My calorie goal is 1240, but I have trouble getting there!



  • sarah829522
    Smoothies in the AM - you could add protein powder to it, even two scoops if you're already doing 1 scoop. Add a banana along with the berries.
  • KXanthos
    KXanthos Posts: 189 Member
    Nuts are great! Pistaccios, almonds, peanuts...they'll add calories and they are a great source of protein. I'd caution you against low carb diets though, I've done low carb several times and while I do lose quickly, I also gained it back quickly. Low carb is a GREAT way to lose, but it doesn't provide the education you need to keep it off....
  • kjh1204
    kjh1204 Posts: 24 Member
    I actually have the same problem most days. I now usually snack on oat cakes with avocado as that really boosts the calories but is still healthy and fully of good fats, or nuts for the same reason. Do you like oily fish? Having some trout or tuna instead of red meat will help.
  • djkshdfd
    djkshdfd Posts: 443 Member
    I have to roll my eyes when I see these topics. Really?? People have a hard time eating? How did they get overweight in the first place?

    Amen. Like I said earlier, just add something in that you used to eat before that led to your intial gains. That's what I do on big exercise days to get enough calories.

  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    Wow, one would think that posting on here would bring support and encouragement. Not sarcasm and rudeness. Probably the last time I post on here.

    Thanks to those who answered kindly, it's very appreciated.

    Don't take rudeness personally, some folks just don't realize it is hard to read the written word and understand intent. Please open your diary so folks can see what you are doing and offer some real suggestions. If you like milk, drink some, Eat other kinds of nuts. Make sure you eat several snacks during the day (I eat 6 times a day), there are lots of ways, just sometimes it is hard to think of them. Have dessert, it won't hurt if you just have a small portion. The way you are eating now needs to be the way you are willing to eat the r est of your life (only in slightly different portions). If you think of it that way it becomes a little easier. Good luck hun.
  • sdailey4
    sdailey4 Posts: 56 Member
    Perhaps but this thread gets posted multiple times a day, EVERYDAY and there is a reason why people were overweight to begin with, from eating too much! Therefore it's hard for those of us who have a healthily lifestyle to listen to people who were eating 3000+ cals a day and now can't hit 1000. Just making a point in defense of the person who wrote the comment you have deemed to be rude - I'm not personally attacking the op.

    Actually not everyone who is over weight has been eating over 3k calories a day, some have made it by on 500-700 w/ binge days of even 1200 and the body stores every single bit of fat that is taken in b/c it is fighting for survival. So please don't assume you know where everyone is coming from :)
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Mix vanilla protein powder with chocolate milk. Around 300 calories and about 35g of protein. And deeeeeelicious!
  • nnapieralski
    nnapieralski Posts: 132 Member
    And no, this isn't a plea for attention. I was hoping that people who respond positively and actually help me to do better. And most of you guys have. Thank you. But for those who have been rude, belittled my asking for help, or questioned what I'm's that kind of attitude that makes people reluctant to ask for help in dieting and weight loss.

    I've been doing perfectly okay on my own....guess I'll have to stick to that.
  • beckipercy
    beckipercy Posts: 160 Member
    Happens to me quite often actually. Never sure how it has happened, but it does. SO, I just treat myself :)

    Have something like wotsits or walkers sunbites, not overly bad for you, but not great either. Or make your calories up with drinks, hot chocolate or fresh fruit juice?
  • wonca
    wonca Posts: 81
    If you're still having problems adding the calories and need another suggstion, try a couple protein bars thrown in with your snacks and meals. The one's I eat at 400 calories each, but I know there are one's out there around the 200 calorie mark.
  • eve7166
    eve7166 Posts: 223 Member
    I totally feel your pain... I use to eat BAD food which I no longer eat... and eating salads with chicken I can not seem to make my calores... i eat a yogart for bf about 190 calories... and eat two salads or chicken with some veggie for dinner and a pudding for snack..averg about 1100 calories.. yesterday i even drank half a sprite to get some cals in abd went over on sugar! ahhh
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    My calorie goal is set at 1240 a day. However, by the time I finish dinner on most days, I'm only up to 800 or 900. That includes three meals and two snacks. I finish the day full, but I'm worried that I'm not getting enough calories. I've been eating a lot of turkey products (ground, bacon, etc), chicken, and vegetables since I'm staying away from white carbs. Do I need to eat more red meat and dairy products?

    And yes, I do try to stick to a low-carb plan.
    What is so hard?
    Eat a burger, peanut butter and jelly sandwich or something - anything to get your calories up.

    It's not like we suddenly forgot how to eat.


    Its not overly rude, its true!!! 1200 calories a day is NOTHING!! and seriously how can 3 meals and 2 snack equal 800 calories!!??? are the main courses water?!

    I'm not saying it's not true?!!?!!!! I'm saying the way he said it was rude!~!!!?!?!?!!!! -___-

    Yes I expect everything anyone ever says to me to be sugar coated a delivered with a hug! And possibly a kitten.
  • sdailey4
    sdailey4 Posts: 56 Member
    And no, this isn't a plea for attention. I was hoping that people who respond positively and actually help me to do better. And most of you guys have. Thank you. But for those who have been rude, belittled my asking for help, or questioned what I'm's that kind of attitude that makes people reluctant to ask for help in dieting and weight loss.

    I've been doing perfectly okay on my own....guess I'll have to stick to that.

    I got this same kind of response when I asked for help it was mixed, and I have added the healthy fats as some have suggested. My friend that I started this journey w/me came from the side of eating 5000 plus calories a day, and has dropped 20lbs to my 15 and she dropped it in about 3 weeks vs my 3 months b/c I am trying to repair my metabolism from years of being told by my dad that I was too fat and didn't need to be eating (whatever it was regardless of its nutritional content) and constantly told I was doing everything wrong. I would accomplish many days not eating or drinking until dinner...and now being a stay at home mom that influenced my son who is almost 5 into a similar eating pattern which is one of the biggest reasons I am striving so hard to change it. So just keep your head up high take the good advice given and leave the rest where it is...
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    Treat yourself - Have a glass of wine. :)
  • Pocket_Pixi
    Pocket_Pixi Posts: 1,167 Member
    I'm not saying it's not true?!!?!!!! I'm saying the way he said it was rude!~!!!?!?!?!!!! -___-

    Yes I expect everything anyone ever says to me to be sugar coated a delivered with a hug! And possibly a kitten.

    Kittens would be nice... maybe even a puppy.
  • allysabee
    allysabee Posts: 123
    I think the best advice would come if your diary was open for people to look at and make suggestions.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    But to answer your question:

    This situation is a bit harder since you do not like so many foods. But I think I can help you! Since I have had to do the same a few times.
    Do you like squash, and what other veggies do you normally eat? Garlic? Do you like any other sort of nuts? Do you have protein powder?
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I have to roll my eyes when I see these topics. Really?? People have a hard time eating? How did they get overweight in the first place?

    That is an ignorant thing to say. Do you belive in starvation mode? I gained 100 pounds and I was not over eating that might have been YOUR problem but not everyones
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    I'm not saying it's not true?!!?!!!! I'm saying the way he said it was rude!~!!!?!?!?!!!! -___-

    Yes I expect everything anyone ever says to me to be sugar coated a delivered with a hug! And possibly a kitten.

    Kittens would be nice... maybe even a puppy.

    My kitten had better be ribbon wrapped or I might wail and cry.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    I have to roll my eyes when I see these topics. Really?? People have a hard time eating? How did they get overweight in the first place?

    That is an ignorant thing to say. Do you belive in starvation mode? I gained 100 pounds and I was not over eating that might have been YOUR problem but not everyones

    So you gained weight from the calories in the excessive air you breathed? Or too many calories in water? I'm confused.