What are you doing this Friday night ?



  • I have an old friend coming into town tonight, so we'll probably go out. Beforehand, I'll probably try to go to the gym to be able to "afford" it calorie wise. Which may be tough since I'm also craving pizza from the pizza post.
  • ladyfox1979
    ladyfox1979 Posts: 405 Member
    Zumba circuit training at Curves then hanging out w/family and friends
  • Movie night with my loves- my hubby and my kids!!!!
  • Robyn_T
    Robyn_T Posts: 540 Member
    Doing laundry at my mom's place. I am all kinds of awesome. In my defense, tonight (Friday) is my Sunday. I work Saturday, Sunday, and Monday nights.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    I am behaving like the good patient that I am because Im battling a bronchial infection/upper respiratory infection for two weeks now...

    Will enjoy a home-cooked meal, the comforts of big pillows, a blanket that covers both myself and the couch, and will lay there and relax - maybe watch a movie until I fall asleep... Cant wait to get back to work, but Im really taking advantage of getting all the sleep I need for sure!
  • CheleLynn44
    CheleLynn44 Posts: 339 Member
    Working. :(
  • webhippy
    webhippy Posts: 4 Member
    Going to the office party of the year. Lots of drinks and laughs.
  • Scarlett_S
    Scarlett_S Posts: 467 Member
    Doing my laundry. It's a wild, wild life I lead.

    Going to the laundromat myself. My washer is broken and new one won't be here til Thursday. FUN!!! Hoping to wrap it up in time to still go out for a drink or two.
  • Fairysoul
    Fairysoul Posts: 1,361 Member
    Game night every friday at my place. It's the norm, however we wilol be discussing finding a new place to live, so thats exciting!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Watching a film and drinking champagne to celebrate my husband leaving his job today.
  • rsdgirl
    rsdgirl Posts: 241 Member
    meeting w/ my sister and others to talk about her upcoming wedding :)
  • Mocha02
    Mocha02 Posts: 96
    <---Gonna go out and have a little fun. :devil:

    Ummm....yea about that... YIKES!
  • DKev
    DKev Posts: 266 Member
    Dinner with my husband and son....meal planning and grocery list making for the grocery in the a.m. Then considering working this Wasgij? I've had in the closet since June.
  • AEB_WV
    AEB_WV Posts: 323 Member
    Thinking about going to a comedy club w/ the hubster.
  • Mocha02
    Mocha02 Posts: 96
    Im at work overseas and its 8:01pm! And I dont get off 'till 4am!! Sooo, I'll be at work on my Friday night!! :grumble:
  • coe28
    coe28 Posts: 715 Member
    Going out with the girls for my birthday :) Steakhouse then a club!
  • ChanyRae
    ChanyRae Posts: 112
    Hockey Night in Canada......hope my Leafs kick some Sabres butt!!!!! :smokin:
  • Goldenwoof
    Goldenwoof Posts: 535 Member
    I'll be meeting up with a friend for a movie. We're going to see "The Devil Inside." It looks creepy, and I like creepy movies. My daughter said it was pretty good, so I'm really looking forward to it.
  • Kissybiz
    Kissybiz Posts: 361 Member
    Doing my laundry. It's a wild, wild life I lead.

    Ha Ha! That's what I did last Friday night. And then I went to the gym and swam laps for an hour. Tonight I'm just going to swim laps. After that, a hot bubble bath and maybe a glass of wine. I don't go out much since I joined the gym... which is good... more money saved to pay the trainer.
  • electricstorm
    electricstorm Posts: 20 Member
    Exercise so I can eat lol then chilling :-) have fun all x