30 day shredders starting Monday?



  • angtodaycounts
    angtodaycounts Posts: 24 Member
    Today will be D3L1 and I am still trying to talk myself into doing it. My legs are so sore...it will not be easy to get through the workout.
  • juli3b2011
    juli3b2011 Posts: 77 Member
    Good Morning,
    Did D3L1 last night and this morning I woke up with a screaming headache and very sore upper body muscles. A massage would feel absolutely wonderful. The workout does not seem to be getting any easier but I am going to persevere. Have a great day everyone.

    This morning was my D3L1, also. Yeah, it was hard today, but I pushed through it. Hang in there...somewhere during the workout Jillian says it gets easier by the 5th or so workout; we'll see. Happy Shredding!
  • DinaRobin
    DinaRobin Posts: 61 Member
    I've done level 1 about 5 time across 2 weeks and this week started to step it up with 3 days on the run. I'm aiming for 5 or 6 times per week. I'm really pleased with the progress though, I have about 40 lbs to lose but have felt my hip bones and definition around the edges of my stomach coming back already! I used 1.5 kg weights, except for the dumbbell rolls, when I use 2.5 kgs. I think the first 6 minutes are the toughest, get past these and the next two sets are easier!
  • Finished D2L1...what I love about this workout is how trimmed it makes you. It's not overbearing, but it gives good definition and trims u down...I've lost 6.5 inches and I've done the 30DS on & off for a month...like 10 or 12 times. Glad to hear everyone is getting into it! It does get easier! Yay for being awesome during the .winter-time when we should be hibernating
  • Can you purchase this online? I am wanting it for my Wii but cannot find it anywhere, thanks
  • Jessica0982
    Jessica0982 Posts: 209 Member
    Can you purchase this online? I am wanting it for my Wii but cannot find it anywhere, thanks

    Amazon.com has it for $6.99 :)
  • Can you purchase this online? I am wanting it for my Wii but cannot find it anywhere, thanks

    Amazon.com has it for $6.99 :)
    can it be used on wii though or is it a DVD, I think I have misunderstood that people were using this on their wii consoles ha ha
  • annanoel21
    annanoel21 Posts: 87 Member
    I started friday when i got off work. I cant wait til when i get up to do day 2. Yes it is a challange but i look forward to it. It is only 20 mins, plus i feel so much better afterwards!
  • 2fit4fat
    2fit4fat Posts: 559 Member
    Is it okay if I switch between 30 DS and ripped in 30? If so I'm in!
    Add me!!
  • pinchy7354
    pinchy7354 Posts: 6 Member
    I am waiting for this to be delivered.....I am scared. Some people have said they cant sit down for days afterwards?
  • I LOVE this workout video, it's super great, and you can see the results! Especially in the legs! I'll join you, girl! We can ALL do it! :) Good luck everyone! Jillian will make sure to kick us into shape! :)
  • bhappy_5
    bhappy_5 Posts: 49 Member
    Hi, I started 30 day shred yesterday, it's such a good workout!!! Feel free to add me!!! Could do with more MFP who are doing 30ds as well, good for keeping up motivation! Good luck shredding!!!!
  • jcmorrison25
    jcmorrison25 Posts: 43 Member
    Just found this thread! I'll start it today, Friday the 13th, why not right??? Anyone feel free to add me so we can whine and celebrate together!
  • nymphis
    nymphis Posts: 59 Member
    I started it today as well. I am still trying to catch my breath, good workout though I loved it. Feel free to add me for motivation as well.

    I also took my measurements and pictures and I will keep track of my progress. I will also ask my partner to watch me tomorrow and tell me if I am doing some of the exercises right, as I can't see myself.
  • AthenaSoul
    AthenaSoul Posts: 9 Member
    can it be used on wii though or is it a DVD, I think I have misunderstood that people were using this on their wii consoles ha ha

    It's a dvd. I got mine from morrisons for £5 when they had a bunch of biggest loser merchandise
  • angtodaycounts
    angtodaycounts Posts: 24 Member
    Question for all those doing 30 day shred...are you planning on only doing each level for 10 days or staying on each level until you have mastered it??? Feel free to add me!
  • managed day 7 today. I had a day off after day 5, I needed it! I hope Im ready for level 2 in 3 more days...the soreness lasted about 3 days when I started level 1!

    Hows everyone doing?
  • I'M IN!! please add me if you're doing this, we all need to support each other :D
  • ruby_red_rose
    ruby_red_rose Posts: 321 Member
    I just started today.
  • Finished D3L1 today..feeling good and my thighs feel super strong! Thank the Lord, cuz I had a crappy binge week. Was over my calorie limit by at least 500 calories 3 times this week, so I'll just be happy not to gain.