U. S. Military



  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    Hubby is retired Army. My is son is active duty Army and my son-in-law is active duty Navy.
  • US Army, I'm 26, height is 5'10" and cannot weight over 185 lbs. If I remember correctly.
  • Apologies for crashing the thread, since I'm not in the Military and don't have an answer to the OP's question, but to everyone in this thread.

    THANK YOU FOR YOU SERVICE and HAPPY HOLIDAYS. If you are away from your families I hope you are reunited with them soon.


    I agree, Thanks for serving our country!!! I come from a military family so I know the sacrifices you all make. Thank you from the bottom of my heart and hope you all have a Merry Christmas!!!
  • xsmilexforxmex
    xsmilexforxmex Posts: 1,216 Member

    We don't really have a weight standard unless you're processing in.. for A female at 5'4.5" I couldn't weight more than 160 which was no problem at the time but now I'm hovering right around that and about 2 inches below the Max waist measurement... A desk job with no allotted time for PT is not friendly on the body.
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    I gained quite a bit of weight the two years I was stationed at the AF base. We didn't have time alloted for PT either and and believe me it's just as hard to keep it off when your job is to drive around a flightline, or sit in an ECP or guard an aircraft. Luckily the weather here is good, the gym is nearby, and I've begun to not only lose and keep the weight off that I need to,but I've seen positive changes in my strength,and stamina as well.
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 921 Member
    Air Force~ When joined 12 yrs ago we had weight standards and had to be weighed in annually and at the discretion of the commander. I am 5'6" and my max was 154...however due to no enforced PT, when I got to my first duty station I ballooned up to 172 and was put on the weight management program and was required to weigh in monthly and had to lose 3lbs or 1% body fat each month. BF was done by measuring neck, waist and hips and was highly inaccurate depending on how someone measured you...I got councelled the first month for allegedly losing 5% of my BF when in actually I had lost nothing, just the tape position changed. I was on the program for 3 years and was never able to get down to the required 27% BF b/c my porportions were not condusive to the formual (very small waist and big hips). I finally had to get a waiver after the doctor intervened b/c my BMI was getting on the low side.

    I am now 150 (gained since those days) and back at a unit w/ no PT. However with the weight standards gone, my tiny waist helps me : ) I have seen a marked increase in size of the force however with the weight program gone and alot of heavier Amn who somehow gut out the PT test and barely pass waist measurements (with the help of preparation H and an ace bandage).
  • hello I am a YN3 in the US Coast Guard I will be in 3 years in March and have been a Yn for about a year and a half and will be taking my YN2 May SWE this year, and weight 140 I am 5'7" and am allowed to weigh 175. me and some of the other YN's taped ourselves one day and shocker I would have barley made tape just from my hip mes. I am trying to lose weight with my husband because he did not meet weight for school and also the fact that in my office weight is allways talked about typically more during oct. when weigh ins happen. I dont think they are comp. fare to everyone at all.
  • I have been out of the Army since 1995. I never had a problem with the weight, I was 5'7" and 140 lbs at my heaviest. (140 sounds pretty good now! ) The weight chart was not just height and weight, age played a part too. I thought the standards were pretty reasonable, but I don't know what they are now.