For all the *actual* dog lovers out there...



  • EricNCSU
    EricNCSU Posts: 699 Member
    Here's my dog, a spastic little Yorkie but I love her.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    I have 3 cats and 3 dogs, miniature daschund, jack russell, and bordie collie ;) the best combination! no idea what my cats are... i also have 1 fish, we used to have 3 and we have a feeling this one fish killed the others... :noway:

    My life would not be complete without my pets!
  • Photo12161556_2.jpg


    This is my dog Victory. Had her as a young puppy and now she is 11 years old. I LOVE her to death. She is half golden retriever and half chow chow. She's amazing and even though she is getting older every day she loves to run around and take walks. :heart:

    *oops i don't know how to resize the photo!*
  • auntdeedee87
    auntdeedee87 Posts: 706 Member
    I have an a fur baby I adopted from the shelter about two years ago.
    She's a Dalmatian/Boxer mix and absolutely gorgeous, people stop me to ask me what I paid for her, and I roll my eyes.

    She loves to run, flirt, and unfortunately-- kill cats.

    I'd post a picture if I could remember how.
  • I just joined today and am excited to find other dog lovers! I have two inside dogs, My Isobella, a dust mop with a tongue (****zu) and Phoebe (a poodle/something mix) Those dogs are my constant companions. They never complain and are always there to greet us at the door when we come through it, even if we just stepped out on the porch! Such wonderful Pictures everyone posted of your furfamilies!
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    We have two pugs, a male and a female, and I don't know what I owuld do without them!! My hubby is in the military and they keep his side of the bed warm when he's gone.

    This is why we got our first dog, a wheaten terrier we named Oswald. He was my roommate/guard dog/cuddle buddy for 10 months. I love our other dog but me and Ozzy have just been through a lot together in his short life. My husband is away doing some training right now and both dogs have been sleeping on the bed... shhh... don't tell dad! :wink:
  • auntdeedee87
    auntdeedee87 Posts: 706 Member
    I have friends who think I am crazy because I know in my heart that my dog Neo, who passed on Memorial day in '10, sent my new dog, Paisley, to me.

    But it's true.
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    Raychal came into our lives 20 years ago when a kid I worked with had to get rid of her very well trained 6 mo old golden lab puppy. I really didnt want a dog as I had 3 little kids and 2 full time jobs. Actually, I almost gave her away 6 months later for this reason.

    I am so very thankful I didnt. She was with us for 15 yrs or so. She lived so long, and so healthy it was a shame I let her stay for another few months because I just was not ready to let her go:cry:

    My son came home with an Australian Shepherd (in av) named TB (rolls eyes, dont ask). TB is sweet, loving and so dangum smart. I stink at training, but she is so quick to learn even I can do it:wink:

    When Rach went home to hang out with my Mom on the other side,it was horrible. It is hard being alone through something like that. I just went in my room.

    TB just sat next to my bed, with her head on it-looking at me. I sobbed and she put her paw up.......I swear it was like slow motion (I am crying as I write this) she slowly came up next to me, full length of my body.................and lay there perfectly still all afternoon and into the night.

    That dog saved my heart:love:

    My son was supposed to take her home. He calls for an awkward conversation. He starts to talk and I cry :sad: please don't take her!!! He laughs:laugh: I was hoping you would say that, the apt doesnt allow dogs!!

    She is my best friend. This past year and a half have been filled with sickness, sadness, craziness and loss..........through it all she is right there!

    If not for her I would have gained back every ounce I lost. Instead I am on my way down again.

    I love that dog with all my heart:heart:

    This entire story made me cry :( I am so sorry for your loss, and at the same time I am happy that TB came into your life <3

    aww I just cried too! beautiful!!
  • acstansell
    acstansell Posts: 567 Member
    This is my baby boy - I saw him first when he was 4 weeks old and got him when he was 6 weeks old. He's stubborn and can be challenging, but I wouldn't trade anything for him. He's stolen my heart. He is my first dog as an adult and my first large breed. 70lbs of squirrley love.

    Meet Teller, my 3 year old Lab/boxer mix

  • I have lots of dog hair on my outfits too. But I have such a lovey dog. It is worth it! She also makes me go for walks. She crys if I don't take her for her walk soon enough
  • Mrs88hurst
    Mrs88hurst Posts: 13 Member
    We have 2 beautiful puppies still at home. We have a purebred female Doberman that will be 10 & a male Doberman/Collie mix that will be 12. I'm still mourning the lose of our purebred male Doberman that we had to put down due to illness almost 5 years ago. Our mix loves to play & still acts like he's 2 but our Dobe has always been a bit of a lazy 100# lap dog, lol.I love to see their different personalities everyday & the new things they'll do. I feel sorry for those that have never given a dog a chance to brighten their lives!
  • ChellieIrish
    ChellieIrish Posts: 593 Member
    Ha ha came back to add some family pics some really cute kids here :heart:

    Adding some pics :bigsmile:

    My 3 girls enjoying some icecream in the garden :laugh:
    Mollie, Bonnie and Lacey Lou

    My 2 kittens
    Oscar & Tasha
  • cdngirl71
    cdngirl71 Posts: 2,641 Member
    These two are my mom's puppies, love them!! Charlie and Checkers

  • finding_my_way
    finding_my_way Posts: 174 Member
    as a proud mommy, I had to share a few pics of my fur babies...

  • Mustangsally1000
    Mustangsally1000 Posts: 854 Member

    My nephew Irish Setter Tulsa
    Owen Charles (blonde)
    Luci Grace (black/tan)

    Tulsa's head is a big as my entire dog!! :D
  • I agree 100% with riverside though it would be nice if the darker clothes I do wear were a little less hariy! :bigsmile:
  • Tdk4685
    Tdk4685 Posts: 293 Member
    I am a dog person. I have had dogs all my life, and all but one of them have been rescued. Everyday when I come home from work my two dogs are waiting at the door for me to greet me. It is a nice feeling to have such devoted friends. :smile:
  • MaryB2
    MaryB2 Posts: 331 Member
    it is hard when a foster gets adopted but it is so worth it. I hope they keep you updated on how she's doing. I had a German Shepherd that I fostered for 3 weeks before he was adopted. He was one of my fosters I had gotten really attached to and I couldn't stop crying when I drove him to his new mom and dad. That was a year ago and I still get emails with pictures and updates of how he is. It helps to see him happy! Thank you for fostering, it's not always an easy thing to do.
    Dolly, the white dog I posted in the yellow t-shirt, was adopted today! I cried when she turned to look at me as we were walking to their car, and then she was looking over the back seat at me watching me walk up the driveway. :( She's going to a great home though, and she has her own little girl to play with now, so I'm very happy for her!
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    5 Dogs, 6 cats, 3 horses & pond full of fish. We love our furry friends. Don't have anything that doesn't have fur on it. We vacuum daily, but the floss is free at our house.
  • Starla_
    Starla_ Posts: 349
    These are our two girls, The light husky is my baby, Nina, and the dark husky is my husbands girl, Samara. Samara was a rescue and Nina we have had since she was 8 weeks old.

    I've had dogs all my life but after owning huskies I dont think I could own any other type. They are amazing dogs and well worth all the hard work.
