How do you squeeze in a workout in a crazy busy schedule?



  • p_m_g
    p_m_g Posts: 5
    I have a friend who's mom is an aerobics instructor. Her motto is "If it is a priority you will make it happen". I always try to remember this motto when my schedule gets hectic. Right now I am also working full time while finishing up my master's degree. Based on my work schedule, I either wake up at 4:15 am to work out before work or work out for a while before class on my early work days. I plan ahead each week so I know what days I will have time to squeeze in a work out. You can make it happen!
  • almost350
    Two ways really find a very high intensity level work out programme that only takes 40mins or so.. or personally something my best friend said to me the other day- "President Obama works out everyday, you can't be busier than him!!"
  • Shanaedunn
    Shanaedunn Posts: 171 Member
    I agree with everyone here! I am a single mother of THREE BOYS yes honey three. I get up at 5am and I dont sleep until 11pm. My job has pilates/ and excersie on Wednesday's and I take advantage of that on my lunch hour. However, I dont have the opportunity nor finances to do the gym nor do I have cable, netflix or the like. I did go to Wal-Mart and spent less than 20 dollars purchased the 30 day shred and two 3 pound weights and got started the total workout is 27 minutes. You have that. You have to push for it. I workout after I have put my children in bed which means that I am beyond tired. But I want this and I have to be all that I am ( mommy, provider, head of house hold....) and still do this. My son got out of his bed the other night and watched me do boy pushups during my set on the 30 day sherd and my 14 year old said " Mom I am so proud of you " thats so worth it!

    I also purchased the Biggest Loser Cardio Max workout another great one less than 10 dollars and you can use the same weights. Change up your workouts. Walk when the weather permits ask people on here who are willing to copy a Yoga DVD and send it to you. If you want it we are here to help you get it! We love you! You can do this no matter how hard it seems in the begining becasue that how it seems thats not what it is......We ALL felt that way but each person on here pushed and found a way.... Any questions ASK we gotcha covered.

    If you have any type of game system they have workout games for that too......
  • hope516
    hope516 Posts: 1,133 Member
    I do a lot of "mini workouts" throughout the day. I don't know how much it really helps as far as calorie burn but it makes me feel better

    1. everytime I go to the bathroom I do a few lunges and squats before and after using the toilet

    2. When I get up from my desk I hold in my abs as tightly as possible the whole time I am walking around

    3. I carry my purse in a manner so that it is almost like I am doing weights with it

    4. i make sure to sit up completely straight and with my abs pulled in at my chair

    5. I park far away so I have to walk.

    nothing too serious and couldn't be classified as a reals day workout but it is helping me tone up some areas...
  • kensky
    kensky Posts: 472 Member
    If I didn't get up at 5 to do it up, I wouldn't be able to do it. I wake up before my alarm these days. It's my new normal way of being. In fact I slept in late today due to work/school being called off due to a dusting of snow (wtf) and now I'm all out of sorts since I have to squeeze a workout in between wrangling these children.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    You can do it. I have three kids, a spouse, two jobs, and several websites to administer. I get up at 7 am, get the youngest (age 6)up, make our lunches, take her to school, go to job #1. Pick her up, come home, change clothes, make dinner while she does homework and I talk to middle child (age 16) about her drama/school/homework. The youngest has sports two evenings a week at the YMCA, so my partner and I split the game/practice time. We get there 15 mins early and one of us goes and works out for 45 mins, then takes over the sidelines while the other goes and works out for 45 mins. On nights she doesn't have sports, I have zumba one night, we do spinning together on one night and he goes gaming while I do the marketing on the last weeknight. I do planks, lunges, and squats in the garage later that evening. When we get home from whatever event is that night, the little one gets bath, story and bed. By that time it's 8:30-8:45, and I sit down to job #2. I work for 2 hours or so, then check my sites, check facebook, watch a show, take a shower and go to bed at midnight. Saturdays we go to the Y and do full body workouts, come home and clean the house and do chores. Sunday is rest and relaxation day. Also the day I spend time with my oldest child and his baby, my grandson.

    I have a planner to keep track of everything, but yeah. It takes a little effort and some rushing around, but it can be done if you want it badly enough.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    if you are really that busy, then do what i do once in a while i really "don't have time." make yourself a circuit, like 15 squats, 10, lunges, 5 push ups. do that every thirty minutes through out the course of the day.

    Is that a typo? Every 30 min throughout the day?? Who has a schedule that would allow for that?

    no typo. i do it all the time. if it takes your 4 seconds to do each exercise, it would only take you two minutes.
  • carolann_22
    carolann_22 Posts: 364 Member
    I do 3 20 minute chunks a day, longer if I find it. I get to work 20 minutes earlier and walk. I walk 20-40 minutes on my break, depending on how much work I have to do. And I have my hubby watch the kids for 20 minutes (but if he doesn't complain I go 30 -40) so I can do Just Dance, DDR, or a video.
  • theoneandonlybrookie
    Another person here who gets up before 5! With work and kids, it's the only time I have.

    After a few weeks of waking up super early, you really do get used to it.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    oh man, i remember the day i did 10 push ups every thirty minutes over the course of 18 hours. craziness. i finished the day with 360 push ups. my chest was blasted!! and yeah, at first 10 push ups was nothing, but the last few hours, oh man did i feel it!!
  • HealthierMe2012
    These are really awesome replies, thank you so much! I really needed the kick in the butt. :-)

    To the poster who mentioned hitting up the equipment resale shop - that's brilliant! A stationary bike is absolutely something I could do while reading for class!

  • jahnlaw
    jahnlaw Posts: 95 Member
    I work long hours in a two story office and can't make it to the gym. Lately as its gotten cold on days i cant go to tbe gym I've started running the back stairs. Up and down in two minute sets with one minute break. Two or 3 sets really kicks my butt and istarts start a sweat and heavy breathing. Believe me that it is more intense than the stairmaster. At other times I do pushups and crunches. Housework using good form can be a productive workout too.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    if you are really that busy, then do what i do once in a while i really "don't have time." make yourself a circuit, like 15 squats, 10, lunges, 5 push ups. do that every thirty minutes through out the course of the day.

    Is that a typo? Every 30 min throughout the day?? Who has a schedule that would allow for that?

    no typo. i do it all the time. if it takes your 4 seconds to do each exercise, it would only take you two minutes.

    Yeah, but not many people I know have daily schedules that would allow anything every 30 min. If I'm in a business meeting that lasts 2 hours, should I just jump up 3 times and start exercising? Or what if I have a 40 minute commute? Stop and do these along side the road? Or I'm traveling for business and the plane ride is 1.5 hours? Definitely not practical for me.
  • kneeki
    kneeki Posts: 347 Member
    I didn't have the time when I first started either. Then I made the time. Your husband and family should understand that you /need/ this just as much as they need you.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    if you are really that busy, then do what i do once in a while i really "don't have time." make yourself a circuit, like 15 squats, 10, lunges, 5 push ups. do that every thirty minutes through out the course of the day.

    Is that a typo? Every 30 min throughout the day?? Who has a schedule that would allow for that?

    no typo. i do it all the time. if it takes your 4 seconds to do each exercise, it would only take you two minutes.

    Yeah, but not many people I know have daily schedules that would allow anything every 30 min. If I'm in a business meeting that lasts 2 hours, should I just jump up 3 times and start exercising? Or what if I have a 40 minute commute? Stop and do these along side the road? Or I'm traveling for business and the plane ride is 1.5 hours? Definitely not practical for me.

    Then don't do it.
  • Sheila531
    I’m still trying to find the answer, like you I have a full time job, and go to school. But you have kids, I have a part-time job. I find it extremely hard to do much of anything forget exercising. I say will get up in the morning a half hour early and work out but after staying up till midnight or later doing homework, I struggle to get up at 6 a.m. forget 5:30. So when you figure it out let me know I can definitely use some help.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    if you are really that busy, then do what i do once in a while i really "don't have time." make yourself a circuit, like 15 squats, 10, lunges, 5 push ups. do that every thirty minutes through out the course of the day.

    Is that a typo? Every 30 min throughout the day?? Who has a schedule that would allow for that?

    no typo. i do it all the time. if it takes your 4 seconds to do each exercise, it would only take you two minutes.

    Yeah, but not many people I know have daily schedules that would allow anything every 30 min. If I'm in a business meeting that lasts 2 hours, should I just jump up 3 times and start exercising? Or what if I have a 40 minute commute? Stop and do these along side the road? Or I'm traveling for business and the plane ride is 1.5 hours? Definitely not practical for me.

    Then don't do it.
    Or do it anyway....
    In meetings, I tighten my stomach muscles up for 10 seconds.
    When flying, I walk the terminal between flights and even did calisthenics at empty gates.
    I performed isometric arm exercises in the bathroom during the flight.

    When you WANT to exercise, you find a way.
  • grapenutSF
    grapenutSF Posts: 648 Member
    oh man, i remember the day i did 10 push ups every thirty minutes over the course of 18 hours. craziness. i finished the day with 360 push ups. my chest was blasted!! and yeah, at first 10 push ups was nothing, but the last few hours, oh man did i feel it!!

    I did that, too, that day (unless he makes a habit of this shenanigan) and it felt wicked! In a good way. Sneak it in. No reason it can't be broken up.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Wake up 30 mins early and workout fasted.