What do you eat when you're really hungry?



  • A delicious cheeseburger lol. Just kidding, usually a piece of fruit, pbj,oatmeal or cereal. That usually does the job
  • ryno0618
    ryno0618 Posts: 361
    First, I usually drink down a bottle of water. Then I will reach for a piece of fruit, or carrot sticks, or nuts. After I have let this settle down then I will know if I was just dehydrated and really thirsty, or just needed a small snack, or if my body really is telling me that it is way hungry and I need to eat something more substantial as well.
  • angraham2
    angraham2 Posts: 128
    Protien and Fiber all the way!
  • ZombieSlayer
    ZombieSlayer Posts: 369 Member

    When I'm really hungry, I eat food.
  • meg7399
    meg7399 Posts: 672 Member
    Wow, a lot of mean answers to this questions! Maybe she doesnt understand...I know I dont understand "starvation mode" There are LOTS of days when I complete my food journal it tells me I have not consumed enough calories and my body may enter starvation mode. This is very hard for me to understand! I am FAR from starving! I eat close to 1200 calories, butI am hitting the gym two times a day and it tell me to replenish the calories I burn! I am NOT going to do that...maybe I should eat more, but im satisfied.

    As far as what do I reach for when I really hungry?....I drink some water and eat which ever meal I am suppose to. I am trying very hard to make healthy choices. If I am in the car and not able to eat a small meal I grab an apple or a grapefruit! If im very hungry it doesnt take much to satisfy me. Hope that helps :) After all we are all here for the same general reason. SUPPORT!

    Feel free to add me if you want, I like to think of myself as a positive person :)
    You should ALWAYS eat workout calories back. If you aren't you are doing your body a disservice, especially if you are not eating 1200+ calories. Any grown adult needs more than this and you are not being healthy.
  • polarsjewel
    polarsjewel Posts: 1,725 Member
    I like to chew my own toenails when I get that hungry.

    Haha! You must be fairly flexible to contort yourself enough to get your mouth to your toes...

    I like to eat what is stored in my cheeks or between my teeth when I get really hungry. It saves on packing snacks for the day.
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    Like if you waited too long to eat and you're in starvation mode and you just KNOW your body is gonna store whatever you put in your mouth..?
    "Starvation mode" is not common and is not the same as "being really really hungry". You certainly aren't going to enter starvation mode by 10 am.

    that's just wrong, one time I was like really, really hungry and I forgot to eat my sugar smacks before I went to work and *BAM* right there at like 9:15, I went into starvation mode. It hurt like hell! Then I just got scared and so I ate a twinkie and then I felt better. But it was dicey there for a minute. Oh, and now what am I gonna do if I the twinkie company goes out of business. I mean, I've tried moonpies before and it didn't bring me out of starvation mode, I just sat there starving with moonpie all over my face, it only seems to be a twinkie that does it.
  • For me, it is a big spoon of peanut butter!!! :) 2 Tbsp=190 calories
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,247 Member
    Like if you waited too long to eat and you're in starvation mode and you just KNOW your body is gonna store whatever you put in your mouth..?

    If I've eaten all my calories, I wait until morning.

    Otherwise, I'll usually eat an orange or an apple or banana.
  • Try having a large glass of cold water and a banana, which seems to satisfy me while i'm preparing my meal
  • amberrrrh
    amberrrrh Posts: 63 Member
    I usually eat tuna! or something with some protein in it.
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,271 Member
    I usually eat tuna! or something with some protein in it.

    Ohh ya some Tuna and salmon uncooked of course
  • callherbeautyxo
    callherbeautyxo Posts: 124 Member
    i'll probably end up eating candy or any leftovers in the fridge lol
  • Yea I agree with the nuts thing. They say to basically eat 5 meals a day: Breakfast, Snack, Lunch, Snack, Dinner. That way your body doesn't freak out and get super hungry (and you overeat). I did that for a while when I was on a diet simliar to the South Beach Diet (my doctor suggested it) ..and that really worked :) Plus, drinks lots of water! That way your body doesn't "store" the water ..which adds on the pounds!
  • There are a lot of mean comments on this post! So much for a place of support. :ohwell:
  • Fruit or veggies, they fill you up and you know you are being healthy.
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    There are a lot of mean comments on this post! So much for a place of support. :ohwell:
    Those people don't represent this place as a whole, just focus on the good advice you got.
  • I DO go to the grocery store when I'm hungry. I look at fruits and veggies and think, "that looks so delicious!" Since I have a cart full of yummy food, I can pass up junk food.
  • Sunbrooke
    Sunbrooke Posts: 632 Member
    I'm really hungry everyday after my workout. I like a huge plate of quickly sautéed veggies, some grains if I have some cooked, and a fried egg. Or I like a tuna pouch and half an avocado.
  • heystopthatnow
    heystopthatnow Posts: 1 Member
    I just experienced a sudden wave of intense hunger...to the point of feeling shaky and wanting to throw up.
    (I was feeling a little hungry earlier, but just kept ignoring it.)

    I found this through Google, read through the thread, tried drinking a full glass of water, then ate a few pieces of sliced almonds, but stopped because it only made me feel worse.
    Usually, nuts keep me feeling full but right now, I knew it wouldn't work.

    I had some watermelon in the fridge, I cut off a portion (the size of my fist), cut it in 1 inch cubes, and a slice of cheese.
    It worked rapidly for me.

    It's close to bed time for me and I have an accountability system where I send pictures of everything that I eat to my doctor. I didn't want to startle him by sending a picture of something I'm not supposed to eat.

    The melon and cheese helped calmed my hunger a bit...
    I wanted to eat more, but it was satisfying enough....
    so I just drank some more water, but two huge gulps later, I couldn't stand drinking any more of that...
    so I drank some diet soda quickly. It did the trick.

    I don't feel hungry anymore.