How do you handle a comment like this?



  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Most people don't want others looking better than them so they will encourage you to go back to your heavier/unhealthier ways.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    I hear these all the time and I just smile and say "oh, thanks, I'm still working on toning up and getting stronger" (this is a lie because I still want to lose 5-10 more), but it shuts them up. I suspect its meant as a compliment most of the time, or people just aren't used to seeing you this thin and in their eyes, its too much loss (when in reality, its not).
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    I hear those plus "Hey skinny minnie!"

    I'm far from 'skinny'....but I have lost a lot of weight, so I just smile and move on.
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    I think like any comment from people who care about you, it should be considered carefully.

    Doesn't matter what you look like to yourself in a mirror, are you a healthy, medically recommended weight and BMI for your age and height?

    Here's the current CDC BMI guidelines:

    If you are, then you can inform the naysayers so and happily carry on maintaining. But if their saying it coincides with you actually being UNDER the recommended healthy weight and BMI for your age and height then you might want to consider taking their concerns more seriously.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    If they tell you "you're too skinny", then say "you're too fat"
  • AudgePaudge
    AudgePaudge Posts: 537 Member
    I'm really beginning to hate and resent these comments!! A part of me just thinks they're jealous, but I really don't want to think that they're capable of being that way. I guess just tell them you are doing this for you and not them. If you wanted these snide comments you would ask!
  • lackofnames3
    lackofnames3 Posts: 30 Member
    AS if suddenly losing the amount of weight you want gives us the excuse to go back to eating more again and not exercising! Someone once told me.."YOu can't change how other people are or what they say..but you CAN change how you react to them"...No one wants to hurt the "fat girls" feelings..People can see Im overweight and look my weight! They are just trying to be nice and not hurt our feelings but when we get thinner they think they can just open their mouth and say whatever they want! Good for you for taking control of your do what makes you happy..sometimes we have to try to not be sheepish in our desires.. Put your foot down and they should leave you alone. I had to tell one person that my body and weight was not something we could talk about!
  • mammafrog
    mammafrog Posts: 176
    I think that's perfect

    "You didn't have the nerve to tell me I was too fat then, you don't have the right to tell me I'm too thin now"
  • zoominzozo
    zoominzozo Posts: 92 Member
    It depends who says these comments.

    I tend to find if it's a work colleague I can dismiss it entirely (they're always on diets and it doesn't make a difference) but if it's a family member I'd take hede. My family always have my back.

    With Family I'll always remember when I was little (10/11yrs) my mum telling me that if I kept spending my dinner money on snacks she'd have to make me cut back in other areas (looking back I was an overweight kid) If my mum said she thought I was looking too thin I'd take her advice and probably see a doctor to make sure I was a healthy weight.

    I think it depends on who it is and their motives but if your confident you're healthy then it's water off a ducks back.
  • I just lost 1lb and already getting comments like " your face is going to get to thin" or " your already thin where are you going to lose it" Okay people.... It's like this, were damned if we do and damned if we don't . Losing weight and looking good comes from within us not the critics that don't want to get off the couch and get thier own self in shape. Mine is medical but it's about feeling good as well... So if you look good flaunt it and give them the hand :0) Everyone on this web site needs to be commended for your hard work. Keep on moving everyone...

    "Jelousy is the root of all evil"
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    I have had this type of feedback from friends and relatives as well.

    I have two thoughts:

    1. In North America, 50% of people are to some degree overweight. Because of this I do not think that many people know what is a good weight/size for themselves or the people they know. So, some versions of these comments are most likely well meaning people who do not know better and are gauging size based upon how you, we, I looked before we lost any weight.

    * Subset to #1 - I also feel that once a person sees a certain amount of success. People who are not trying to make any changes feel threatened and make derogatory comments for the purpose of making themselves feel better.

    2. Where I go with my weight loss is completely up to me. Just like I never took anyone's advice about dieting when I was over weight and over eating. I seek no one's input on my goals/directions now that I am trying to make a change in my life. I do not hold any bad feelings towards those who make insensitive or inane comments. Basically, I smile, thank them for their concern and go on about my day. For me, what I think is possible today is completely different from what I thought was possible last year at this time. Who knows what will possible next year?

    If you are working towards a goal and you are seeing success. Congrats!! YOU have done the work and it is YOU who will reap the rewards.

    Best of luck for your journey.
  • 0PhAtDaDdY
    0PhAtDaDdY Posts: 569 Member
    "You're wasting away to nothing..."
    "Be careful, you don't want to lose TOO much..."
    "You're not STILL on a diet, are you? You're thin enough...."

    1. GREAT I'm glad you noticed.
    2. Yes I DO!
    3. Yes I'm still on it...
  • Fayve
    Fayve Posts: 406 Member
    A few people have said this already, but in my opinion, the best thing to do is to fib about your goals a little. Nobody else sees the number on the bathroom scale, so it's pretty easy to say "I'm really not trying to lose any more weight, thanks!" or "I'm just focusing on toning now".
  • LadyOfOceanBreeze
    LadyOfOceanBreeze Posts: 762 Member
    "You're wasting away to nothing..."
    "Be careful, you don't want to lose TOO much..."
    "You're not STILL on a diet, are you? You're thin enough...."

    I'm no where CLOSE to looking like I'm UNDERweight- in fact, I decided to go into maintenance mode,
    rather than lose another 10 pounds-
    because I didn't want to lose anymore- and I'm very comfortable where I'm at now.

    But I find these comments very hurtful.
    Seriously, where were all these people when I was OVERweight, and my health was in jeopardy then?
    I'd make comments about *needing* to lose about 50 lbs......and hardly anyone agreed with me...
    in fact, they said "no way do you need to lose that much weight."
    Sorry, I did.
    And I did.

    And I don't think I look gaunt or unhealthy....

    Just need some advice.

    yes, I totally understand, there's a woman at my work who does this.

    every time she sees me it's another crass remark about how, "horribly thin"

    I look and how I had better, "start eating".....

    and this is even after I turned her on to this amazing website!

    at one point she even told me she

    had signed up, hmmmmm...I wonder???? some folks!!!!:huh:
  • 6heatherb6
    6heatherb6 Posts: 469 Member
  • amandavictoria80
    amandavictoria80 Posts: 734 Member
    Good post. My mom does this to me CONSTANTLY! So frustrating!
  • I actually get this all the time. At home and on mfp
    I am still 15 pounds away from being underweight, but continue to cut so that I can see my abs

    It bothers me a lot more than I admit to really
  • teriojo
    teriojo Posts: 10
    I would not thank them for their comment. I would simply ignore it and talk about something else. It may take a few times, but sooner or later they will get the message.
  • "You're wasting away to nothing..."
    "Be careful, you don't want to lose TOO much..."
    "You're not STILL on a diet, are you? You're thin enough...."

    I'm no where CLOSE to looking like I'm UNDERweight- in fact, I decided to go into maintenance mode,
    rather than lose another 10 pounds-
    because I didn't want to lose anymore- and I'm very comfortable where I'm at now.

    But I find these comments very hurtful.
    Seriously, where were all these people when I was OVERweight, and my health was in jeopardy then?
    I'd make comments about *needing* to lose about 50 lbs......and hardly anyone agreed with me...
    in fact, they said "no way do you need to lose that much weight."
    Sorry, I did.
    And I did.

    And I don't think I look gaunt or unhealthy....

    Just need some advice.

    I have ran into this exact same thing!!! I am 5 ft 6 in and weighed 183 and now I am at 139. I have lost almost 45lbs which for some ppl is a shock if they haven't seen me in a while. I also do a ton of toning exercises so I am sure that my 45lbs gone may look like more gone. However, I know my body and I know I am not underweight or too thin. I feel very happy where I am but if I feel the need to take off another 5lbs I will. I think after all is said and done it's prob a shock factor to some. They are happy for you but don't know exactly how to express it. I have an idea for these ppl. Just say, " you look great". and be done.
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    I would either ignore them until they get the point and shut up, or tell them it's none of their concern. It's about your health & your choice for your body. NOT what they think about it.

    And if it's the same person saying similar things just to wind you up, and it's being said out of jealousy or something... I'd just quickly and to the point let them know you won't tolerate that anymore. Tell them to mind their own business, that you have things under control and that you're happy with your choice.