For all the *actual* dog lovers out there...



  • I have three beautiful Aussie Shepherds. Sure..they may think that the cat litter is an all you can eat buffet, but i love em and wouldnt give them up for anything.

    And might I add, they will forever be protecting the house from those crazy murderous squirrels!
  • dezedeze
    dezedeze Posts: 96 Member
    <---- Yellow lab here! Just under three years old (and so still a yellow tornado). We rescued her.

    Best. Decision. Ever!!
  • LethaSue
    LethaSue Posts: 285 Member
    Dogs are wonderful they make the world a much nicer place to live, and if there are no dogs in heaven, I don't want to go there. The people that love, cherish, care for, rescue them are my favorite people in the world!
  • JamesonsMommy
    JamesonsMommy Posts: 771 Member
    I love all dogs, but have a special place in my heart for Golden Retrievers. About the most gentle, smart, playful and sweet woofers on the planet. I'm on my third now. Boys and girls: meet Eric:


    You will never see him without a tennis ball. Seriously. Never. I kid you not.

    Beautiful dog!!
  • sarahmaryfearnley
    sarahmaryfearnley Posts: 366 Member
    I swore I'd never have a little lap dog, but we got one a year ago and love her dearly. She's so sweet and loyal. Her name is Lola. My husband constantly tells her he's going to trade her in for a "real dog" but she sleeps on his lap on all the time.

    HA! My husband jokes with our 2 yr old doberman (Bella) that if she doesn't behave he's going to sell her to the meat man! "I hear they're paying $5 a pound this week for Doberman"
  • annameier8706
    annameier8706 Posts: 417 Member
    We have two pugs, a male and a female, and I don't know what I owuld do without them!! My hubby is in the military and they keep his side of the bed warm when he's gone.
  • Lyric82
    Lyric82 Posts: 119
    My dog is seriously one of my best friends!! He is the best and shows me unconditional love. His name is Keagan and he is a frug (french bulldog/pug)...LOVE HIM!!!!! :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,223 Member
    I have 3 puppies...well none of them are puppies, but I call them my puppies. LOL

    We have a Staffordshire Terrier - she's a 75 lb pillow to my 10 year old. My husband made me get her, when our previous dog had been poisoned. I didn't want another dog and he picked her up (she was 6 weeks old at the time) and boy was I pissed at him. After about 20 seconds I was in love...and still am. I've spent A LOT of time socializing, training, etc... due to her size & breed.

    Our Boston is a recuse (his owner left him in the garage in a kennel). And my daughter has a Chihuahua/Maltese/Lhasa Apso mix - I got that one for free, she came from an "oopsie" litter. My Staffy loves the other two dogs like they are her babies and they love her too.

    I spend a great deal of time working, playing, walking, grooming, and basically taking care of my dogs. I was on vacation for 9 days during the holidays and I spent 2 days just on bathing, grooming, nail clipping, cleaning bedding, doggy cot, kennels, dog pillows, etc.... I could just let them "live" outside, but that's not how I roll!

    I also like the security my dogs provide, particularly my Staffy. If someone is near the house we know about it! LOL

    The only negative is that when my staffy sleeps in my daughters room, she ends up on the bed with my daughter....or my daughter ends up on the floor w/ the dog.
  • khen43
    khen43 Posts: 1
    I have a wonderful 5 year old Doxie named Molly. She "rescued" me when I got divorced and missed my daughter...of course,now I have two daughters, lol. :happy: I cannot imagine life without her
  • sonjawi
    sonjawi Posts: 46
    Rescued mutt out of a high kill shelter here. He was said to be a Labmix, but he is actually Chow chow with Jack Russell. An absolute mama dog. I am also on the "dog-diet": give about a quarter of your food to your dog, and you cut your calories also down 25 % :laugh:

    I really hate to see parvo being so much around here. Dexter got ill the day before we were supposed to drive to north carolina to get him. Of course we paid the 700 for the treatment - we had already fallen in love with him. He made it, but there are plenty who don't. :(.
  • yoshi91610
    yoshi91610 Posts: 177 Member
    I love my dog, he went missing the other week over Christmas (we were away and a friend was supposed to watch him, but apparently her dogs opened the gate and went out and so did he although he never leaves our yard even when we forget to close the gates) I could barely sleep, my husband was about to leave for three weeks leaving just me and my son, we live in a decent enough neighborhood but anything can go wrong. I posted everywhere I could, trying to find him. Luckily the old owners tags were still on him and he was found and delivered to her and her husband, they lived right down the street and loved him (but he was too big for their small house which is how we got him) and we got him back. I feel 100% safer with him in the house, he is good to my son he never tramples on anything, doesn't go on the furniture if not asked, like I said he doesn't leave the yard, he loves to ride in the car, He is a good dog.
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    This is our dog, Lucas (the Golden), and his best friend, Annie (the Pitt).


    There is no such thing as life without massive dog hair and muddy paw prints on that white kitchen floor. *sigh*


    Lucas is an example of a beautiful purebred dog with zero issues that was pulled from the pound (in Mexico!!) by a rescue. Unless you are a tireless protector of a certain breed and incredibly knowledgeable about bloodlines and congenital defects you have no business breeding animals.
  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    2 Boston Terrier's and a Boston Terrier/Pug mix called a BUG. They are like our kids, they wear sweaters and jackets when it's cold and when I say "ready for bed?" They get up and run to our room :laugh:
    Annnnddddd one of em just puked in the kitchen....... :noway: :laugh:
  • I LOVE dogs!! We used to have 4 big dogs (Lucy, Bosco, Gretta and Lucky), but they have all passed way the past year and a half D': It's so hard losing an animal, some may not understand, but they are LITERALLY a part of you family and heart. We recently acquired a new pup named Rosie and she is such a bundle of joy! She's a fluffy little girl that loves giving loads of kisses! lol She has been such a tremendous help in our grieving of our late pups.

    I have also adopted my bf's dogs as my own :D Two pugs, Bazooka (the mama) and Munson (her baby), and Shadow, a Siberian Husky who just loves giving me dog hair present all over my clothes right before I head to work. :P

    I can go on forever about dogs, but quite frankly I really need to get ready for work (and find my lint roller lol). Love this thread! :D
  • grimms11208
    grimms11208 Posts: 146 Member
    I love my baby boy...he is the best thing that has ever happened to my husband and I! We treat him like our kid...I can only imagine having and loving kids since I have had heart swells whenever I see him. He is a 15month old 120lb Cuddly Great Dane
    beer.jpg oh and he likes his beer too! :laugh:
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Dogs are wonderful they make the world a much nicer place to live, and if there are no dogs in heaven, I don't want to go there. The people that love, cherish, care for, rescue them are my favorite people in the world!

  • MollyDukes
    MollyDukes Posts: 233 Member
    I had a springer spaniel boarder collie (picture). After, 17 years of true dedication I had to put my lovely friend down.
    I now have a 3 year old male Labradoodle who i wouldn't change for the world and a almost 1 year old goldendoodle who can be a little bit of an airhead but thats okay because even on my gloomy days, she makes me laugh.
  • alinnert4374
    alinnert4374 Posts: 8 Member outfit is complete without dog hair.

    Isn't that the truth?!?! lol

    I wouldn't have it any other way!!!
  • Theodore Bearington "Teddy Bear" says hi:

  • I love all animals. Sadly i am down to one dog right now. Parents aren't too keen on getting another one when our 14ish year old golden retriever goes. His name is bear and he is the most loving dog in the world. My mother owns a dog kennel and he was one of the dogs that use to board with us and then the family's daughter had a baby that was allergic to all animal hair so they had to give him up and my family instantly sad we would take him. Once you start petting him he doesn't let you get away from him very easily! I love him! :) I also have cats but they are outside ones. I love playing with them though. I can't live without pets, especially dogs! :)