


  • lthomas42
    lthomas42 Posts: 73 Member
    I eat the bars on occasion, but not daily. I like them because they're really filling. I have one at lunch and I'm good til dinner and need no snacks. They're great for days when I'm running late and can't pack a full lunch. I also like the drink powder, I find it actually does give me extra energy.

    Not something I do hardcore, I'd rather eat lean meats and veggies. But it is good for rush days, rather than the temptation of takeout!
  • Adventuretown
    Adventuretown Posts: 120 Member
    I don't do the MLM business end side of Isagenix, but I do use the products. I've been using the shakes to supplement and to help control my caloric intake.

    The products are the real deal, they are high quality, I highly recommend them.

    I'm right there with ya! These products are AMAZING!

    I'm down -29lbs and -36.25" in 2 months, and I haven't been knocking myself out at the gym. I've just been doing moderate/light activity and sticking very closely to the program.
  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    So, a freind of mine at the gym wastelling me that she does Isagenix and that it has CHANGED HER LIFE. She sells it now. But, her skin does look amazing, and she has lost quite a bit of weight. Anyone have any experience with this or similar cleanses?

    It's *expensive*, so I can't just "give it a whirl" like slimfast or whey protein. Plus, anything that takes so long to convince me of what my problem is in the video sets my spidey-senses tingling.


    A woman I worked with did it. She lost a lot of weight quickly. Guess what? The minute she stopped doing it she gained all of it back and more. All that money wasted. They sell it cause it is cheaper for them to buy it.
  • hotelsierra
    dont buy stuff like that?
    Do you really need it?
    I mean, why not do it the old fashion and exercise.
    Lets see....
    Nutritional cleansing=eat tons of fruits and veggies, avoid FRIED and FAST FOODS.
    cellular replenishing and youthful aging=everyday multivitamins

    problem solved!

    Completely agree! !
  • surfyre
    surfyre Posts: 11 Member
    A friend here at work was pushing the stuff and I decided to give it a go. OMG! GAG, CHOKE, SPIT... I can't remember exactly, but you get these little wafers that are like soylent green. You might as well eat some chalk... TheN you get 5 almonds... I think you do this three times a day. And then you drink this stuff that tastes like spoiled prune juice and I had to hold my nose to drink it. Mind you, I am not a picky eater AT ALL! Literally, that is all you get for 3 days and then you get a shake and those aren't very good either...

    My gag reflex is kicking in right now just thinking about it.... GAG, SPIT

    Thankfully, someone else at work wanted to try it and they bought the leftovers of my soylent green cookies and prune juice.

    Its a heavily pushed MLM and you will get bombarded with emails and phone calls.. Sigh.

    Mind you, this was my own personal experience... COUGH GAG....
  • andrew_scardina
    andrew_scardina Posts: 4 Member
    edited February 2016
    It cracks me up how hesitant to change people are...... i was 270lbs, myfitnesspal, eating properly, and excercising got me to 240. I went on one of these nutritional programs, and I happily sit at 197 now. Im the type of person who needs to be told exactly what to eat and when, or I would deviate from the "good foods." And the calculation someone else gave for under 10 a day is about right. I'm not breaking the bank anymore than I already was eating good foods. Also don't think anyone has told me I have to sell their products for them. Just my .02
  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
    edited February 2016
    dammit, I fell for a zombie thread.
  • mistress8956
    mistress8956 Posts: 265 Member
    I tryed isagenix about 2 years ago, I had lost about 60 prior to trying it and had hit a stand still w my weight loss, and though maybe isagenix would help me get past it. Well the shakes were all disgusting, like it made me gag to drink it. The bars were pretty good, I especially liked the lemon one. I followed to program 100% for 30 days, and lost about 12 lbs. BUT I couldn't stop going to the bathroom, to the point I was worried I was going to have an accident!!! There were a few days where I even had to call out of work! If you google review for isagenix you will see a lot of reviewers with the same issues. Also the first meal after doing the two day cleanse is EXPLOSIVE. So basically just stay in your bathroom for a month. When the 30 days was over I went back to how I was eating before ( still very health and counting calories) and guess what?! Gained all of the weigh back that I had lost, I think that all it did for my was completely dehydrate my body. I would not recommend this at all. And to those saying that it's not that expensive, your silly.