who wants to start 30 day shred with me tomorrow??



  • mymeow
    mymeow Posts: 19 Member
    I just finished my first 30 day shred workout and my arms and legs are like Jello, but I feel great :o)
  • bparr
    bparr Posts: 246 Member
    How are you all going to log the workout exercise?
    I was told by others the last time I started Shred to log it as Circuit Training.
  • tessa022707
    tessa022707 Posts: 44 Member
    Day 2 in the books and arms and legs are seriously talking to me. I also need a better sports bra for those $@&! jumping jacks! Now off to work where I stand for 8 hours.....ouch
  • jalysia
    jalysia Posts: 43
    If I can find it on youtube, I'm in!!!
  • I'm waiting for my DVD to arrive. I hope it arrives soon!
  • Woohoo!! Just finished my first day's workout! So excited. DVD was broken last two nights. Finally gave up and ran it on my computer an worked like a charm!

    Really happy to read all the success stories - we can do this!
  • Alm1055
    Alm1055 Posts: 26
    I finished day 3 yesterday and the pain I felt the first 2 days is much better now. However I am very uncoordinated so some of the moves are challenging, lol. I love these message boards because when I dont feel like doing it I come read these and then I get motivated. Also I am new to MFP so feel free to add me if you would like. Good luck everyone!:happy:
  • mochalovies
    mochalovies Posts: 192 Member
    OOOooo I am in, was actually going to start this weekend. Add me! :)
  • I'm in too! Add me!:happy:
  • AmanteDoll
    AmanteDoll Posts: 12 Member
    started this morning wow i hope i can stay with it good luck
  • bex1408
    bex1408 Posts: 39 Member
    Day 3 will have to wait a day for me my thighs are in agony :/
  • erintheinspiration
    erintheinspiration Posts: 229 Member
    Has any one done it?? im thinking about gettting it now!

    I'm doing it right now! Should have started Phase 2 today, but I overslept... Oops! Anyways, I love it!!! It's a total butt kick for a 20 minute workout!! You should definitely pay the 10 bucks to get it! :)
  • hollin40
    hollin40 Posts: 120 Member
    Today was day 2 for me. I love it. I'm sore but not so sore I can't walk like I've been told I'd be. Now, I'm only on level 1. I guess when I do levels 2 and 3, I'll sing a different tune...so far, so good. Add me if you like!
  • Scatterdragon
    Scatterdragon Posts: 225 Member
    I am on day 3 of level 2. Level two is so much better than one, and so much more challenging, but my poor knees are really hating lv.2.


    here is a group, if you are interested in extra support
  • noelslp
    noelslp Posts: 52 Member
    Just finished my first day: wow! I'm so out of shape! It kicked my butt! It felt good though. My goal is to be able to do a real pushup. How do you guys log it?
  • Christinah5150
    Christinah5150 Posts: 73 Member
    Some people log it as circuit- general and others as high impact aerobics. I ordered a hrm and it will be here tomorrow. That's the best way to get the most accurate numbers.
  • bex1408
    bex1408 Posts: 39 Member
    Day 3 done x
  • VRuff
    VRuff Posts: 49 Member
    i just finished doing Day 3 of Lvl 1 and jeez it was hard! i couldnt even sit on the toilet this morning i was so sore! but i dragged my butt to the floor and pushed through, even though i must admit i didnt try as hard as i should have during those push ups :grumble: but tomorrow i will hopefully be able to do a lot more since i figure that by then my body will respond better. i also used my weights (aka 2 16.9 oz water bottles) while i did the punches, jumping jacks, and kicks to compensate the push ups i can't do just yet. it seems i cant even do one modified pushup so my upper body needs A LOT of work....hopefully in 30 days i'll be able to do 5!
  • ginabalch
    ginabalch Posts: 8 Member
    haha, I'm also using the water bottle method ;). I finished day two this morning, and I'm also doing pilates in the evening. My abs are so sore it hurts to bend, and I also shake like a baby deer when I go to sit on the toilet. Glad I'm not alone!
  • I'll be a few day's behind everyone, but I just found this post and I'm in! Will be starting in the morning.