"Are you really enjoying that crap???"

hope516 Posts: 1,133 Member
^^^^^^^^^ is what My naturally thin, wouldn't have to count a calorie if it bit her on her tiny perky butt sister asked me today. I was enjoying My dinner plate full of steamed veggies and tiny peice of broiled fish. I savored every bite and talked about how tasty it was. She said I was lieing to myself! Lol....I know I was starving and that usually makes cardboard yummy, but are you really enjoying the lower calorie (ie lower flavor food) you have started eating lately??


  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    Some of it yes. For example, I like steamed veggies and fish. But would I rather have a hamburger? Hell yes. But you can't indulge every moment of your life.
  • GTOgirl1969
    GTOgirl1969 Posts: 2,527 Member
    I would put a smug, satisfied look on my face and say "Why, yes. Yes I am!" and then keep on eating. To deal with passive-aggressive people sometimes you have to play a little bit of their game....and besides, once she hits 40 or so, her metabolism will probably change and she'll have to count calories and eat like the rest of us.
  • ajlarz
    ajlarz Posts: 155 Member
    I really feel like I have learned to like the healthier stuff. I find that when I eat "junk" that I used to eat, I literally feel sick. Not to say I don't still do it from time to time!
  • mnishi
    mnishi Posts: 422 Member
    sometimes... I try to spice everything up, peppers = low cals and tons of flavor.
    I also put mustard on lots of stuff.
  • MHunte
    MHunte Posts: 149
    From young we are trained to like all the crap that got us overweight in the first place, the things that are good for us we don't like to eat. We need to reprogram our body to like the things that are healthy for us....
  • Jessie544
    Jessie544 Posts: 127 Member
    actually that dinner sounds YUMMY! Since starting to eat clean, of course the flavor isn't quite the same as the fried, sugary, fattening things that I was eating.... BUT the feeling after I eat a meal is satisfying. I'm not feeling bloated and fat and lazy. I feel full and proud that I've eaten well for another day.

    Hope you stay on the good route.... good luck to you dear!
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    ^^^^^^^^^ is what My naturally thin, wouldn't have to count a calorie if it bit her on her tiny perky butt sister asked me today. I was enjoying My dinner plate full of steamed veggies and tiny peice of broiled fish. I savored every bite and talked about how tasty it was. She said I was lieing to myself! Lol....I know I was starving and that usually makes cardboard yummy, but are you really enjoying the lower calorie (ie lower flavor food) you have started eating lately??

    I haven't started eating low calorie foods, for the most part. I had marinated carne asada, eggs and fried potatoes this morning for brekkie. I do love veggies though so I enjoy salads and steamed veggies too, but I eat mostly whole foods...with the occasional processed can of soup or something thrown in for convenience.
  • amberrrrh
    amberrrrh Posts: 63 Member
    I think so. I enjoy a really good salad or having a big meal that I cooked all day knowing it's under 300 calories and still tastes awesome.

    BUT would I rather have a big, juicy burger dripping with sauces. YES. But I can't lose weight actually doing that.
    I know that I will probably eat a nice, juicy burger again, but for now i'm totally fine with my healthy foods.
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    There is nothing in the world wrong with liking salad!

    If I have two bowls in front of me, one filled with salad/veg and the other with chocolate and chips, I know which one I'm going to eat. Not because I dont like the flavour of the 'junk food' but because I know how it will make me feel.

    For me, taking a second to consciously think about the after effects of my food choices makes a huge difference. What might be a slightly less tasty option in terms of flavour becomes a whole lot more fulfilling and satisfying because you know you have made a good choice and arent going to sit around feeling like a beached whale afterwards!
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    I love healthy food. Always have. My 'main' diet has always been good - we've always eaten good, healthy cooked meals. Problem is all the other crud I eat in between... :-)

    But yeah, I love good veg, well prepared. I love food.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Hell yeah! I dont eat anything I dont enjoy!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    I'm not sure why you equate lower calorie with lower flavour - most herbs and spices have minimal calories and add fabulous flavour without lots of cals. I think a price of grilled fish and salad that is cooked well is going to have a whole lot more flavour than a bowl of hot chips which just tastes like grease and salt.

    Ignore your sister, you're going to be WAY healthier than her.
  • fuzzimama
    Another who doesn't eat anything I don't enjoy! At only 1400 calories, I would be mad to eat something I didn't like LOL. For the past few days we have been really really busy, and arriving home late and dinner has been rushed, or we have eaten out and I haven't had my normal 1/2 dinner plate of salad accompanying whatever else I have. It's definitely not rabbit food, but I'm always amazed how little calories 1/2 plate of lettuce, tomato, cucumber, olives, capers, dressing is.

    Over the past few days I have made up the calories with quickly grabbed apricots or nectarines instead. They are still yummy, but one of my first thoughts this morning was "Right, definitely going to have my huge salad tonight, because I really miss it!"

    So yeah, I'm enjoying my food.
  • pretty_ribbons
    pretty_ribbons Posts: 154 Member
    ^^^^^^^^^ is what My naturally thin, wouldn't have to count a calorie if it bit her on her tiny perky butt sister asked me today. I was enjoying My dinner plate full of steamed veggies and tiny peice of broiled fish. I savored every bite and talked about how tasty it was. She said I was lieing to myself! Lol....I know I was starving and that usually makes cardboard yummy, but are you really enjoying the lower calorie (ie lower flavor food) you have started eating lately??

    no i wouldnt say i enjoy it, it makes me feel good when i know im eating low calories and healthily but i still think of what i could be eating! and how much more full i'd be lol and when i have something i know i shouldnt i hate how super guilty i feel so when im eating the healthy food and thinking "damn this could be a burger!" i try and tell myself that the guilt that i feel after and the bloated belly is soooooo not worth it, every day that goes by that i eat better is a day closer to when i can actually enjoy a burger (once in a while) and not feel guilty, im learning to enjoy it :)
  • cessnaholly
    cessnaholly Posts: 784 Member
    I really feel like I have learned to like the healthier stuff. I find that when I eat "junk" that I used to eat, I literally feel sick. Not to say I don't still do it from time to time!

    This. i found that my tastes are actually changing and the junk tastes (or at least makes me feel afterwards) like junk.
  • FreshStart89
    FreshStart89 Posts: 297 Member
    I enjoy all the foods I have or I wouldnt eat them...
  • supertracylynn
    supertracylynn Posts: 1,338 Member
    Enjoy eating crap on a normal basis.
  • Sweet_Potato
    Sweet_Potato Posts: 1,119 Member
    but are you really enjoying the lower calorie (ie lower flavor food) you have started eating lately??

    Umm, lower calorie food shouldn't be lower in flavor if you're doing it correctly. In fact, I think lower calorie food tends to be HIGHER in flavor because vegetables and spices are a lot more flavorful than cheese and starches.
  • brookepenni
    brookepenni Posts: 787 Member
    YES!!!! This new lifestyle change has got me trying new things!

    Steamed fish (I only ever ate pan fried before)
    Raspberry Jam!!! (Id never had jam before and used to only have butter on my toast)
    Falafel (OMG - what have I been missing out on.... DIVINE!)
    Falafel in a wrap (hard to imagine, but Ive never had salad in bread before.... and not only did I have salad, but I had a toasted wrap and its fast becoming my new favourite thing!)
    Dips - healthier ones - like roast pumpkin, thai basil and coriander (I never ate dips before, used to only ever have the chips haha)
    Hommus (where has this been hiding all my life!)

    So yes, I am loving this new food. LOVE LOVE LOVE!