbs and calories and see how things go. I am currently in rest week if you really want to call it that. I think doing core syn and yoga twice in a week is harder than the other pull-up/push-up routines. How many times have you gone thru the 13 weeks? I plan on giving myself a couple weeks rest and then doing another set. Any suggestions? I think I could get more out of doing classic again but am interested in something new also. Thanks again
  • spence8
    spence8 Posts: 32
    Well I went through 3 Rounds and since then have just been mixing together the Plus and Classic workouts. I am a little over 400 days into the program, and about to start another round of the Classic with my g/f in about 2 weeks. I think it's smart to take a few weeks rest and let your body completely heal and develop before jumping into the next round. However, it's really important to focus on a clean diet during this time because you aren't working out to burn the calories, so it could be very easy to put on a few pounds.
  • oaker
    oaker Posts: 132 Member
    I am trying to lose weight (really the fat) and then build back some muscle from there. I see from your website that you did something similar. Would you have changed anything? How about your diet? Do you stick with the 60% carbs and 20/20 fat protien? I am a bit worried about getting fatigued in the last four weeks, but don't want to eat too much and gain back the weight. I have dropped from 189 to 172 and would like to get into the low 160's and build up from there. I really like to hear from other experiences before doing the wrong thing. Thanks
  • letsgoblue
    letsgoblue Posts: 1
    I'm also struggling with how to approach the nutritional aspects of p90x. I just started my 5th week (first week of Phase 2). I'm 5'10" 180lb and can't imagine I need to take in ~2400 calories if what I'm looking to do is lose another 10-15 pounds of fat. I get the underlying science, obviously, but it just seems that the Phase II recommendations are still a bit high for what my goals are. I'm already pretty muscular and not really interested in gaining a whole lot more mass. Judging from the Beachbody boards, a lot of people struggle with the concept of upping their calories in order to lose weight. Maybe I just haven't come around and should embrace what seems to most people like a counterintuitive idea. But in order to consume 2400 clean calories I'll need to do some eating when I'm not even hungry, which I'd obviously rather avoid.

    Today's my first day using MFP and I'm a big fan.
  • oaker
    oaker Posts: 132 Member
    I also had trouble with the whole nutrition program, but really made the effort to stick with it. The only times I lowered my calorie intake was during the rest week or if I did just yoga or stretching. Whenever there was a tough workout, I tried to get to the 2400. I also remember during the first four weeks of the program when I ate when I wasn't hungry. By the time I was in the 6th week, I was always hungry and didn't have to worry about that again. I am 5' 9'' and started at 189 and am now at 170. I just started week 9 and have made some nice improvements on push-ups and pull-ups. Still waiting for that 6 pack to come in, so I know there is more fat to burn. I am a firm believer in eating well, working hard and watching the pounds and fat come off. Just keep pushing play and eating well and the results will speak for themselves.
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Spence, great results! And THANK YOU (from this nutrition-happy personal trainer) for hammering home the 80-20 bit. SO MANY PEOPLE throw themselves into exercise and leave their diet lagging but the accepted wisdom in the fitness industry is that your body will reflect your lifestyle and it's 80% nutrition, 10% training and 10% genetics (short torso, broad shoulders... unchangeable things).
    My hubby started P90X a year or so ago but our livingroom is TINY. Such a shame. I think he should give it another try.

    Cheers and may you have continued success!
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