How Accurate is the Wii Fit balance Board when Weighing??

Hi there,

I just wanted some input about the Wii Fit Balance Board and how accurate it is when weighing you? Do you
think its accurate or the scale is more accurate? I'm asking because I weighed on my Wii Balance Board this
morning and it showed I had lost 4.4 pounds but my scale says otherwise so Im just curious and want to go
by the correct weight. This is the 2nd time I weighed on the Wii fit and it was correct on the 1st time I weighed.



  • are either on a carpet/rug? That might make some difference...
  • geekymom57
    geekymom57 Posts: 176 Member
    My scale weight and Wii Fit weight have never been the same, but they have both been consistent. I would suggest you decide which one you want to use as your "official" scale or scale equivalent and stick with that. As compared to my scale, I weight less with the Wii scale. I think it overestimates the weight of my clothing. Next time I weigh on the Wii I'm going to test the difference between the "light" clothing and "0 pounds" because the difference between my scale and Wii seems to be about 2 pounds.
  • Calif_Girl67
    Calif_Girl67 Posts: 526 Member
    When I use my Reg digital scale its on hard flooring, the Wii fit is on Carpet. I never weigh with my clothes on
    either and I always weigh 1st thing in the am. I just don't want to go buy the Wii fit if its not right, However i love the 4.4 loss
    I saw this am on the Wii Fit :)
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    The balance board is definitely more accurate when on a hard surface as opposed to carpet. Mine consistently has me as one pound heavier than my regular bathroom scale, so I would say it is accurate.
  • Calif_Girl67
    Calif_Girl67 Posts: 526 Member
    Well i just re-weighed myself 2 more times, Once on a hard floor with Wii and then again on the Carpet and I used
    -2 in weight for the clothes and both times it showed i had gained and both time the numbers were totally different
    from when i weighed right when i got up. Now I really don't know which to use because i don't want to be going by the wrong numbers. Advice on this please? Thanks
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    Mines odd! On quick weigh I can get around same as bathroom scales, however on body test I was having to choose -4lb (for clothing, even though I weigh naked) to get same on bathroom scales! But the numbers are usually in the same range by a few pounds as two of my scales.
  • LeenaRuns
    LeenaRuns Posts: 1,309 Member
    Just pick a scale and be consistent. I'm using my Wii fit scale because my regular scale isn't digital and I find it hard to read sometimes.
  • KMSForLife
    KMSForLife Posts: 577 Member
    My Wii Fit Balance Board was always accurate to my doctors office scale. Have you changed the batteries in it lately?
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    My balance board is within .5 lb from my Dr's scale.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    If I have the Wii set properly on my carpet, it gives me the exact same weight as my digital scale on a solid, flat surface. I think it is pretty accurate myself! Did you take into account the weight of the clothes you are wearing?
  • Calif_Girl67
    Calif_Girl67 Posts: 526 Member
    If I have the Wii set properly on my carpet, it gives me the exact same weight as my digital scale on a solid, flat surface. I think it is pretty accurate myself! Did you take into account the weight of the clothes you are wearing?

    i don't wear any clothes when i weigh, I always weigh naked lol.
  • I'm with one of the previous Wii and Bathroom scales never match up but they are both consistent. My Wii scale is slightly more than my bathroom scale but I still use my Wii as my "official" WI because it keeps track right on the Wii!

    I NEVER use the clothing option, I did before but stopped a while ago. I tend to wear the same type of clothing to weigh in (jammies or a tshirt/undies) and select O for clothing. I figure...the scale is similar situation, I'm either lightly clothed or not when I use the bathroom scale.
  • DanceMomCG
    DanceMomCG Posts: 47 Member
    Even on your Wii Board??? You are brave!

    Mine is close to what my scale says.
  • Calif_Girl67
    Calif_Girl67 Posts: 526 Member
    My Wii Fit Balance Board was always accurate to my doctors office scale. Have you changed the batteries in it lately?

    Yes it has New Batteries because i just bought it last weekened. This was the 2nd time i weighed on it since i bought it. The 1st weigh was exact with my Digitial scale.

    Whats the best setting to have it on as far as clothes? I used -2 clothing setting.
  • Calif_Girl67
    Calif_Girl67 Posts: 526 Member
    Well if i go by my Wii board........ Then I have lost 4.4 pounds :)
  • Kaimana94
    Kaimana94 Posts: 165 Member
    I put the WII Fit on a board and it weight me about .2 pound heavier than my scale. When I would use i on the carpet weight was all over the place
  • cbrister07
    cbrister07 Posts: 34 Member
    My wii balance board has always been different than my scales but it is a consistent 3 pounds difference. I continue to use my wii balance board for my official weigh in because when I started MFP that is all I had. I use my digital scales to monitor my weight between official weigh in days. My suggestion is to pick one to use for your official weigh ins.
  • MollyDurham
    MollyDurham Posts: 39 Member
    Hahaha I was having this EXACT same problem!!! I started out using the Wii board because I had no scales. Then I got up one morning and my husband was asking what was wrong with it because his weigh-in seemed to low. So I said "well, let me weigh because I just did it 2 days ago so if it has me right then yours is probably right too." I got on and it showed a 13 lb loss in 3 days!!!! So we put a board uner it (piece of wood that we cut to go under it because when playing on the carpet the board doesn't seem to respond to movements as quickly) and all the sudden I had a 16.5 lb gain!!!! I went the next day and bought us a new bathroom scale! Of course I had to adjust my weigh-in figures so far but at least now I know that what I am seeing is totally accurate! I was a bit preturbed that I wasn't actually seeing the loss I thought I was but I figure I'd rather have the truth so that I know what is and isn't working, than to continue what I am doing and it not be effective! I say us the bathroom scale as your official weigh-in scaleand don't even look at your wii weight anymore! (And remember that measurements are going to show a more "true" result than weight so be sure to keep up with those too!) Hope it helps!!!
  • if you wear light clothes, say just an oversized tee shirt, you can put down O for the clothes settings. That's not going to affect the reading I tested clothes with my regular scale and it didn't even make a .10 pound difference. Also try to weigh yourself at the same time with the Wii just like a regular scale. And put it on the same spot on the floor everytime. I tested mine in different spots of the room and found up to a 3 pound difference. (this is with wood flooring)

    I still use my regular scale as my real weight. The Wii I just do cause basically it will start yelling at you if you don't do a body test for awhile. I do like being able to chart progress on there too. But for me the exercises are a lot more important than the scale part of it.
  • Calif_Girl67
    Calif_Girl67 Posts: 526 Member
    Well this is discouraging lol, i guess i'll just go with what my digital scale says and not the Wii :( Was really syked
    about the 4.4 weightloss.....