Post here if you hate your Job



  • benodie
    benodie Posts: 231 Member
    must admit I havent read the thread but the title speaks to me . . .I hate hate HATE my job now . . .we were taken over by a new company 3 months ago and they are a bunch of arseh*les . . .Im desperate for another job, but hugely incapable :(
  • elusivezero
    elusivezero Posts: 27 Member
    I work for Animal Control.
    I wish I could afford to study full-time.
    I won't be looking back on any fond memories at this workplace when I complete my degree.
  • jerseynegrita06
    jerseynegrita06 Posts: 71 Member
    I am working with the worst class ever this year & today & yesterday I felt like I hate my job...but then there are moments when they are actually quiet & doing what I asked them to do...or if I let them dance on the carpet...or when we all bond over the sudden appearance of a mouse or a roach that I realize I really like these kids! lol now if there were less interference from other grown ups we might make some progress...
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    Id love to have any job had to quit mine in 2008 to take care of my mom haven t found a new one, I"m losing my house Id love a job to hate
  • dosmundos
    It's not that I exactly hate it, it's just terrible.
    I used to be a dental technician and liked the mostly solitude of the lab. My loss of eyesight in one eye messed that up.
    My current job is as a host in a restaurant. It is TERRIBLE!!!! So many people are rude, especially cause of my accent - coming to think of it - I guess I do hate my job after all.
    Fortunately I am taking some classes in the future and hope to become a computer technician - and I am in my 50is.
  • richmondcowgirl
    richmondcowgirl Posts: 137 Member
    Just made this rant then saw this post and was like perfect... I love one of my jobs... I hate the other. The that I hate I only work there like 2 days a week. I'm floater in a restaurant. I can work any position there. Whatever they are short handed it that's my job except on Tuesday then I'm maintance all day. Yesterday I came into work and got in a fight with my boss about not working fulltime. I don't want to, she thinks being there is a career, not me. So I yelled "F" You across the bar at her in front of customers. So I cleaned the floor behind the bar with a toothbrush (no toothbrush isn't a punishment its the only way to get around the pipes... but cleaning period was). While doing my job last night working on machine maintance (take everything apart clean it put it back together), a customer yells to me "ma'am I'm ready to order" note I'm shoulder deep in a giant machine looking like I'm artificially inseminating a cow. I attempt to turn my head in her general direction and say "a server will be with you shortly". Oh my god this chick blew up! She starts screaming about how rude I am and wanting to speak to my manager, blah blah blah. So my boss dealt with her who was already mad at me from earlier and wanted to talk when I was done knocking up the machines. So we got into another fight about how my priorties aren't right and I need to focus on my job there. Good thing my shifts end on Tuesdays when I'm done with maintance. I left her mid sentence with "eat me", clocked out, walked out.

    Today is my day off... I went and got 2 new cartilage piercings making a total of 7 so far in the ears and one in the chest that is visiable in uniform. Got a text message "Corporate office coming in tomorrow for evaluations. Cover all piercings and tattoo". My uniform is a low cut top and black mini skirt, I have brandings of rose vines up the backs of my legs like stocking seams that they consider a tattoo. If I'm serving you food do you really want me with both ears completely bandaged up, a giant bandage sticking out the top of my shirt and both my legs? Ill look like I need to go to the hospital.
  • glenbabe
    glenbabe Posts: 303 Member
    my job would be okay if it was not for the company that drives us they suck
  • waxon81
    waxon81 Posts: 198 Member
    i work as a valetor and solely handle every single sold and stock car that pass through the dealership. Its tiring, dirty, cold wet and The pay is awful and its literally the same thing, day in day out. It is however a job. And there is nothing locally to go to, i have checked. :sad:
  • Going4Lean
    Going4Lean Posts: 1,077 Member
    I don't dislike my job, I just don't like the people running the company. The owner is jewish and i am not trying to stereotype, but he's cheap .
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    I don't dislike my job, I just don't like the people running the company. The owner is jewish and i am not trying to stereotype, but he's cheap .

    I'm not sure of the relevance of mentioning his Jewishness, if you're not engaging in ethnic stereotyping. Surely if you weren't stereotyping, you would have said he was cheap without attaching an ethnic label?
  • TimWilkinson101
    TimWilkinson101 Posts: 163 Member
    Cant say I'm overjoyed by my job. Used to be a computer manager in charger of about 30 people. Senior management reshuffle meant that germans were put in charge (they own the company) and now I'm a "computer consultant"... which means I spend my time programming... its been a while since I did any of that and I feel slightly under valued. Also have a 120 miles round trip to work.

    Still, its a job, so cant complain....too much. :)
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member
    I don't dislike my job, I just don't like the people running the company. The owner is jewish and i am not trying to stereotype, but he's cheap .

    So you are trying to stereotype...