fit and fun sized - those under 5'4" - January 2012



  • aaleigha1
    aaleigha1 Posts: 408 Member
    I am 5 3.5 and joined MFP end of November
    during last year I put on weight after do so well at the beginning of the year
    I collapsed and due to heart and lung damage became fairly inactive
    now I have my walking steps up to an average of 5000 a day - I was awaiting a knee replacement but could not have it due to clotting issues - I am still on hold to have that done
    so this year I will be having at least one joint replacement and more testing on my heart and lungs
    I know that the more weight I can lose the better for my health and for the healing after surgery
    but trying to eat at 1200 and little exercise means the weigh loss is slow
    but every half pound counts
  • babyfatbegone
    babyfatbegone Posts: 42 Member
    I'm 4' 11 3/4". I have recently lost some motivation ever since going to the surgeon and realizing that my torn muscles are always going to make me look big in the belly and I can't afford to fix it. :( I snapped out of it and am going to get back on track. One day I can afford it and I'd like to be in the best shape I can be when the time comes. Feel free to add me as a friend too. :)
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    I'm in at 5'1, just want to be a bit fitter. Started 40 days and nights without booze. Currently on day 8!

    Good luck with today and every day.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :bigsmile: :drinker: Welcome to all the new members….many of you have asked for suggestions, so I have a few.

    :flowerforyou: I just read this in a mailing from AARP and wanted to share it with you. This is excerpts from the article.
    “Stop sitting so much, you’ll live longer……Mounting evidence suggests that sitting for long periods increases the risk of obesity, diabetes, cancer, and early death, even for people who exercise regularly….Prolonged sitting appears to have powerful metabolic consequences, disrupting processes that break down fats and sugars in the blood…..sitting makes the blood vessels less elastic…..”

    :flowerforyou: Maybe this will be useful for those of you who exercise regularly but still don’t seem to be losing weight.

    :flowerforyou: Another helpful idea is to make your food/exercise diary public and log your food and exercise every day. When someone asks for suggestions, it helps if we can see what you are already eating and what your exercise looks like before suggesting things that you’re already doing. Also, if your food diary is public, you might think twice about a day with 1200 calories that includes 400 calories from wine and 400 calories from candy.

    :flowerforyou: Add a new exercise once a week or so, rather than going crazy and gung-ho all at once and then quitting everything or getting overwhelmed. And always consider walking an additional 5 minutes each week or two…….it will surprise you when the minutes add up and you’re walking for an hour and don’t even realize how you got there.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    January goals:
    *keep walking the dogs for an hour or more every morning no matter how cold, wet, or snowy.
    * do yoga three days a week
    *100 squats a day

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."

    "The temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed."
  • fauxfatale
    fauxfatale Posts: 20 Member
    Hi all, I'm 5'3" and have been gaining and losing the same 20 pounds since high school (I'm 35). As others have said, when you're short 5 pounds can be an entire size, and I'm very small-boned so it shows even more. In 2005 I quit drinking and dropped to 120 where I stayed for 4 years; in 2010 I began writing my dissertation and gained 20 pounds through eating a lot of sugary crap and sitting all day. In 2011 I completed C25K which was awesome, but didn't lose much weight as I was still eating out a lot, eating candy every night, etc. I'm sick of not fitting into any of my clothes so this time I am counting calories and giving up sugar short-term because I really have a addictive relationship to it.

    Anyway, this year so far has been great. I LOVE MFP and I'm looking forward to meeting new people!
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Well, I know my friends and family know I am serious about getting back on track and getting rid of these last 20 or so pounds. I got a gift card for a cookbook app for my Ipad that has all the calories in it. lol

    There is so much to do and change to take weight off and keep it off. To not overwhelm myself, I concentrate on one habit at a time. The habit that hurt me most last year was getting out of the routine of daily exercise. So, that is what I am focusing on this month.

    Happy Hump Day! The weekend is almost here.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :bigsmile: Jeannie, you are so right about staying with the exercise habit.....some people think I'm crazy and compulsive about my early morning dog walk but I know that if ever stop, I might stay stopped for too long.

    :bigsmile: I'm really glad I added the 100 squats a day----I can feel the difference in my quads and I love that I can get up out of my chair and do 20 of them whenever I think about it......and I do some when the dogs are sniffing the bushes.

    :flowerforyou: fauxfatale, I found that the longer I go without sugary treats, the less I crave them.....good luck :bigsmile:
  • I'm 5'3" and since last January I've lost 76lbs. I'm about 2/3 of the way to my goal and this year is going to be the year I hit it. I'm also focusing alot on toning since I'm in the home stretch.
  • eellis2000
    eellis2000 Posts: 465 Member
    I was way over on sodium for a good week and over my calories for a few days but I am getting back on track tomorrow. I am going to run.
  • lee3978
    lee3978 Posts: 274
    5'3 here and I struggle with this shortness! 30lbs still to go. I feel like everything is squished on me. I wish I had a long torso!!!
  • So I lost more than my Holiday gain. :-D
  • 2012 is the year for us! Lets make time to take care of ourselves so we are healthy and happy for many years to come. I am resolvied to lose the 10 lbs I want off and they are going to stay off for good.
    Thanks for the support and encouragement that this blog gives us fun sized gals!
  • Just want to check in for the week:

    I have logged honestly every day I have logged. This is very good! I have not, however, logged every day. I skipped Monday and Tuesday this week. Next week I want to log every day!

    I have been picking up my mileage and pace a little bit when walking my dog in the mornings. We don't have much time, and so can't do much more than 2 miles, but we pack it in. We ran 1 mile yesterday during our outing, and I'm planning on another mile tomorrow morning. Then Saturday is all mine for my long by-myself walk/run! Last Saturday I walked 3 miles and ran 2.5 miles. Hopefully it won't be too long before I'm averaging 5-6 miles of running on Saturdays!

    I hope you all have had a splendid week! I look forward to hearing about your progress, struggles, and triumphs!
  • Hello I'm in.......just under 5'3" and I'm am so struggling to get the scale moving in the right direction.
  • JamCubeChi
    JamCubeChi Posts: 378 Member
    Hi Ya'll- I'm 5'1 3/4"-saw the scale heading up to the 160 mark and just had to do something about it! At 9 months pregnant with my 3rd child I weighed 152-so am wayyyyyy over now and not liking it one bit. Of course the age-55 and having had a hysterectomy sure does not help. I'm brand new here-3rd day in & looking for support.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :flowerforyou: junebug, what kind of dog do you have? I walk with my dogs and sometimes try to run a little with my dogs but they get distracted and want to stop and sniff or change directions :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I am retired so I have a lot more time than you do so we can walk longer in the morning. My dogs are standard poodles and never seem to run out of energy.
  • hispraiseinme
    hispraiseinme Posts: 69 Member
    I'm 5'0. I'm having a time getting this scale to move. I've been back on track this week. This year my goal is to get to goal and STAY there. I sure need the support. I just bought a Fit Bit. I really like it. Kinda of challenging myself to move more. I'm really having fun with it.
  • 5'1-1/2" here! My goal is to lose 45 pounds and to run a 5K this summer. Is there a specfic group to join or do we just watch the threads??
  • daybyday
    daybyday Posts: 537 Member
    Well I didn't stay away from the cookies. It's Girl Scout cookies time again & I bought some. I've only had 2 a day however - better than the 6 to 8 cookies I used to eat!! I've actually lost 2 more pounds since last week and my exercising is coming along nicely.

    Happy healthy eating all!!
  • Barbiecat, I have an 8 month-old springer spaniel. We are still working up to running without her crossing in front of me, hanging back to sniff or eat something, etc...but we are making progress. Right now when we run we do intervals of a quarter mile or so. It's fun, but I have to be constantly aware of what she's doing, because she is still very young. Running with her has actually been just the thing to help me get back into running after spraining my ankle!