Clothes still not fitting better after almost a month :-(

I'm 33, and my ENTIRE life, I have never really worked out consistently like I have for almost a month. When I was younger, I was thinner and working out might be walking, dancing - just not sitting on my butt. In the past, I had success just dieting without exercise, but this time I thought I would try to do both together. Do it RIGHT this time. Try to make this a lifestyle change. Admittedly, the holidays fell in the middle of all this, so the diet had it's ups and downs but for the majority of days I've been under or around my 1200 calorie goal.

Adding exercise along with eating better, I figured I'd see better results than ever before. I expected after a month, my pants would start fitting better around the waste. It's making me pretty depressed every morning to struggle to button my pants each morning. :-(

I've been doing the 30 day shred 4 days a week and Jillian's Burn Fat, Boost Metabolism the other 3. I also make sure I walk anywhere from 1-4 miles each day. It may not seem like a ton of exercise, but for me it's a lot.

Yes, I definitely FEEL better. I have a ton more energy, but losing weight and inches is what I'm aiming. So far I've only lost 3 pounds since the start and pants are still tight. I even found some NEW stretch marks! Like my old ones weren't enough.

I really wish I knew what I was doing wrong. Or maybe I'm just being way too hard on myself? Is my body rebelling or something and eventually has to give in? But when? I want to make this a lifestyle change, but why do all this hard work for no results? :-(

Would love to get some advice and support from you all. Reading all of your stories has been very inspirational to me. I cannot wait for the day I'm able to share my story and be proud of my achievements...


  • takehimaway
    takehimaway Posts: 499 Member
    You didn't become fat in one day, so remember easy does it.
  • missyfus
    And here I'm pissed because my clothes don't fit better after 5 days!!! ( :
    Did you let MyFitnessPal calculate the amount of calories you should have each day? 1200 is not very much. It is possible that you are eating too few calories, and your body is resisting losing anything because it's in "starvation mode" as they call it.
  • MommaFuhrer
    MommaFuhrer Posts: 214 Member
    I think 3lbs in a month is great! :happy:
  • missle30
    missle30 Posts: 40 Member
    You may not be eating enough calories. If you don't, your body will go into starvation mode and will shut down your metabolism, causing you to hold on to everything that you eat. You HAVE to eat at least the 1200 calories every day. And, with the amount of exercise that you are doing, you may need even more than that.
  • SherryR1971
    SherryR1971 Posts: 1,170 Member
    I'm going to wait to hear some answers, because I just mentioned to a girl at work mine are the same way...I would have expected to see some give in my jeans by now :( I am losing weight, but it's not showing in the way my jeans are fitting...I am waiting until a full month after I measured to measure again though
  • Amanda421
    Amanda421 Posts: 261 Member
    Dont loose hope. Give it another few weeks and keep up the great work. I would guess that one day soon you will wake up and your pants will be loose.
  • Abells
    Abells Posts: 756 Member
    eat back your exercise calories
  • hnsaunde
    hnsaunde Posts: 757 Member
    If you've never really worked out hard before, and I know those Jillian workouts are hard because I do them too, it may just be taking longer for your body to adjust to working out again. Remember, your metabolism is probably slower than what it was when you were in your early 20s, so it's going to take longer to see results initially. Just keep at it. Also, how much protein are you eating? I would suggest upping your protein a little bit and see what that does for you. The "easy does it" comment from weeping willow is right on!
  • downsizinghoss
    downsizinghoss Posts: 1,035 Member
    Your body adjusts at different rates. The body reactions are delayed. As you lose weight, once it realizes this might be the new norm, THEN it will adjust. But if you aren't eating enough, it might be holding on to everything it can.
  • slayerdan
    slayerdan Posts: 193
    Quit looking for the immediate gains----thats what led you to be overweight. I lost 50 lbs---50!!!--before I really noticed a change and before anyone else really noticed. Patience....this is a long haul, not a trip around the corner.

  • vjrose
    vjrose Posts: 809 Member
    You are doing fine, however, if you are working out that hard, are you eating enough? Your body will hang on to the input to try to use it for the workouts. Also, working out that hard can cause a lot of water weight, are you taking even one rest day per week? Might want to read up a bit on exercise during calorie deficit and how to balance the two. MFP gives you a built in deficit then if you are creating huge ones (look at your Net calories) I always try to get at least 1500 net. Clothes are fitting way better, not to much on the scale, lol. I can be patient, need to get fit first.
  • CharlieBarleyMom
    CharlieBarleyMom Posts: 727 Member
    You can not (unfortunately) tell your body from which spot to reduce the fat. So just because your pants are still tight in the waist does not mean that you are not making progress. You've lost 4 pounds, which is an excellent job... If you take measurements you'd have a better idea of where the reduction IS happening on your body.

    For me it's been all over... even my fingers! I don't believe my ears have shrunk, but it's entirely possible too! Yes, we all get a bit frustrated when our clothes are too tight... right now I'm frustrated because my clothes are too big and the new clothes that I bought on sale for future wear are not quite ready to be worn by this body!

    Hang in there. Keep doing what you're doing and you will see a difference!
  • Your doing great but dont get to down on yourself yet. It took me to get down about 18 pounds and 2 months before I had to go out and buy new jeans. Yes I agree you didnt put it on overnight, It will take a while to see results but keep at it and you will see them. Before you know it you will be in a lower size but it takes some time. Keep up the good work.
  • n_unocero
    n_unocero Posts: 445 Member
    1) if you've never worked out before chances are your muscles are retaining water to help them recover since they are not used to doing so much work.
    2) you're not eating enough.

    but honestly at your weight you should only be losing 3-4 lbs a month if you are doing it safely and in a healthy way.
  • ncparkins
    Try sticking to less processed foods such as a baked potato, natural fruits etc. I found that works better than consuming too many processed carbs like bread, quick snacks etc. Protein such as tuna and chicken are excellent as well. Good luck!!:flowerforyou:
  • cPT_Helice
    It's really hard for anyone to do anymore than say keep with it to you if you have your diary private. Not saying you should change it, but if there is an issue with what you're eating, we can't see it.
    I will say to make sure you get in at least 8 glasses of water - very important! Also, its not merely calories in verses calories out. That's the simplified version. It does have to do with WHAT you eat, as well. Load up on power foods like raw fruits and veggies and stay away from processed as much as possible.
  • ammiehill79
    ammiehill79 Posts: 31 Member
    I was in the same boat after having my second child. Then I realized I needed to get all the gunk out that was living in my system. I did the Advocare 24 day challenge, which consists of a 10 day gentle cleanse and a 14 day max phase...replenshing vitamins and energy! I was astounded by my results. I lost 7.6 lbs, 6 inches and 2 dress sizes in 24 days!!! Not too mention the amount of energy I GAINED!!!!

    I would love to share more with you if you are interested. This company and its products are truly changing my life!!!

    Message me for detals!
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    If you open up your diary people can give you a better idea of what to change to get better results. As far as working out if you are spending 30 minutes walking on a treadmill then you won't see results as fast as if you are lifting weights, doing circuit training or doing intervals. Took me a few months to lose enough that my clothes fit different.
  • fitaliciag
    i didn't have much results after a month either. it's slow at first, and if you are feeling better, that is what matters. stick with it and you will see it work.
  • kate2004rock
    kate2004rock Posts: 223 Member
    We are right about the same current weight with the same goal. It just takes time....the pounds are super slow to come off, ESPECIALLY when you're well under 200 to begin with. Keep at it----the results will come when you least expect it!