Nightly dessert?



  • eeapril
    eeapril Posts: 2 Member
    I slice the Chocolate Vitamuffin lengthwise in half put some light coolwhip on it...make a sandwich...wrap in plastic wrap and freeze...then you pull it out later for yummie whoopie pie!
  • emstgm
    emstgm Posts: 117 Member
    I love my nightly dessert when I can afford the calories. My favorite is the Fiber One brownie and a glass of milk. But sometimes I eat Skinny Cow Ice cream bars. Yum.
  • jfluchere
    jfluchere Posts: 346 Member
    Grilled marinated artichokes from trader joes. I'm a freak of nature, but they are better than any sugar dessert.
  • sunshinegirl2012
    frozen yogurt and berries (: yumm! or bake an apple with cinnamon, a little bit of lemon juice, and a few teaspoons brown sugar melted in. so good, and relatively healthy (depending on how much sugar you use, of course)
  • sarahd150
    sarahd150 Posts: 17 Member
    I like to make a 100 calorie popcorn and drizzle it with 1-2 T warm caramel ice cream topping. It's like candy.
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    1 cup frozen blueberries (i like the wild ones)
    3/4 cup nice yogurt. I use Olympic organic full fat plain balkan style yogurt but 0% is good too, not as good but fine.
    Stir. Eat immediately. Like ice-cream but full of antioxidants, not much sugar. delicious!

    If you need something sweeter:

    Frozen bananas put through the food processor or blender until smooth and creamy and sweet. You can add dairy but you don't have to. Make sure the bananas are ripe.

    Or a combination of other frozen fruit.

    It will take some time but eventually if you don't succumb to the sweet tooth it will subside.
  • choccay
    choccay Posts: 32
    Fruit crumble. That way you get serves of healthy stuff, like fruit and rolled oats, but it's not too high in cal and still tastes like a treat.
  • amberrrogers
    seriously check out!!!! I go to that site anytime I need a sweet fix!
  • Lori_Henz
    Lori_Henz Posts: 16 Member
    Ricotta cheese, sugar free cafe mocha powder (sold in the coffee isle at the grocery store) and Splenda, if needed... or Ricotta, cocoa powder and Splenda


    Tastes *almost* like a Wendy's frostie :-)
  • amberrrogers
    I call it my Peanut Butter Oatmeal Cookie in a bowl

    1/2 cup cooked old fashion oats
    dash of vanilla
    dash of cinnamon
    1 TBS peanut butter
    stevia to taste/sweetener of choice
    mixed all together

    splash of almond milk on top.

    i seriously eat oatmeal every day in some form. this is going to the top of my list! suggestion for you... make the oats in the microwave 2and a half minutes with one and a half as much liquid is called for. let it cool in the microwave, then refrigerate overnight. it swells up into this giant bowl of oatmeal! it will have some liquid in it and you can reheat it and then add your mix ins

    Wonderful on a cold night
  • amberrrogers
    I do this for me and my 3 kids all the time. the 2 boxes of mix last for freakin ever! I think I have gotten somewhere in the neighborhood of 20 servings so far with no end in sight
  • b757
    b757 Posts: 61 Member
    I can't do the nightly desert, or I will gain weight the next day, no matter what it is. So I drink water, or maybe have a fruit or yogurt, or a cup of tea. The crystal light to go packets really help with cravings.
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    Frozen seedless grapes. One or two pieces of really good dark chocolate eaten slowly. Sliced apple with about a tablespoon of chocolate or caramel sauce - just dip a tiny bit. If it's "fair" time, cotton candy. Sounds awful, but because it's spun sugar, there's a lot more air than sugar.

    Biggest tip - savor whatever you eat. Each and every bite. So often, we eat quickly and don't really savor what goes in our mouths. It's amazing how satisfying a small sweet can be if you take the time to relish.
  • mammafrog
    mammafrog Posts: 176
    Bedtime sweet tooth is my KILLER!
    3 squares oh Hershey dark chocolate is 45 cal.
    I also like 1/2 cup jello sugar free pudding TONS OF FLAVORS (i some times use my cheese grinder with one piece of chocolate to put in the pudding)
  • bjfmade
    bjfmade Posts: 543 Member
    1 cup frozen berries
    1/4 c silk milk
    1 Tbsp fat free sugar free cheesecake pudding MIX
    1 pgk splenda or your choice of sweetener
    Blend and top with crushed lowfat graham cracker

    Yummy Cheesecake!!!
  • katepan
    katepan Posts: 10
    Grilled marinated artichokes from trader joes. I'm a freak of nature, but they are better than any sugar dessert.

    You are so funny LOL! But your choice is so much healthier than my cholocate.

    I am chocoholic and I can't help it. Does anyone offer Anonymus Chocoholic support groups? ;-)
  • Virginia90
    Virginia90 Posts: 317 Member
    Last few nights I've been eating a whole serving of Granola with bits of Dark Chocolate in it! YUM! Last week, I was eating a small portion of organic plain yogurt, 2 tsp of local raw honey, a cup of semi-frozen raspberries, and a half serving of granola. It was a HUGE bowl of goodness, and felt like a total splurge! YUM!!